Deep within my heart
Oh so weak, I lift you by delicate wings,
gently as to not smear the wonder
that does meet my eyes
Softly you rest in my hand,
exploring my skin,
the lines of my life, crooked and scarred
Tiny feet dance
tickling me with wonderful sonnets,
penned by nature herself
As if you can see
my intentions are pure,
for I long to bring you joy, which you bring me
A sweet fragrance on the wind
rhymes perfectly with your mesmerizing luminescent colors,
shimmering in the morning sun
Spread your wings my little friend
for I have planted you a garden
filled with the nectar which you desire
And I will sit and watch
silently as you float, happy and free
amongst the beauty that grows for only you
Deep within my heart
A friend taught me about the beauty and the enchanting quality of butterflies. Her conversations with me prompted the writing of this poem.