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353 · Mar 2014
Max Alvarez Mar 2014
The tangle climbs
Up my vertebrae
Roots in my spine
And bears fruit in my inverted mind
350 · Oct 2014
Cicatriz (View In Negative)
Max Alvarez Oct 2014
W I C K E D  T H I N G S
Housed in comfort
The ghost with wet black hair
Sings in the mirror
To a love in despair

H O L Y   T H I N G S
Planted in keys
The woman in white
Stands at the altar
Turns and runs away
350 · Feb 2016
Max Alvarez Feb 2016
Hey, um,
This is gonna have a bit of a blue feel to it
Because I'm in my ******* feels again
But what's new.
I'm a nice dude with a big heart,
Like the kind that calls her a work of art
Or the type to call this **** a "spark".
Honestly, **** that.
Always with my heart on my sleeve
Just to have her leave.
347 · Feb 2016
Love Letter
Max Alvarez Feb 2016
What I can't say I align into lines
Because you, again, give me the cold shoulder.
And these words, how they smoulder.
So it's just me and the night
And whatever music feels right.
Alabama Shakes hits the spot.
I can't count how many times I've told this curious tale of a boy who fell in love with a girl just to have it all end in tears.

A few days pass and I'm in my room on a chair
Music playing though enveloped in silence
And the blue-green walls
And stained wood furniture
Start to drip their colors and I do too
My world is a monochrome setting
Like a sitcom in 1942.
If only you would walk through
That door and these colors restore
For you are the paintbrush of god
And life without you is a bore.

It's been days and I wonder
If another one with a silver tongue
Spoke of your beauty-
Your eyes and how you part your hair
Would you listen eagerly?
Can you easily forget me?
Would you buy in to his success
And how much he is a better man?
Written in November of 2015, I no longer feel these sentiments towards aforementioned subject.
333 · Jun 2016
Max Alvarez Jun 2016
I beg you
Peck my eyes,
Oh fair Raven in the sky.
324 · Aug 2015
Summer Love
Max Alvarez Aug 2015
Played like vinyl
Scratched and on repeat
Simply a way to pass the time
You were bored
And you liked my words.
My favorites are "****" and "you"
Though they taste better when strung together.
Really, I'm doing fine
Just sitting here watching the wheels go by.
I do and don't regret
So I'll easy forget
And easier yet
Pick at my skin
Until there's none of you left.
314 · Jul 2015
Max Alvarez Jul 2015
I like to think myself akin to the fevered nightingale, fallen from tree, in every way the same, from broken wing to broken beak. As I lay dying, I bellow out a sullen shrill, let the darkness carry as it will. Does the night know that it is my only light?
311 · Oct 2015
Monday (pt II)
Max Alvarez Oct 2015
Last night I dreamt of you
Your words were oh so sincere
Swearing they were true
The way they fell in my ear
This time it was Blue
God I wish it was real

I need something to hold on to because I'm drowning
And the more I try to stay afloat
The salty water, dark and blue
Seeps its way into my throat
310 · Oct 2015
Sweet Tooth
Max Alvarez Oct 2015
It's often said
"If she returns, it was meant to be"
This makes thrice
Because I'm so ******* nice
And the grip you have on my heart in vice
But ******* lo, what light through your window breaks
I'm just a moth to flame
Frequently burned, and the salve is pain
You're my worst habit
Words from a cigarette addict
I could put it out on my arm
Even though I don't self-harm
But good God, my mind's a swarm
And even though your red stained lips drip venom into my soul
Baby, I can't let you go
'Cause every time I close my eyes
That perfect night replays in my mind
You and I held tight in that candle's light
And every other sight
Your hand in mine
And the way our lips would fight
Every bone in my body aches
Every time you say you can't stay
The thought of you many miles away
Feels like every atom in my body split in two
'Cause all I really need is you
My motivation
The only explenation I need when I look to the skies for the answers I seek
The only anchor in my life that is a roaring sea
I love you, but you don't love me
304 · Jul 2014
Max Alvarez Jul 2014
I grab a stick of nicotine
Light the end
Feel the smoke brush my teeth.
"Max, the unlovable"
I've come to know
The agony that befalls
The last leaf that winter dawns.
303 · Oct 2014
The Artist
Max Alvarez Oct 2014
My eyes can't befall
She who bears a name like Fall
Because I just might like her,
I can't love her
That was years ago
When I held her close
And we sat by the pond
It was a chilly night
But neither wanted to go home
So we talked
And we talked
And talked
And talked
I did what I could to make her laugh
To see that smile
And the way she crinkled her nose
And the way her freckles danced
In the moment I froze

But I don't love her,
I don't even like her.
That was years ago.
291 · Mar 2014
Max Alvarez Mar 2014
It is true
I loved her too much.
But do you say the same,
When the moon chases the sun?
264 · Dec 2015
Max Alvarez Dec 2015
Sometimes I wish I was like those people who
Can **** whomever they please
And continue about their life
As if nothing ever happened
261 · Jun 2015
Max Alvarez Jun 2015
These days there's a recurring theme
It's 4 am
I'm lacking sleep
And losing dreams
245 · Jul 2015
Max Alvarez Jul 2015

I don't see you enough
I don't feel you enough
I don't hear you enough


I crave your face
I crave your hand
I crave your voice
222 · May 2014
The Moon
Max Alvarez May 2014
As I lay in this darkened house
At the end of a snaking hall
I count
And recount
The times my heart was
And scarred
And left to rot
By the most beautiful fall
Her name akin
All I needed was the closest friend

To whom shall I belong?

She can have it all
My gentle hands
Or a firm grasp
A poor beard
Or a close shave
Needed space
Or a warm embrace
And on her lowest days
I'd wipe the tears from her face

I'd be the man you've read about
The man you've dreamt about
I'd pluck the stars
And the moon draw nigh
Just to see you smile

Often I entertain
The thought
I wasn't meant To find
She who
Finds a way
To calm the violent waves
That plague my mind
219 · Mar 2018
Max Alvarez Mar 2018
Desenreda las venas y verás
El de adentro es lo mismo de
Las estrellas
Siempre revolviendo
Furthering myself I string along in wound tapes
Verily, wearily
Alcanzando espejo
Desenreda las venas y verás
El de adentro es lo mismo de
Las estrellas
206 · May 2014
Max Alvarez May 2014
"I need some time
To think about
My life without you"
Said the puppet to the string
198 · Dec 2015
Max Alvarez Dec 2015
You don't know what love is
192 · Nov 2017
Light My Fire
Max Alvarez Nov 2017
Do you remember when the matchstick lit and touched the candles wick?
166 · Mar 2014
Max Alvarez Mar 2014

Make me

To be



— The End —