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"let's be still"
Blared through comforting headphones
"No, no, let's dance, let's dance"
The little tendrils jiggled in anticipation
"let us join that glorious dance"
But no, 'tis not the time
Though the energy rises
And yearning, yearning, yearning
My heart does cry
- too soon! Too soon!!!
Jumping into a dance
With one foot
Does not bide well for any dancing partner
The little tendrils sighed
- but may continue to grow
Time over time over time
The blood will settle in this wound
Cover over
And soon
- time over time over time
Fall off to reveal shiny new
And stronger, much stronger
And the dance will be all the sweeter
Let's be still
Let's be still
Oh still my beating, acheing, yearning heart!
**** it!
Won't you still!
 Sep 2014 Lambert Mark Mj
Why do you always turn away
When I try to kiss your face?
And when I ask you what is wrong
Why do you stare off into space?

I look away and try to hide
To keep these feelings holed inside
I want to say I never lied
But long ago my feelings died.

Then when you're silent and you pause
Why do you laugh without a cause?
I guard my heart with teeth and claws,
But smile and laugh to hide my flaws

Why do you let me stay with you?
I forfeit credit where it's due
Why do you –* wait until I'm through
I cannot say I love you too.
I've got a name, but I'm known by a number
All of my life, controlled by computers
Bottom half, but I say it's an error
We're just a number, our lives just don't matter

She has a name, but the doctor won't see her
She doesn't exist, until she shows that number
15%, but she won't accept it
The doctor gave up, just because of a number

A person just died
Their name's in the paper
Some people just died
They became just a number
Am I the only one
Who sees something wrong with the picture
I know that it's wrong
But we're all just statistics!

All of our lives, we long to be different
We never will, we're all part of statistics
Names, they mean nothing
Lives, they mean nothing
God, he means nothing when you're known by a number.
 Sep 2014 Lambert Mark Mj
In bitterness, in longing, in nostalgia-
in every emotion concerning you,
I am the open body on a surgical table,
longing for you to know every millimeter of my vulnerable flesh.
I am the raw pinkness of my insides
flipped inside out in an attempt to fix them.

I can't settle for anything other than you.
You tear me open with such adept hands;
I go so willingly.
A little fun keeps you young;
A little laughter keeps you bright.
When you get to that age
When a mid life crisis looms
Go out and act like a kid again.
Don’t worry what the neighbors might say
They are probably crazy anyway.

Change your hair color grow it long
Change your style and wear a thong
That will put some spring in your step
Or goose yourself to give you some pep
Don't worry what the neighbors might say
They are probably crazy anyway

ha ha ha ha ha ha

Dance till the wee hours in the morning
Let loose, but don’t get lost in the spring
Smile, even if there’s nobody around
Run, until you’re nowhere to be found
Don’t worry what the neighbors might say
You are more than crazy than they anyway..
a  joint coll;collaboration with David Harris and JoAnn Mcgrath
I'm terrified that now you've left me that soon you'll just forget me and I'll just be all alone once again.

And I fear that when I call you that you will just ignore it and I'll just be talking to myself once again.

I'm giving you this heart in the hopes that you may keep it and I pray it won't get broken once again.

And when I'm missing you most my dear, I'm wishing for you home and I'm afraid that I'll just be all alone once again.
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