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4.3k · Nov 2015
The 300
Matt Carter Nov 2015
In the year 480 B.C., King Leonidas of Sparta lead 300 Spartan soldiers to  the mountain pass of Thermopylae. They came face to face with over 200,000 Persians under King Xerxes of the great Persian Empire,
whose archers so multiple, their arrows blocked out the sun.
Bravely the Spartans fought, with no thought of surrender.
After three days of brutal fighting, tens of thousands of Persians lay dead,
yet the Spartans still remain. Then a local resident becomes a traitor, revealing to the Persians a mountain path that lead behind Greek lines. Surrounded, Leonidas sends Greek soldiers back to Sparta to tell of a great victory, that he knew would never be. Valiantly the Spartans stand by their king, and fight to the death. So today, even though the Greeks lost the battle, it is better known for the bravery of a Spartan king and his 300 soldiers.
2.5k · Nov 2015
Matt Carter Nov 2015
Slim Shady
Marshall Mathers
All names of my
favorite music artist
of all time.
Spits a rhyme so
great you would think it's
poetry. Songs
that make you laugh
get you pumped up
make you think
make you cry.
773 · Nov 2015
Matt Carter Nov 2015
A ghost
The spirit of
a long departed person
Tied to this world
with a message to tell
Yelling, screaming
yet the living do not hear.
767 · Nov 2015
Alexander the Great
Matt Carter Nov 2015
The greatest general of all time.
Born in 356 B.C. in Pella, Macedon.
Son of Phillip II of Macedon.
Became King of Macedon in 336 B.C.
Led an army of Greeks to victories,
conquered most of Greece.
Invaded and conquered the great
Persian Empire. Extended his empire from
Macedon all the way to the outer parts of India.
Near the Ganges river,
his tired and war weary army refused
to go on. Alexander dies in Babylon in 323 B.C.
thus ended the life of Alexander, greatest of all generals.
563 · Jan 2016
Matt Carter Jan 2016
Beacon in the sky
  Shining bright in
      The darkness of night.
          A guiding light to me home.
           Never fade. Navigational aid in
            Centuries past. Beautiful light
              Forever last
462 · Nov 2015
American Soldier
Matt Carter Nov 2015
A hero is shipped off
to a distant land.
To fight and protect the innocent
is their only plan.
Bullets fly through the
wind, like an angry bee.
Orders are shouted,
their guiding force.
Some make it home, others
die a hero.
455 · Nov 2015
Matt Carter Nov 2015
Was there really an Atlantis?
An advanced civilization
that existed 9,000 years ago?
A city full of wonders
streets made of gold.
Then in a single night the
Earth shook,
as if it were a snow
globe in a child's hand.
The land began to sink into
the ocean, never to be seen again.
Now it only exists in
the imagination of man.
434 · Nov 2015
Haunted House
Matt Carter Nov 2015
Haunted House

An old abandoned house stands in a deserted part of town. It was the sight of violent murders long ago. A family used to live there back in the early 1900's. They had a son that was psychotic. His parents locked him in the attic, and the only attention he received was when food was brought up to him. One night he found a way to escape from his room and quietly went down stairs. The mentally unstable child grabbed a butcher knife from the utensil drawer. He proceed to **** his parents in their sleep. A neighbor heard the screams and went over to see if everything was all right. She found the mother and father both mutilated beyond all recognition. The son had smeared on the wall, "You forgot to lock the door" in blood. He was never heard from again. On a dark, cloudy night, if you happen to walk by you can still hear their screams.
400 · Nov 2015
John Cena
Matt Carter Nov 2015
Look! Up in the
sky!, it's a bird
it's a plane!
*Cena's entrance music plays
I'm a huge Cena fan, and just wanted to write something silly
336 · Nov 2015
Life and Death
Matt Carter Nov 2015
From the beginning of time,
Life and death have
had a strange relationship.
Love, but that love was one sided.
Life would send Death presents,
but Death received them but
never sent them back.
So it is today, Life
sends Death presents
all the time, but Death never
returns the favor

— The End —