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Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Trojan Horse
A quest to find the chalice & mast
the squire had searched throughout the kingdom
A fare maiden was in waiting in her room
to cherish a red rose that was plucked a time before

A dragon with fire in his nostrils beneath the dungeon
inside he hides beside the swell
Blackened stench of death
a court jester dazzles with his baton

Tiny trolls were let loose on the vast kingdom's grounds
a fairy with crystals in there wings fly by
Hobbits come out of there houses
Today they will hear a message from the king

Through the darkness of the castle there he sits alone
The curtain drew back and then he stood
Children of the kingdom come hobbits and all
a Trojan horse will ride through the town

It is my pledge for all to see and be happy
silence came through the room and then
The king stated again, " A beacon of hope to a hurting world".
Then all would see the king ride the horse

Blessed be the time for joy
Blessed be far and low
Strength comes from up above
Love is the true essence of are existence

Then everyone was in a state of joy
Mar 2017 · 294

Written by: Mario Vitale
We all walk on a loose line that leads to debris


Etched in the fabrication through the elapse in time,
The Lilley of the valley the bright & morning star/

The illumination in time through degrees of solace
A hand extends through the cosmic debris in circumstantial evidence;

Just to touch the very hem of his garment
Just to hear to pitter patter of soft sandeled feet...

A myraid chasm through a gulf fix in sight;

We all fall short in the midst of violation...
Having planted our seeds in its timely proclamation
A side was pierced for sorrow to be gained;
In times of want their is a clear change

In the violation of the innocent proned to bitter chains..

The hand to hold as you are told until the rights to you are sold;

Jesus in the garden pearls of sweat fallen down
Jesus in my heart while painting the town
Jesus after the rise in certain days to see
Jesus in the formidable way making sweet history
Jesus helping neighbor or the hero in disguise;
Jesus offering breakfast to his followers in disguise
Jesus who will pray in the tender hours of need
Jesus is in you & also in me!


With days in thought & delicate prayer with humble quest
A rest in view to its timely crest;
We each our given a choice regarding heaven & hell
Yet Jesus is the perfect gentleman who doesn't force himself on anyone

Through briars, asps & serpents layer...
We all were born into the world & given a choice?
Repent for the days our cursed;
Don't live your lives in a fishbowl circling around year after year choose the fear
In sorrows quest the follow draws near in desolation filtered through a straw
A sore vex sway to take the time to bow the knee to pray
Some may even insist it ought not be that way yet who are they?

The liberal makes his or her heart fat on the worldly vices with false choices;

Through ages past as Abraham had grasped & Moses was exposed
We watched on as you were ripped to shreads;
Your tender touch through eraser heads
In vile repute hence the opened door to explore...
Yet the past is the past & now is now
A heart saturated with truth thus in order to withstand the truest test in time
Elapsed fervor,

Bood soaked messenger exposed to the elements;
Come into my heart I know I'm a sinner
I ask you to be my Lord & savior;
In Jesus name I pray,

Now choose to celebrate your commitment with other believers in the fellowship;
Embrace the cross.
Offer an invitation to come to a relationship with Jesus.
Mar 2017 · 129
Tame The Heart
A call is going out into all the nation
purity, morality & values
We have closed are eyes from reality
Instead have chosen gross decency

hands, heart, eyes & feet
Shelter lies dormant amidst it's beckoning call
a challenge to be free is a question of time

Sullen hearts with a great gulf fix
we are suddenly getting lost in the mix
A loser is just another quitter but gets up and gives it one last try
we have fallen short of the glory that is expected

Getting lost in the sauce with a whole host of duration
we may need a break on a long awaited vacation
Become a beacon of light to a hurting world in need
they just want to see you bleed

One hand to hold a heart will mend
who are you to put your trust in & depend
There are lines being drawn in the sand
Give us a heart saturated with truth

Love should be the true essence of are existence
faces, traces & mistakes made
A hollow box yet tempered in the fire
Love should be are full proof blown in desire

They proclaim love yet it's only hate in disguise
Don't try to fall for any of there twisted lies
we are all in for a rude awakening & surprise
the human heart is an opened door just ready to be explored
Mar 2017 · 124
Smile Through The Pain
Just not having you in my arms is driving me insane
The twilight sun has tainted my inner vision
was there something inside you have been wishing
We hide behind the false hidden garb of compromise

Can't we see through those twisted lies
Shadows break upon the morning
Mental illness effects us all
Blackened caverns of experience inside

The long duration of the silence within
we hold are breath then count to the number ten
Were at the edge of are seats
have we gone so very deep

Through a variation of a dream evil scheme
A lone novice would disagree
What is my one solemn humble plea
smile through the pain

When the outside world acts totally insane
lest I refrain...
Sullen brevity
faces, traces, shadows & cobwebs

Like faces in the window with storms in the night
many heads prefer to live by sight
We can't escape the way we feel
perhaps a love embrace will seal the deal

Long lines are being drawn in the street
grand illusion
we fought back the tears to numb the inner pain
Very beautiful
Mar 2017 · 291
Mountains Of Madness
The hour of decision is made
to light the torch for the brave
The storms of life come rushing in
some are immediate and quick...

others prompt the imagination
still we play on the one string we are dealt
iron sharpens iron to show each other home
if one had an idea

To soar like the eagle to places far unknown
playing second fiddle like a dog without a bone
through the duration of time we have created a rhyme
A beacon of light to a hurting world in need

Caged fury
***, drugs & rock and roll
let the sweet freedom come into your soul
we have become cumbersome to this world

Faces, spaces & traces

Mark the man willing to explore
Lest I implore another opened door
Let's look above to the heavenly love
prone in desire

A gun for hire
in vast temple's of doom
many heads are gun to soon
bask in the vast array of mere simplistic desire
Mar 2017 · 168
Seeketh Self To Please
whatever happened to respect
we have fallen in a horrible pit
love would rather look through a telescope then a microscope
in each of are hearts there beats a drum

we have fallen on desolate time
having accepted ill faded rhymes
we seek self to please
this notion of thought should knock you to your knees

stop spreading the disease
you have put self on the throne of your life
amidst it's bitter pain & strife
many lie in wait to deceive

there god is self the one that can not save
they have chosen this path in which to tread
what is going on inside are heads
the notion of servant hood has taken a back seat

once this life is done no chance to repeat
why do we hate one another
viscous long fangs that bite in the night
eyes with spots with blackened stench

one must get beyond the self in order to arrive
distant ships traveling in the sea of turmoil
we must embark on a new journey to behold
the time for change is now
Mar 2017 · 363
Eyes how they oft' twinkle..,
Rich yet centered abroad,
With open arms,
A welcoming love embrace.,
Footsteps of haunting voices..,
Still from my past,

Reflective at times.,
Hence, longing to retrace,
Yet we oft' walk along hand in hand ?
Toward our incoming boardwalk pier,
Still I know a few people that will make you disappear !

A clever wink.,
We all learn in life,
One gets more with sugar then you do with salt ?
With long fallen hair that can make quite a whirl.,
What a top model type of girl,
You only get one chance by which to make a good first impression,

There is the welcoming hand that will extend the greeting,

Both syling and profiling.,
Mr. Costello's 80's version did it some justice !
Lips that were softened moist to the touch,
With a warm smile,
A thought in which should love you so very much !

I shed a tear to numb the pain,
Just not having you in my arms is driving me insane !
In our twentieth century world in quite a rush !
As we both mentor let us frolic together !
The years will slowly pass,
Still we have every bit of reason by which to grasp..,
A tender word spoken in the dark,
Has now with patience,

Slowly has been brought into the light
Yet Veronica intends to keep on putting up a good fight !
Through a brightened twintle in her delicate eyes,
When I look in I can see my distant future,
A future both filled with solace and peace..,
With many wonderful memories,
A hidden plight of captivated fancy..,
Gone are all of the days when Sid met Nancy/
Yet you had struck a tender yet vital chord,
Through the pains of silence of the beconing night,
This shall send out a surprisningly vivid fright
Perhaps we captured reflective thought's of yesterday /
As we had to frolic in the mere ambiance of our love,

An aura of a sparkling rainbow yet a bit transparent.,
There are many that seek this truth out of a garbage can..,
Try to lean on one another for moral inner stregnth,
The mere embodiment of laughter !
A speck of dust that will only appear for a very short period of time,
The fond remembrance of a gentle father leaving,
A few delicate things that one can't put on a trophy desk,
There is a true friend with whom you can depend/
For one to give away love so free.,
You had struck a tender chord..,
We can't escape the way we may feel
Perhaps another love embrace shall seal the deal ?
Mar 2017 · 133
it started in the garden some time ago
Eve took a bite of the apple
the tempter was right there all along
yet where sin abound grace abound all the more

he disguises himself with love yet it's lust in disguise
don't even listen to one of his lies
like Jonah he ran from the truth
remember Lot's wife when she looked back

each of us is responsible for are actions
regarding sin
actions in which humans rebel against God
miss there true purpose for there lives

surrendering to the prince of the power of the air
more then God cause all there deeds were evil
people today seek self to please
they are lost in the sauce

they choose to live by sight and reject the faith that will save them
instead we have toxic people of the walking dead
eyes with tombstones in there heads
evil minds that plug destruction

Our nation's youth would rather text each other then eat together
remember the family that prays together stays together
we have bought in to the lie that claims I am what I do
have we bitten off far more then we could ever chew

these are desolate times yet we have chosen ill faded rhymes
casualties are enormous for a stated cause that's atrocious
let's look above to the heavenly love
stop the senseless fighting before are nation grows colder

you search for truth out of a garbage can
abortion on demand
when will we live to understand
Being lost is a choice which is your fate in life ?
Mar 2017 · 259
Fifty Shades Of Grace
What can wash away my sin
nothing but the blood of Jesus
we have created the vain lives that we lead
society watch as you bleed

the beat of the clock to watch the grand tick tock
God's unmerited favor
not of yourselves it is a gift from God
one seed was dropped out of a farmer's bag

in time roots sprang up out of the fertile soil
a plant sprouted from the ground
shadows break apart the morning dew
God's love for us is the great eternal constant

amidst all the inconsistencies of your daily walk
when the ninety nine sheep were in the fold
God's heart was with the one that was lost
let's look above to the heavenly love

merciful one come take this chip off my shoulder
stop the senseless fighting before are nation grows colder
never relent to ever give up on the fight
faith isn't intellectualized it just is

a beacon of light to a much hurting world in need
how you fought so hard and fierce
my one true love is gone from here
a challenge to be free is a question of time

my one solution is using my mind
living on the edge and it's going to my head
sitting up at night all alone in bed
following the rainbow to the sky

I see a beautiful vision of you pass me by
our war were in is almost over
it's so hard to believe I lost my lover
loving you is so untrue that's why I must say to you

your to young to fall in love if you don't stop you'll just get shoved
Mar 2017 · 405
Anxiety Attacks
telephone, television & radio
we get it in are nerves
the pulse to react
feels like a heart attack

there's high anxiety fear of heights
getting lost in the sauce
it's gravitational pull may bring some down
like a mouse is lost in it's cage

many have these attacks from there youth
crying, sadness & madness
a tug at the heart will light the spark
heavy hearts drifting in the wind

we have come to far not to turn back now
no use looking back when your hand is on the plow
viscous fangs that bite inside
run away and hide

eyes with spots having tombstones in are head
it's the calling of the walking dead
your heart sinks back with all the tension inside
you feel like your going to die
Mar 2017 · 290
Trump's Comb Over
well it's a one for the money
two for the show
the answer my friend is blowing in the wind
so is Trump's comb over

who tucks Mr. president into bed
do the not realize he has a big head
who takes care of his hair
caged fury

in such a hurry
the magic is in the pudding
does he know what hell he his doing
he jumps through loop holes looking through peep holes

TMZ catches his rug by disguise
one word to the wise
get a transplant my friend
we can see your head with the magical wave

oh act your age
Mr. Trump what ****
you have taken us by surprise
doesn't anybody realize
Please And Thank You Are Making A Comeback

suddenly I seen it with my own eyes the other day
please and thank you at the dinner table
tears, cheers & beers
a timeless quest to put morality to the test

lines are suddenly being formed in the sand
hopefully everyone will understand
ethics is where we aught to be
a humble quest to bow the knee

seek truth with justice in your heart
this will light a spark to where we need to go
the thought of cutting down the Willow
out of mere sadness there is lasting gladness

to hold open the door for your neighbor in need
while the outside world watches you as you bleed
what is are claim to fame nor humble plea
please and thank you

out of much consideration
this is the coming of the next generation
somehow the text and cell phones have taken a back seat
one needs a real heart of truth in order to withstand the test of time

glasses, stereo & news paper
you will do as you are told until the very rights to you are sold
the better man knows this and understands
shadows beckoning call upon a humble waiting people in need
Mar 2017 · 163
Truth In A Garbage Can
mark my word as if you haven't heard
these are the signs of the times
sound the alarm
video, radio & stereo

many hearts are bleeding desperately tonight
women's liberation heading out across the nation
the get a small dose of truth from the garbage can
don't try to blame it on the man who said yes we can

struggling to make a difference in this land
there are lines being formed in the sand
man just want to stick it to the man
we have been captivated by a smile

yet we know all the great while
a woman needs to be with her child
people surf the want ads for work
yet to no avail the end up collecting

no use in forgetting
there are signs written on the wall
splendor in the grass

smile, faces, traces & movement
which way are we going
it's not in what you know it in the showing
a great gift sent from heaven above

nestled in an ovation of it's tenderness of love
Mar 2017 · 276
Society Evolution
evil minds that plug destruction
having long viscous fangs that fright
we stand on the sideline without a voice
choices that we make through the expanse of time

At first it starts with a seed of thought
in time roots spring up out of the fresh fertile soil
it will take a long time for the water to boil
Each of us is responsible for our actions

actions in which humans rebel against God
miss there true purpose for there lives
surrender o the prince of the air more then God cause there deeds were evil
Inside we hide behind four walls

like a cold clap in the dark you lit the spark
to what it is I have been waiting for
eyes, shoes, wallet & pen
shaped through the very fabric from within

we have heads in the street that stand for hate in the name of love
become instead a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of hope
bloodshed in are street
merciful one come take this chip off my shoulder

stop the senseless fighting before are nation grows colder
let's look above to the heavenly love
with what we do with are time today will become evident throughout eternity
still no one hurts no one has a voice

We need new hero's with a role to reach are nation's youth
take the reins brothers and sisters
never relent to ever give up on the fight
smile cause it's contagious so pass yours on
Mar 2017 · 343
The Poet In Me
at a glance one can vaguely see
the true art of creativity
through sullen wall of complexity
I have fondly come to agree

poetry is an art form within me
I can't get away from it you see
pen, book & paper
in solemn moments of solace

we tend to sweep things under the rug
yet I have fallen in love
with words that capture the imagination
in some free verse style to know all the great while

Everyday there's a habitual display flowing through my veins
just not having a pen in hand is driving me insane
I see through portals with high lifted mast
Columns of resolution in compact

Words can express the deep hidden aura of my imagination
I may need a break on some long awaited vacation
just can't seem to get away from it's powerful display
it acts as therapy when dealing with my mental illness

we have traveled to far not to turn back now
there's no looking back when your hand's on the plow
It's a real volcanic compulsion inside
sullen brevity
Mar 2017 · 154
two will be playing in the field
one will be taken the other left
no one knows the hour when Jesus will return
To know this if the good man knew

don't you think he would have his house in order
many will cry Lord ! Lord !
then he will proclaim I never knew you
one must have a heart saturated with truth

in order to withstand the true test of time
In the book of revelations it speaks of his coming
the book of Daniel has references
yet are we prepared for what is to become

those who are left will have to receive a mark
in a twinkling of an eye we shall behold him
with all the fullness of his glory

the world just wants to change the story
the time now to get saved my friend
Jesus is a friend with whom you can depend
he's not about steeples or a salesman giving you something to hear

no his love was such that he suffered so much
just to cause some of us to follow
it maybe tomorrow the hour is still unknown
people will be in planes then disappeared

there will be the biggest traffic jam known to man
accidents galore where people will be no more
safely into the hands of almighty God
please don't be left behind having your heart in a cloud
Know this two will be in the field one will be taken the other lost.
Please be prepared for we know not the hour of his soon return.
Mar 2017 · 243
The Dazzling Beach
fried dough, ice cream & fish
the clams are my favorite dish
the sights and sounds
rolling waters rushing in

a chance to walk on the boardwalk
here the vendors and street talkers
take me back to a time well spent
memories of the past

having so much fun with the hope that it would last
playing video games galore
women with bikinis

hotel with a great view of the strip
fast cars with tops down
music was blaring
stores with bargain basement deals

fireworks on the beach
try to catch that Frisbee so out of reach
the rocks going fishing on top
Sow To The Wind Reap The Whirlwind

faces, spaces & traces
we each must go before the fault
were all in the same cage here
what you sow is what you reap

once this life is done no chance to repeat
we look inside no where else to hide
in voices filled with the muck & mire of choices
crayons, paper & pen

Where do I even begin
shadows taunt the sinner to come in
vice is there for the taken
the less that you give your a taker

we labor for the legal tender
in the fake land of the pretender
toxic people with tombstones in their head
It's the walking dead

evil minds that plug destruction
Satan's laughing spreads his wings
let me pause to think
can't even wink to dismiss this earthly bliss

of a time well spent in thought
when there's a dozen of pots in your sink
to think before you act
lines being drawn in the sand

When will we ever understand
we can't keep sticking it to the man
abortion on demand
the ****** fetus screams out for vengeance

Yet to no avail who will answer the call ?
Mar 2017 · 148
The Book Of Love
angels among us
soft delicious chocolate cookies
books, diary, pen & paper
the morning news just sings the blues

through a variation of a dream people scream
a new foundation of faith
to apply the message of grace to your heart
then you will light the spark to what were waiting for

A chance to soar
although for now it's the blind leading the blind
soon they will both fall into a ditch
a whole host of angelic foot steps

the signs of the time
it has been spoken by the prophets
love is the essence of one's existence

love has gained it also has lost
humanities heaviest of cost
a smile is contagious so pass yours on
we are given one chance to make a first impression

fly as his as the eagle soar's
lest I implore another destination
may need a break on a long awaited vacation
there are lines being driven in the sand

When will we ever understand ?
Mike & The Mechanics song.
Mar 2017 · 138
Mental Illness
A whisper in the dark
With tones of darkened madness
Shattered dreams filter through the seams
The sound of silent whispers
Taunt the mind
I'm being caught up in this fix
Satan laughing spreads his wings
The mood of solitary confinement
Blackened ideals are gone
Worry sets in
The fragile egg shelled shape of the mind
Poe was exposed to this madness
Cobain even joined the side of resistance
Morrison was in a drug torn stupor
Joplin sang it's blues
There is a flag flying high toward it's solidarity
The ideal thought of being sane takes a back seat after all
Helter Skelter
Many have tasted it's evil demise
Mar 2017 · 171
Who Farted ?
it was starting to rain on the night that we first decided
the chance to roll the dice
my birthday cake was ready
so was the famous spaghetti

when all of a sudden someone let out a ****
an embarrassing moment in time
we all looked around yet no one admitted it
once again intoxicated by the fumes

couldn't they have waited and do it in the bathroom
squeeze your cheeks in
a good place to begin
but instead they cut wind

I couldn't even hold my breath to count to the number ten
thoughtfully we all sang happy birthday to me
amidst the tragic event that somebody cut the cheese
I just couldn't help myself it knocked me to my knees

my uncle opened a window
even the birds themselves flew away
what a pause to relieve
on such a calm & peaceful day

© 2 minutes ago, chevyvent    humor • spiritual • society • friendship
heads in the street
lust for love
viscous fangs that bite
evil minds that plug destruction

corporate greed
drain the swamp
violation of the innocent
faces, hands & feet

A challenge to be free is a question of time
the handwriting is on the wall
women's liberation heading across the nation
voices with choices

abortion rights
never relent to give up the fight
eyes with tombstones in their head
the land of the walking dead

no one stands up for themselves anymore
lest I implore
Trump is in office
were being plagued with clowns

gun rights
we got to labor for the legal tender
never surrender
faces in the window storms in the night

equal right & justice
Mar 2017 · 175
Dark Magic
wand, crystal ball & hat
you put a spell on those
in search of blood disguised

lines being drawn in the sand
when will we understand
a presence of voodoo
have we bitten off far more then we could chew

tarot cards
it's gravity brings some down
viscous long hanging fangs that fright
children lost in a sea of tranquility

eyes with tombstones in their head
Satan laughing spreads his wings
blackened stench
heavy metal blaring

women with hot bikinis
faces in the window storms in the night
Gothic crosses
the only way to go is down

newspaper, bat & diary
they can see your future
the twilight sun has tainted my inner vision
those in search of lust in place of love

black cats who cross the street
Mar 2017 · 146
Oh Very Young
the twilight sun has tainted my inner vision
was there something else you have been wishing
the fixture on the wall stood out
when I was young & alone

painting pictures in the clouds in vast formation
wallet, keys & pen
we ran through the open field puzzled
to look on the daisy with delight

pick grass and whirl it in the air
without a care in the world
the ice cream man came to are neighborhood
feeling really good

shoes, paper, pencil & chap stick
poison ivy in the woods
always desert alone in my room to myself
put another book back on the shelf

memories of the past
having so much fun with a hope that it would last
mother & father were happy
the family get together

a new toy at the store fresh wrapped in it's paper
the taste of a delicious cookie
sand box days with friends
must you leave us this time

a challenge to be free is a question of time
Mar 2017 · 181
The Church
We arrive early to a morning service in a hurry
Look in every direction for jackets & mittens
A long line of performance can awake the senses
Straddling fences taking notes on a paper for reference
It's not based on steeples & bells or even a salesman giving something to hear;
No, his love was such that he suffered so much just to
Cause some of us to follow in his footsteps
The church should be in us all as a holy temple
It has withstood the heaviest cost of time
A heart saturated with truth in order to withstand
The truest test if time leave your worry's behind
Social injustice has infected so many
Heavy hearts moved from a sweet message of love
A beacon of light to a much hurting world in need
Confession is made in such a holy place to pray
An angellic host of heavenly onlookers guide the way
Many choose not even to visit or enter it's doors
Lest I implore another place in which to enjoy
Marriage as a holy institution is held within those doors
Funeral service for the dearly departed exit it's frame
It's for everyone whether black, white or Chinese
While the outside world is hungry for a teaching to knock you to your knees
Share the good news that you learned within it's doors
Help the widow, lame & handicapped see that there is a place of peace
Mar 2017 · 301
Think Before You Write
pen, paper, stereo, a tapper
me with Eric B a nice plate of fish
before you begin to take the great plunge with the pen
hold your breath and count to the number ten

box, dice, loose change & credit card
we get tide up with knots
hands that welcome new pursuits
never relent in your pursuits

rejection letters
there is a part that explodes in me
e mails in the delete function
learn to think before you write

what did your contemporaries do
perhaps we have bitten off far more then we could chew
a renegade that's got it made
faces in the window with storms in the night

learn proper grammar
put into the right format
working to hard can give you a heart attack
learn from your mistakes

call it fate
yet someday you will succeed
it's called determination
knock you to your knees
Mar 2017 · 147
Satan's Hell
Satan's Hell

When in time he will be no more
weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth
darkened dungeon with no oxygen
left helpless alone taunt to the flame
with intense pain the magic of his passion is gone

Evil minds that plug destruction plunge in it's flame
the thought of a drop of water to quench your thirst
eyes filled with tombstones
Demonic beings inflict their madness on you
the river Styx runs through it's flame
darkened dungeons with no escape
every lies that you told is exposed for eternity
plunge in the hot fires of Hell's plight
forget the day there is no light
no more salvation your time has elapsed
left to rot in the torment of blackened death
eyes swollen as they beam in the flames
to be kept in Abraham's ***** is an after effect
Jesus was the answer but you refused his light
suffer in the dark anguish of everlasting chains

Satan laughing spreads his wings
eyes with spots zombie people in immense turmoil
to boil there severed heads in dread
they lived among us yet were not of us
Hell is there home not getting out
as you gasp for air yet to no avail
the walking dead in their caged fury
those that thought they were perfect were wrong
time no more
Mar 2017 · 411
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal

Written by: Mario Vitale
The heavy metal series of poetry demonstrates an inner ability to speak words of
kindness; Toward the resolve of the 1980's heavy metal scene; To demonstrate a
reasonable high calibur of interest; To the average novice of intellect, It's plausible
words ring in the ears;

Heavy Metal pt. I

In a torn branch withered in the wind

A silence toward its beckoning call
With a silver dollar tossed in a pool
It pays to stay focused then to lose your cool
The one that has no faith in God will lose their cool

Ronnie James Dio was the first ever to address this rule,

His was to slay the dragon in the rule of the game;
In shattered lined that wound & bind
A silence to its beckoning call;
The child listens then cry's in pain,

In ardent briars close to insane;

With cloves filled wretched stench in sulfur,
Amidst the closet drawer below the offer;
A deadly fix on the mainstream headlong,
Heavy metal in twisted leather chains,

Through shattered dreams within vilest pain,

In its ambiance of shelter amidst its cry;

To fall headlong then to believe its ultimate lie!

Faces in the window with storms in the night;

Having fallen face down in viscous fangs that bite,
Often dripping blood off side;
So easy to run away & hide in the night
With a heavy metal pull ravaged to plunder;


Heavy Metal pt. II

In full view of havoc proned to desolation in vile misery

The balance of an equestrian melody,
With pages torn on its new episode
Throgh a whole host in vile lamentation;
In mere brilliance from its setting sun

Amidst certain periods of social demise;

A short fuse in its reluctant quest,
With words spoken in the dark in certain conquest
Has now come into the fullness of light soaring bright
Chase dreams from your hair my sweet child chose the day;

To stand up and shout amidst the inner pain,

Shattered dreams amidst its painted glass yet intact
Hallways filled no one gets off on any free pass;
Faces in the window with storms in the night,
A laborer is intended to enter into its fullest of rest;

Faces in the window with storms in the night !

Heavy metal in the center of its scattered plight

The clear voice in reason is our successful right,
In this life never relent in ever giving up on the fight,
Keep your promises & attire,
We live in a world that is very strange!

They will take advantage & rearrange in the membrane,
Desolate cry's with wounded twisted lies;
Proned to silence amidst the greeting of its beckoning call
The 80's scene with heavy metal having watched the videos on MTV.
A blast from the past
Mar 2017 · 201
Cumbersome To This World
a plate of fries
shoes, socks, magnets, bugs & number two pencil
we gravitate through a smile
a push to take us closer
when we get in then we will see

a **** as a street walker
the peril of the night
they hide behind the garb of lust

exposed to the elements
a straw to **** it all in
the film on the dross take a napkin
shadows beckoning call

I have become cumbersome to this world
to my girl
a clock suddenly turns
the outpouring of desolate cries
shades of black torn

fragments are kept in my diary

© 3 days ago, chevyvent    society • love • hope • spiritual
Mar 2017 · 187
The Narrow Road
an eclipse of the sun has tainted my inner vision
sullen brevity
we go through changes in life
to reach into the hearts of others

long lines are being formed
truth can't be compromised
turn from Satan's wicked lies
we have chosen this path in which we tread

the world is headed for disaster brother
run for the cover
the narrow road as you have been told
will carry you safely home

one path seeks to ****, steal & destroy
the other a golden path of love from above
yet there are two paths you can go on
yet in the long run there's still time to change the road your on

boxes, socks, pencil & paper
to record your thoughts for the great here after
in an instant we shall all be changed
a shout from heaven and we will be gone

we each sin yet still it must be confessed
this is in order to enter his rest
shadows peak through the ridge
share with one another the truth from within
Mar 2017 · 157
Headed For A Heart Ache
somebody's going to hurt someone
before the night is through
solemn papal pew
fought back the pain with vice

another chance to roll the dice
pillow, cigar, change & wallet
a barricade of lust in a rush
Satan's laughing spreads his wings

shaped the inner heart with a fury
a chance at romance with a twist
you have come so far
not to turn back now

relationship in trouble
make my Martini strong like on the double
the gravitational pull may bring some down
don't ever wear your head down in a frown

sadness can be turned to gladness amidst the madness
she will take your heart if you let her
just forget her
better to have loved and lost

we must go before the toss
love is gained it also has lost
humanities heaviest of cost
lipstick, radio, make up, gum & loose change
There will come a day
the wind will cease to exist
it will be you alone with Jesus
he died 2, 000 years ago

on the cross
for all the world to see
what was his prayer
what was his final plea

father forgive them they know not what they do
he said the prayer now the rest is up to you
we must all stand at the judgment seat of Christ
to appear before the one we have to do

no condemnation to those who are in Christ
once this life is through
you don't get a second chance to roll the dice twice
he knows us by name

the very hairs on are head are all numbered
it will become evident to everyone to see
the love of God will knock you to your knees
what is my one last humble plea

love is the essence of are existence
you paid the debt so I could go free
tormentors disagree
blackened hearts with cloven eyes

yet in that hour we shall be set free
Mar 2017 · 164
Satan's Daughter
She was the most beautiful girl of the throne
Through years of war and torn asunder
She fell from grace to a very lonely place
She was even burned in a fire scorching her desire
She is Satan's daughter left to her own imagination
There was a ball being held in Hell
A fine demon gave her a high healed shoe
Perhaps she had bitten off more then she could ever chew
Through the staircase she climbed down
To place her foot on the shoe
She was then ready to party the whole night through
Smiling her way through her burned crusted way
She hanged her hair down in the parade
Gone were the days from her remembrance about the fire ordeal
For tonight she took the show and sealed the deal
Mar 2017 · 194
Dark Gothic
blades, whips, sword & cross
sought after twilight sun
has tainted my inner vision
to reach the populace

blackened hearts with aroma
lurking in the sacred oblation
the forest has a soothing effect
minds fixed on adventure to unfold

to grasp a hold
the message of hope
searching in the night
vile asps left afloat

eyes with spots
eyes with tombstones in their heads
Satan laughing spreads his wings
we look deeper then ever before

the silence of it's beckoning noise
a whisper to lure the invited
shattered glass on the pavement floor
golden goblets, skull & poison asps

return into the night the day is far to spent
nature's beckoning call
a woman in waiting after the fall
Mar 2017 · 165
Faces In The Window
sullen brevity
shoes, tooth brush, number two pencil & lighter
fallen face down in a frown

pillars of gold to unfold
faces in the window
storms in the night
a barricade put between the laughter

a beat of the clock
to watch the grand tick tock
we can each discover new perspectives
we look out to peer in the distance

saturate are hearts with a love so true
we have bitten off more then we could chew
the thousands who don't have a home
a renegade who got it made

the glue that holds
a heart to unfold
one hand to hold a heart will mend
chase after the wind
Mar 2017 · 377
A Valiant Knight
Death springs a new day basking in the breeze
In solemn moments lets pause to think of a place
A far off castle in the mountains away from it all
A valiant knight lived in the structure of it's dwelling
Those days of old where mere men had a noble demise
A beautiful maiden was in waiting for her knight
He would often fight for the cause of stregnth and dignity
The draw bridge where the castle stood had a very unique aura
A mystery of sort sought up in the vast array of crowned nobility

For the king on his thrown was humble yet greedy
Always would take care of himself caring nothing for the needy
A valiant knight was concerned about the kings trust
Often they would disagree on who it was to serve
A joker came in front of the king one day with a magic wand
Waving the wand in the air then there floated ivy everywhere
For the court jester was a fool in the making of his legacy
The maiden would often come forth and see

For she treasured a red rose that was plucked sometime before
Cherished the calling of her stature to the glory of the throne
A valiant knight would often sing sweet songs in the night
Had a following of village people that would sit before his feet
Having a way of words that he would often share
The castle was filled with dragons and warlocks searching for love
A cause to be brave amidst uncertainty of the kingdom
The legacy of golden capulets filled ardent vestibules
Let us toast to the valiant knight who keeps a watch on all that is good
Mar 2017 · 197
The Order Of The King
shadows break through the silence
sword, slippers, crown & chalice
the cause for restoration comes in focus
a challenge to be free is a quest of time

rhymes, quotes, poems & decorum
shape back the sadness with gladness
sprinkle the scent of Lavender mist
on the dew during early morning conquest

shape through the trees the sound of the breeze
hence the opened door by which to explore
we have come to far not to turn back now
nature's beckoning blow

from the king without his crown
borrowed papal pews in full view
the ****** of the quest of time
we shall shine the duration of the rhyme

the order of the king on his throne
searching for a squire to call his own
court jester pressing the buttons
a dragon in full pursuit of explosion

walking trolls in the garden in their quaint bravado
the fairies have discovered a crystal ball nearby
the king was furious
out of his vengeance he relinquished the villager's rights

forget the day the night is far spent to
the king has bitten off far more then he could chew
Finally a solution would arise
set the dragon loose for everyone's surprise

for the dragon was as tame as a tom cat just sitting there
the square was in full enjoyment after this episode
for the king finally found his crown
the order of the king was finally safe and sound
Mar 2017 · 142
Tell The World
Your words sit there upon your desk
Yet you love your books & magazines the best
You prefer the light of your t.v.
You love the world & your avoiding me !

There is signs across the blaze of the sky
A lone tear of the beggar of a passerby's
Shadows prone in mere desolation
We all need a break on some long vacation

God is calling each and every one of us
To live a life that's gathered onto service to the king
A blade of grass in the green lush pasture
The sadness dulls the light on God's full comprehension

They lurk as lazy diamonds in an orchard of gold infested meadows
Watch out for all those clowns !
Mar 2017 · 223
A Valiant Pursuit
evil eyes, skulls & crossbones
tombs unknown
fallen in swift desolation
the mockery is torn

to shine the light of restitution
faces, traces & balm
let us in then we shall see
cold bitter hearts unfold

search for a vast array of blissful care
the willingness to share
hearts to appease knocked to their knees
a humble abode

laugh, love, learn & care
swallow your pride
good cheer
a king without his crown

truth is worth the risk
stone faces wretched and quick
become selfless among the selfish
hearts will unfold

behold the glory of the goal
the choice is ours whether to win or lose
now which pathway will you choose
Life is what you make of it.
At times it really *****.
Yet if one chooses to live by faith.
The supernatural will become visible
We each have two paths to go by yet in the long run there's still time to change the road your on.
Mar 2017 · 507
eyes, hair & smile
she ensues the ambiance of the moment
radiant shape

captivated by her aura and presence
her touch exquisite to behold
fragrance of a scent of love
always there to help you when you fall

shelter lies dormant unto it's beckoning flow
a beacon of light to a hurting world in need
can't help but come up with an explanation
ravished from her complexion on her skin

the tight sequence of her lips
wisdom to behold
when I look deep into her eyes
it is then I see a future

filled up with hope for a better tomorrow
she's all that I long for
all that I need
angelic foot steps to her door

the sweet caress oh her warm smile
to know all the great while
a sweet vision of a sparkling array of blissful care
flip flops, roses, chocolates & poetry
blackened stench
extinguish the flame of hatred with the shower of love
pretty faces, ribbons & you
we have bitten off far more then we could chew

sad eyes
hold your thoughts inside
a fever pitch message
roll with the tide

get dressed up to please my love
yet to no avail
when I look deep into her eyes
it is then I see a future

A future filled with hope for a better tomorrow
amidst all the sadness and sorrow
ingest love and ***** the hate
light the spark that had ignited the flame

we could look the other way
to listen as the music play
smiles & laughter
sorrow seems to be the only word heard
Mar 2017 · 125
Caged Fury
eyes, face, hair & lips
to lurk in the depths of denial
yet too know all the great while
a pen on paper

many are lost in a land of toxic
eyes with tombstones
drifting in a raft out to sea
a cause for love infused by hate

grinding of the teeth
weeping, wailing & gnashing
viscous fangs that hang down to fright
Satan laughing spreads his wings

out of desperation loneliness sets in
blackened stench of death
like a lost mouse in a crazy maze
we wake up in a purple haze

Did you ever wake up saying it must be one of those days
the annuls of parting conquest
we shall live to pass every test
although we must labor to enter the rest

sadness, alone, bleeding, minds, explosion & memory
A vortex of what is to come
shattered fragments on the basement floor
lest I implore another way to go
laughter, tears & crying
off duty at eight
we didn't even stop for a break
the music was blaring inside the auditorium
we were ready for the night

Dancing at the policemen's ball
the radio was playing are favorite tunes
looking fancy in my suit
cologne, razor & cigarette

beers were flowing
tempers a fire

sadness in the midnight hour
we had are keg stand
a toast to the most
the chief was there

a whole host of togetherness
the brotherhood of protection
slow dance
Mar 2017 · 138
The Fragrance Of Laughter
shoes, dice, match & balm
to sing the song of laughter
light illumination
filter through sullen brevity

we made our way out on the stage
the audience was quiet
one word spoken in darkness has come to light
shadows break to summon it's call

the fragrance of laughter
sentiments of pleasant lavender
we chose this path in which to tread
what is going on inside our head

hold back the pain inside with a smile
to know all the great while
pencil, eraser, cup & sugar
the fragrance of laughter

a beacon of light to a hurting world in need
long lines being formed in the sand
shelter lies dormant amidst it's beckoning plow
no one likes a know it all

© a day ago, chevyvent    society • spiritual • hope • family • friendship
Mar 2017 · 162

tears, laughs & confession
pulsating ***
the desire frees me to perform
your deep **** is warm
breath through the motion again
your hair is beautiful
capture her touch with a smile
pumping on the floor
to caress her **** at the edge of the bed
**** her ***** till I'm dead
***** isn't nothing but meat on the bone
I'll **** it I'll **** it I'll leave it alone

keys, cigarette & lighter
the ****** of heated desire
to kiss her lips scented fragrance
throbbing back and forth
sweat pours off are body's
we are left together under the covers
a smile then proceed to **** her again
in her *** she has come undone
to peak in the most beautiful of fragrance
next to her read a beautiful poem
home alone
her ******* I continue to caress with deepened desire
my ***** swells inside her
she screams with continue abandonment
Mar 2017 · 640
The Swan
shallow peaks mark the threshold
memories, visions & desire
a passion to become something
one has a desire for life

then the storms come
with what we do with are time today
will be reflected throughout all eternity
to soar as an eagle

look at the edge of a lake
to see the swan
dazzling in appearance
shaped by the fabric of nature's beckoning call

as life unfold when you are young
the not knowing where you belong
in time we confide in the power that be
some live in the land of make believe

what quest is what we are to achieve
to look at the swan with it's beautiful feathers
colors of visualization in the light
never relent to ever give p the fight in life

from birth to death we are headed in it's conquest
one must surely live to pass the test
laughs, light, love & sorrow
will there be hope for us have to wait until tomorrow

the swan sits gazing into the water
will gather it's senses & not falter
nature's beckoning call
to paint a picture of your life
Nature's beckoning call
Sep 2016 · 609
Pragmatic Perfection
Pragmatic Perfection

A song filled with regret in ardent pillars filled with cloven ivy dew through shutters & solemn
Why lie in silence then be disturbed among us challenged to be free to learn another table has turned.

Through solace we may enter in a bridge of hope to cross the great divide.
We take our priorities and selfishness aside we then run away & hide

Borrowed papers then borrowed pews
There needs to be a more focus where
We need to know we need to go
Through times of struggle let it be known
In care for neighbors without unknown
Don't ever stop growing & pray
Make the most of each & everyday
Keep your love strong inside & say
No pragmatic perfection in any way
Through love & higher power call each day
Just keep growing in grace and say
Gone are the days I used to frolic in a haze
Today I'm being stuck as a mouse in a maze
A memory we fought back the silence from within.
The silence fought back a bitter tear
to exchange sadness for gladness
In tears the suffering servant
God is still sovereign.

— The End —