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 Jan 2014 maybella snow
my patience is growing weak and thin
and i'm getting sick and tired of everything

nothing makes sense; it's all a blur in my head
words do nothing but hang stale in the air
and i don't know how to start from here

i can try to pull myself together
but is it even worth it
when i keep falling apart?

my efforts keep getting wasted on
the never-ending and unrelenting
struggle to be free

my feet are chained
my mind's a cage

i don't know where to go,
or how to begin

i feel so numb

i've really tried keeping it together this week
but i'm falling apart at the seams

it's starting to smell like giving up in here

it's starting to smell a lot like fear.
 Jan 2014 maybella snow
mom played dave matthews
on the way home and sister, sister
hummed softly while i considered the
things I never thought would
happen this year and the sky was
green and orange and blue
green and orange and blue
till it reached the mountains

This year, I actually feel older.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

goodbye, 19.
I still think it was a dream.
Convinced actually.

If it weren’t for the warm of her kiss,
Or the bumps on her belly,
And the shape of her face,
I’d still believe it was fake.

For days it seemed I stared,
And she let me.

I learned her, far better than ever before,
She is more.

She is both a dream and a reality,
An Angel and a human.

She exists,
You see.
I'm still struggling to comprehend it actually happening.
 Jan 2014 maybella snow
Kiss me, take me, tame me.
Or make me a tigress, your choice. Your mind and body can shape me, mold me into a
Marble sculpture of the perfect woman with battle scars and black eyes.
Ruby lips, but my name is not Snow.
My skin is not flawless because of scars from fire and nails.
But you do t notice. You say I am beautiful anyway
With the frozen skin on my back, despite the heat radiating from my breast.
Closer, closer.

A moderate pace, the thrum of the trees hibernating, but alive,
Just like the memories that I have murdered and buried in this snow.
I recognize that flake, that little twig that fell, the lipstick stain on your neck.
I use words and actions that repeat, but only because I would hate to lose them.
Lose you.
Closer, closer.

"Don't leave me. Save me, I am getting colder!"
Explicitly, you come to my rescue, the mood changes.
**** me.
It's dark, we are alone. The mood changes.
Don't listen to her! She is crazy, out of controll!
She wants what she can't have...
Trust me, I know. I want it too.
Closer, closer.

The mood changes.
The snow melted.
 Jan 2014 maybella snow
 Jan 2014 maybella snow
the smile you give me
leaves me hanging
on the whim that is us
and i cannot let go
because you and i
are a beautiful
the inside of your mind must
be a beautiful place but you
never let me in, never let
me see, never let me
learn, never never
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