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May 2017 · 187
A Paradox In Time
A Paradox In Time

There's a hint of solace in late Spring
Look deeper then ever before,
Shoes, gloves, hat

Torn illumination...
One will choose to walk down a different path
Darkened from loose fetters of Tumble ****
A light an occasional twist to its madness

eyes filled up with sadness after solemn years of remorse
Once you figure it all out you end up dying
The demons will have you if you give up hope
A challenge to be free is a question of time

Don't try to figure it all out you will go insane
Time will teach you of honest faith & morality if you receive it
Time can give each a unique purpose to live
Time tells of our past not to repeat the same mistakes in the future
May 2017 · 155
Give Us Strength Lord
Lord, tonight there is a lot of hurting people inside. Show them Lord your presence in there lives. Father God, to the women who is deciding whether or not to abort their child. God show her the truth in your holy word that abortion is clearly ******. Father, to the street walker in the City of Waterbury give peace to her dear soul . Jesus...Jesus your the lover of our soul you come take control. Help us father to be ready for your appearing in all of your fullness. Dear Lord Jesus, egnite the fire & flame of your desire to be full & pure. Lord, many are having affairs as they are married God we ask you Lord for healing. In the area of our finances Lord please provide a clear way dear Jesus. As we wait on you & trust you as savior. Amen
May 2017 · 210
Unending Love
Unending Love

After all of this time of being apart
We still love each other, with all of our hearts
I can't find the words to express how I feel
Sure, I'm glad that you're back

yet it just doesn't seem real
You've been gone for so long
But now you reappear and say
that your love is still strong

I couldn't believe what I was hearing
Yet in my heart, there's something that I'm fearing
I loved you too much once, and you left me alone
I want you with me forever, not for me to wake up and you be gone

I've cried over you so many times before,
And it all seemed useless, like the sands on the shore
I've waited and waited, on your return,
Now you're back with me, and our love does once more burn

You say you'll never love me as you once did;
I feel the same, because a painful memory is hard to rid
Yes, I told you that I'd been with others, same as you
But even with them, my love for you so much

Is it your ways, your personality, or your gentle touch ?
I believe it's a combination of them all
So whatever happens this time,
Please, don't make me take another fall !
May 2017 · 337
I looked at my hands
They whispered old
No, I cried
My flesh is firm

My eyes are bright
The years controlled
They whispered old
I looked at a tree

Its shimmering leaves above
A robin singing
A song of love
Tell me, tree,

Between you and me
How do you
Your life renew
I looked at the sky

Its azure
Tell me, sky,
Your secret of

I looked at the sun,
The moon and a star
That winked at me boldly
from afar

Tell me, please, let your
wisdom descend
Is there a beginning
Without an end ?
May 2017 · 134
Days Gone By
Days Gone By

This morning I walked
to our park
one last time-
to wipe your memory
from my mind

I sat on the swings and wondered what happened to the fun we used
to share...
Where did the time go,
that I forgot how you
needed your freedom
so desperately

I didn't mean to
make you feel I was
trying to steal it away
It's just that our laughter
made me feel so young again

and I liked giving
my time to you
Now tonight has caught me
on the park bench,
where our names have been
engraved on the seat...

whispering yours
and wishing you hadn't had
to go so soon
And the park that was once
only ours to dream or
make love to the sky-
will be a thousand other lovers'-
and only ours to remember
the one time we loved.
May 2017 · 175
A Little One's Eyes
A Little One's Eyes

Hold the light
shining through a little girl's eyes
in your heart
and that child's innocence will

capture and hold our life forever
Know the faith
shining through a little not's eyes
in your heart

and that child's freedom of spirit will
capture and hold your life forever
Feel the love
shining through both of their eyes

in your heart
and a love above any other will
capture and hold your life forever
May 2017 · 161
The Scream
The Scream

A tiny seed was planted a time ago..
In time came a sprout out of the fertile soil,
A lone main sat on a bridge look into space
Taking his hands pressed to both cheeks he screamed...

It lit a spark to what he had been waiting for
faces, hands & feet
Shallow pool of water at his side
A willingness to go run away & hide

Viscous long hanging fangs that fright blood dripping off side
Satan laughing spreads his wings
Faces in the window having storms in the night
Eyes with darkened tombstones in his head

The tale of the walking dead
Having to get it out of his system
Shades of darkened portals of yesterday's passing
He must look deep inside having nothing to hide

The stalk of the sprout is now bearing its timeless fruit
May 2017 · 179
Loves Flame
Loves Flame

Love is like the fire,
one might say,
For it must be rekindled,
day after day

Love like the fire,
needs fuel to survive
Give fuel to your love,
should you keep it alive

Wood is fuel to the fire,
of what we are sure
Ah ! but what fuel,
helps love to endure ?

There are many a fuel,
that set love a spark
There is tenderness and patience,
and an understanding heart

Kindness and gentleness,
sharing life's need
All these are fuel,
to loves flame you feed

Give of this fuel,
give again and again
And the flame of your love
shall never grow dim
May 2017 · 126
Elements Of Love
Elements Of Love

Come be with me
We will talk
If you listen,
I will hear

Come walk with me
We will move
If you touch,
I will feel

Come share with me
We will learn
If you receive,
I will be blessed

Come stay with me
We are one
Apart we will only
May 2017 · 160
My Life
My Life

It seems I spend so much time alone,
No one there who really cares
I don't know who to call on the phone,
My life it seems is just too bare

I am always hurt with pain
And when I need someone, nobody is near
To help me through my awful strain,
I'm all by myself looking in a mirror

I feel I have not a friend
Who really wants to help me
May 2017 · 715
Games People Play
Games People Play

The games they play are so real to them
It's a shame dreams fade & go suddenly dim
No matter how long they try to pretend
Sooner or later it comes to an end

It doesn't seem to matter of ones religion or race
It's the same the world over, so hard to face
They just go on thinking there's more to be found
How do we make our youth aware of the truth

My wife doesn't love me, my husband is mean
They still believe the other side is green
Remembering parents unhappy & bored
There must be an answer if we search our minds

Maybe God figured it out and made it this way
So the greatest love he gave to us all
Is love for all mankind that never would stray.
May 2017 · 134
Silent Ashes
Silent Ashes

a swell in my heart
eyes, ears & heart
within silent pain lights the flame of deeper desire
you unlocked a dream to unfold

She dances on a ring of fire
Yet throws off its challenge with a shrug
how great a poet knows
let the truth be told onto a newer episode

Torn illumination
Cascading briars taunt the inner radiance inside
Satanic demons in the wine you had for supper
Alone in a fever pitched aside

We all seek to run away & hide
from the path of least resistance
join the hands & join the resistance
we are living on borrowed time

A challenge to be free is a question of time !
May 2017 · 141
Burn Out The day
Burn Out The Day

We look into hearts of love to unfold
pause and really think before you write
Each of us is being examined by the world at large
With faces in the window having storms in the night

I think I'll pack it in & buy a pick up
look to the east cause momma that's where all the fun is...
Share with others your new found faith
There is strength in numbers have you forgotten Water Gate.

Spineless zombies in the river of lust
Exchanging lust for love to a world in a rush
Look at what those before us had to go through
A beautiful array of blissful care

Shattered glass out on the parchment decorum
eyes, ears & feet
A given chance at which to meet & greet
Warhol had his Campbell Soup Can's

Jessie Jackson had his slogan, "Yes we can"...
Rodney King just claimed, "Can't we all just get along".
Burn out the day, that's the end of this song.
May 2017 · 207
Prayer Time

Prayer Time..Anybody Need Prayers Come Close...Dear Lord Jesus Christ, help us to discover new insight into your word. We surrender fully to your Lordship. Faith isn't intellectualized it just is...Faith is the substance of things unseen the evidence of things to come.. Lord Jesus, we have made mistakes, father being a Christian isn't about perfection but believing in a perfect savior. Lord you know our inner conflicts with the flesh. Help us to reach out to those unbelievers who have no faith in you. You said in your word Jesus if we have faith as small as a mustard seed we could speak to the mountain & it would move. Lord, create in us a clean heart & renew a right spirit within us. God gather your children into the fold that we may fall on good seed & have a bountiful harvest. Free us from ourselves.. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen
May 2017 · 183
Call It What You Will
Call It What You Will

A cheap thrill
Onto the vast duration of time
Red, yellow & black
Working so hard can give you a heart attack

We make plans then break plans
Will it ever end it all depends
A challenge to be free is a question of time
A ***** it still a *****

A leopard doesn't change its spots
Mark the one willing to explore
A chance to see so much more
A tug at the heart will light the spark

You got something that everybody loves
Don't look at yourself it comes from above
To treasure a red rose that was plucked a time ago
The soft decorum of a quaint romantic kiss

Run to love else it will be a sure fire miss
May 2017 · 92
The Decision
The Decision

When I was young I looked at life differently
Through a small lens of scope

Now that I'm old let the truth be told...
A lie is still a lie and the truth a truth

Made a choice to turn to a power
That's much greater then myself

Some put that book right back on the shelf
As a child I looked up at the clouds

Making beautiful pictures of the vast formations
As the many years would pass

I had every reason in which to grasp
Life's greatest mysteries to impart

There's a line being drawn in the sand
Hopefully someday all will understand

Shadows block the memory from my mind
One word in the dark has come to light

Never relent to ever give up on the fight.
May 2017 · 171
A Love I Couldn't Hold
A Love I Couldn't Hold

Cold, gray skies-like my eyes-
shed a tear or two;
as raindrops fall my heart
recalls the pain of losing you

Winds blow free and-just like me-are going who knows where ?
as branches bend my whole
world ends because you just don't care
The starless nights-like my life-are dark and full of fears;

as clouds move by I sit and cry-
I just can't stop the tears
Winds still blow but then, you know,
when they're gone

the sun will shine, and I'll tell myself I'm over you
and you'll be out of my mind
But when the snow flies before my eyes
and the sun won't shine on me,

I'll still remember days of dark and silent haze
when you said you had to be free;
and when the fire dies before my eyes
and the room grows, oh, so cold

I'll still remember days of dark and silent haze
and the love I couldn't hold
May 2017 · 102

The little girl has thoughts to ponder
At the close of another day
Troubled thoughts of highs and lows
Old thoughts webbed with decay

Some thoughts are ones profound-
Hard to understand and cope
Others... foggy, hazy thoughts...
Thick as if viewed through suds of soap

Troubling thoughts are now colorless-
Dwindling in the mind as she plays
These taughting thoughts tease no more
For Christ's spirit bids them away beyond the door of reality !
May 2017 · 158
The Seed Of Life
The Seed Of Life

A seed implanted into life
who grows, and cautiously
stretches forth to grasp,
and learn and try

A blossom opening to a rose
as knowledge pollinates our minds
The sweet perfume of dreams
drifting from petals of anticipation

A flower, vulnerable toward life,
unheedful of obstacles ahead,
yearning, eager, hopeful,
impatient to extend

The gentle showers of achievements
nourish ambitions hidden under doubt
Endeavous failed, but wisdom gained,
adventures lie ahead

Our roots entwined by friendships,
treasured memories formed,
branching out our minds return
and linger on forgotten times

The season is for laughter,
for memories and smiles
It is a time to journey toward
horizons yet unknown
May 2017 · 152
Leaves Of Life
Leaves Of Life

My life has been just like a book
The first pages unsoiled, clean and slow
Then gradually quickening as henceforth I grow
My ravenous mind was greedy for life;

Always eager to reach the next page
Now reluctant to proceed in my old age
I have lived through countless chapters
Seen love and hate come and go

But what comes at the end, I do not yet know
The beginning pages of my book
are now worn and thin,
So many times have I read them all,

things my memory could recall
But what of me when the last page is in place ?
Will another volume be my restitution,
My gift, payment, or restitution ?

My enthusiastic view of life has dimmed
I once felt young, and radiantly free,
Now that's just a part of my memory
At least I saw the words "the end" before they came

I cheerfully lived my life in full,
And although it has neared it's end, I loved it all !
May 2017 · 430
God's Good Outdoors
God's Good Outdoors

Just go out in God's outdoors,
And that awful pent up feeling
Gives way to one of freedom
And you lose that up tight tension

With that fresh air intervention,
It just changes you inside !
When you feel the breezes blowing,
When you see something a growing

And the traffic all a going
Hear the little birds a singing,
Gladness to your heart a bringing,
It's just good to be alive !
May 2017 · 636
Sunbeams & Rainbows
Sunbeams & Rainbows

God's love is like a sunbeam shining down on me
The joy of my salvation is fresh, as fresh can be
This new love is overwhelming, I rejoice in it each day
Close beside my Savior is where I want to stay

I want to be a sunbeam, reflecting this great love
So others will see Jesus, caring from above
But as my journey moves along
dark clouds come over my way

Temptations, trials and troubles mar the sunny day
I feel lost and unprotected; alone, so weak, afraid
And then I see the rainbow,
visual promise God has made

Learn of me for I will keep you
as your days are long
I will never leave, forsake you
Take courage & be strong
May 2017 · 254

It clings to the cliffed shore,
to the wintered face of the thistle path,
to the fingers of the old man's glove
as he waves his memory homeward

In that breath between come and go
she moves up from the bay;
gold turns her stride,
the line of her dress,
the soft sea pulling at her feet

When he reaches out
and the frail birds fly
and the sun and the sky
have married deep into the sea, it clings

Even as his shadow threads retreat,
it clings, even now as it dissolves to mist
May 2017 · 1.4k
My Little Fur Ball Friend
My Little Fur Ball Friend

I'm official a published poet through publisher Thaddeus Hutyra for the poetry universe.
With the Adventures of Poe the Cat (Fairy Tales of cats for children).
Pg. 148 (My Little Fur Ball Friend ) :

Come hear a tale of love & joy
A brook near my home where water flows
Filled with field mice drifting as in a maze
Mommy & Daddy were by the swing set smiling
The day was filled with joy all around

Through the window sat my cat named Harriet
Her eyes were bright and hair full of fur
Nestled beneath her claws was a tiny little toy
A squeaky sound that would be all around

My little fur ball friend would follow the brook
Outside she would hide beneath the front porch
Flocks of geese would fly overhead
The crows would pick the worms off the ground

A beautiful day very cozy & warm
My heart raised as the cat would often scream
Wanting a treat from mommy
cause daddy would often be on the swing

A tall drink of water as the cat would wander
searching for food & things
A thoughtful day of love from my fur ball friend
For she is a rainbow high above the sky

as we sing a sweet tune of peace
this is my first published poem in a book
May 2017 · 194
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my dreams to keep,
While I lie here counting sheep
May 2017 · 111
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my dreams to keep,
While I lie here counting sheep
May 2017 · 183
Look At The Good Side
So life is tough, what else is new
No reason to despair
There's not a human on this earth who doesn't get his share
Now you can dwell on all your ills,
feel sorry and blue,
and only see the gloomy side
in everything you do
But don't you know you have a lot to be so happy for ?
Just look at those who have it worse,
and see the good side more.
Do you have eyes ?
Why don't you see ?
the beauty all around.
A loved one's face, a flower, a smile,
First snowflakes on the ground
Do you have ears ?
Then listen good to music in the air
Hear children laugh, and birds sing out,
and voices everywhere
Do you have legs ?
Then take a walk, and feel how free you are
and so muck happier then some,
who cannot move that far
There's always someone in this world,
who's much worse off than you
So don't count what you haven't got,
let what you have come through
Look at the good side of life,
no matter just how small,
Appreciate all that you have,
and make the most of it all.
May 2017 · 176
The Homecoming
the fledging to his nest
All snug, secure
and every feather warmed
Love fills the nest,
for it is the fledgling's own
And within the straw
he is himself
May 2017 · 207
A Mirror I Will Be
A reflection I will be, for today
I looked into a mirror and much to my surprise,
what I saw was all deep, deep, inside...
There it was, all exposed, the inner me

right down to my very soul alarmed, shocked, and surprised, what
I saw wasn't really me on the outside
What have I done ? Where did it go wrong ?
Why isn't the inner me the same as the outer soul ?

Then I could see way beyond it isn't just me, but everyone.
Life is a fairy tale to most for the really don't accept the Holy Ghost
If all would look within their self, and
see the person that is there,

open up your heart, let it out
don't pretend, just be proud, for the person
you really are, is just what God wanted
for he created you as he chose

Don't fret, or whine, just be proud, life's riches you will surely find
Now when you look at me, a mirror you will see
for when you look at me, what you'll see is the inner me
For I am the mirror of the real me

To everyone in life who feels they are not special,
you really are, you see, for God made you that way,
if you'll only let yourself be...
© chevyvent    spiritual poems • society poems • sad poems • pain poems
May 2017 · 203
The Day Narrows
The Day Narrows

Shadows in the curtains drawn
show gray by afternoon
Falling clouds darken the sky as
Geese hurriedly fly past
pale windows, streets are left empty,
sounds of steps extinct,
sleet begins to press icy fingers
against rusty lamp posts while
tree branches snap and fall to
slippery paths below
Now as the spector of the long night approaches,
there is no one to hear him
What Easter Really Means To Me

The pain that he had felt that day in the garden. Knowing full well that he had to go to the cross. As they spit in his face with blood gushing out his flesh yet he pressed on. Having stopped briefly for a good samaritan to go further to carry his cross.Jesus Christ died almost 2, 000 years ago. On the cross for all the world to see. What was his prayer what was his final plea ? Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. He said the prayer now the rest is up to you. Just imagine having to wear a crown of thorns upon your head ? Having large nails go through your skin into this bone with blood gushing out. Spear in his side. Those many lashes that he took upon him by the Roman guards. Still he endured the pain knowing full well he had to die to fulfill his great mission. By taking all of mankinds sins upon himself. Happy Easter Everyone & God Bless You (Poet Mario William Vitale).
Apr 2017 · 286

Paris est grandiose
Je vois Paris en une fleur d'avril
d'un jardin bien soigne
Dans sa couleur rosee je le vois

En la saveur du vin
le plus delicieux du monde
je bois la finesse de Paris
Dan son bouquet je le bois

Avec la degustation
de delicats fromages
je me transporte a Paris
Avec je me transporte a toi

Je demeure a Paris
guand je visite un muse d'art
et guand je lis un poeme d'amor
Dans ces moments je suis a Paris

Cette cite est tous les
que nous admirons dans l'art
Elle est la culture dynamique
L'art pour l'art meme..c'est Paris.
Apr 2017 · 147
To Love Is To Live
When the anarchy of darkness fell,
A man stood in the wing of hope
As benign self imposed subject of life he said,
"The downward trend of heartaches may yet unfold"

In essence of the life he led,
but not fulfilled...
Though man still seeks the thrill of happiness untold
Essentially in balance and in element of time

God only knows the end and means to follow
Love has but two faces-secure and ambivalent
Man is intimate with both, but finds perplexing
Therefore, do not between thyself, for the eyes of

Love shall guide thy path of righteousness
Suddenly, greatness will be ****** upon him
He'll know not why, since the mind and the heart
Bare many complexities

But she'll be there, the very apocalypse of that
Sudden greatness
And the multiplying days of depression will
Begin mounting in reverse

Instantly he will find that without sustenance
Of love
Life hath no meaning
Apr 2017 · 223
Come Lord Jesus
paint a picture on the canvas of the sky
feel the slight breeze as it passes you by
A quaint encounter with the king of kings
fill are hearts with song precious Lord

faces, spaces & spiritual help
The light of illumination
precious Lord take my hand
lead me on this barren land

for I am weak, battered & torn
give us righteous judgment to discern
we have come to far not to turn back now
there is no use looking back when your hands on the plow

Send forth your holy warring angels for protection
the mighty sword of the spirit
Bring to each of us the Holy Spirit
shape are hearts and minds to be conformed to your image

God be merciful to us a sinner
quench the evil darts of the wicked one
we don't know the hour or the day
so don't delay come to are aid
Apr 2017 · 192
The dark velvet blanket begins its descent
Sprinkled with stars gleaming
like diamonds on display,
Shadows cast their images over mountains that surround me,
Like hugs ancient warriors they stand guarding me like a king;
And I feel loved.
I lie in my bed nestled under a great cottonwood,
While the mountain breeze caresses as a mother's tender touch,
Sounds of night merge with my own inner thoughts,
And we are one.
Night creatures wake to start the second shift
My soul is at peace,
And I feel God.
I am part of this time and it's a part of me.
A marriage of a kind for all is in perfect balance.
Natures plan of existence begins its restful stage,
Would my mentor understand that I failed myself today
Surely yes !
For he has set the scale of life to balance in the end.

This is a time of rebirth, a time to counsel myself,
A time of reflection and meditation,
A cleansing of my heart of the days burdens,
Of self criticism without shame.
Could I ? Would I ? Did I ? And why are all clearly defined with understanding
Night is my solace, I lie wrapped in the cloak of God's protection,
With the mountains my companions,
The creatures my brothers and sisters,
Yesterdays hurts are only a thought,
Todays burdens only a memory.
Problems of tomorrow are quite retrained
As the soothing sounds of nightfall
Lull me gently, oh so quietly to sleep;
And I feel loved.
Apr 2017 · 246
The Heat Is On
The Heat Is On

The Heat Is On

In valiant days of ore,

The most brilliant flare of ambiant excursion
A slight glimmer of radiance;
With time well spent in thought,
Yet still marked on a blotted page fully intact;

Although the twilight sin had tainted my inner vision,

We have drawn a paradox in the sand

It is my hope that someday we will live to understand

The heat is on within its timeless hue,
What are we in our society willing to do
A brilliant note of sorrow in our timeless facade display;
With chosen idols we have openly embraced along the way,

With sand sifted through an hourglass,

Faces in the window with pain in the night
The swift reflection of an image caught in time;
Among ellusive ventures caught up in rhetoric sway in ambiance,
A soft answered displayed in words in flight;

To forget the night deep within endless plight,

A word spoken in the fullest of night;
A reflection of an image caught up in time,
Among ellusive ventures caught up in rhetoric ambiance,
A sought after display of words in flight;

To forget the night deep within endless plight,

A word spoken in the fullness of time;
We mix words through our own agendas,
The heat is on so adjust your fenders.


When Words Are Not Enough

Let us seek to be fair in the grand scheme of things

Lazy diamonds too cheap to ever order a side of onion rings;
Let us never relent until the fat lady sings,
Many as of late have grown irrational & disturbed,
They ignore the mainstream as if one hasn't heard

When words are not enough,
When society makes you want to quit & give up;
Never relent in ever giving up on the fight,
Fly off with the captain leading a vast army in white;

In fancy decorated briars dressed in decorum filled hue,

What are we as a society willing to do;
As if some caged rat that was hidden in a tiny hole,
There has to be a bitter end in this toll
Some just put on some good music to let the times roll;

Others ponder a certain way of escape,

Heading off by the Dune's on the Cape;
Others simply take their time to bake a cake,
Many take out their pillows & sleep too late;
Still clearer heads have prevailed,

While some have found theirs lying in the sewer;

There is a vast army of heavenly host just waiting to deliver,
In life the less that you give your a taker...
When words are not enough speak with actions,
For out of the course of actions speak louder then words;

A nirvana of help would evoke some tender solace,


The March Of Rhymes

Although the mere thought of sun has tainted my vision

Was there something else you have been missing
The hero calls to yonder shore all alone;
As if a stray dog was in search of its bone,
The march of rhymes lives among a passing few;

A papal pew decorated in the vast ambiance in love,

With a certain crimesome tide to come undone;

Just after a police chase we will run to & fro,
Amidst the delicate fragrance of a passing ego;
Within smiles of vast chartered words,
A center of reflection in the pryamid of choice

Let us linger throughout the madness & rejoice!

A pleasant smile still we knew all the while;
A sore vexed temperment on the loose cannon,
With the march of rhymes will succeed so many times;
Out of mere laughter we can derive its inner pain,

A delightful fragrant scent of fallen early morning rain;

As swift bullets fly through the ambiant sky,
Some settle for a peanut butter & jelly
That instead a nice ham on rye;
The march of rhymes sings as time passes by

Sometimes its just not enough but for to give it one last try?

Let Your Words Be Few

Faces in the window storms in the night;

That very encounter with saving truth
Then marked on a blotted page intact,
To dream then to soar ever higher then before;
In light of visualization toward inner hindsight

The swift passerby should challenge the system

Yet through the challenge we can agree;
Perhaps this life is just a make believe?
Change your thinking & change your life,
Amidst the given strife one can think twice;

Sometimes it will just take a roll of the dice

Still let your words be few,
At night at church amidst a papal pew
What are we as a society to do?
The fatal onslaught of abortion in our papal borrowed pews,

A vast notion of thought by which to heavenly ponder,
Perhaps its the intent of love toward our call up a yonder ?
Let your words be few in the ****** of time;
Inner pain,

Where the whole entire world is totally insane!
W.O.R.L.D: Weird
Apr 2017 · 304
No Better High Then Jesus
No "*******", "High" or "******" Will ever reach the peace that passeth all understanding. You maybe sitting on the sidelines of life today. Thinking what's the use in going on ? Well, Jesus Christ died almost 2,000 years ago today. On the cross of calvary for all the world to see. What was his prayer what was his final plea, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". He said the prayer now the rest is up to you. You maybe hooked on ******, **** & gambling. Take everything to Jesus that's what's he their for. Ask him to creat in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you. Repent for your sins and turn to Jesus Christ today he is a friend that will stay with you until the end. Share with others the good news of his saving grace. (John 3 vs. 16) Amen
Apr 2017 · 150
The Land Of Dreams
When you fall asleep at night
your mind goes into an eerie flight
You can open the gate with they key of thought,
and don't have to do what you've been taught

You sing, and dance, and prance all day,
and you act so happy and also gay.
You run in circles and run into trees,
and cut your elbows and scrape your knees.

But sometimes you open the wrong gate,
and find yourself facing a terrible fate.
There are monsters, ghouls, and also grouches,
and then you wish you were on comfortable couches

And when you're done and almost through,
your mind knows exactly what to do.
You go back through the eerie flight,
it maybe day it maybe night

And when your mind comes back to you,
you may wake up and have a flu.
You could leave for school very late,
and find out that it's the wrong date.

And you could play outside in the streams,
but you will know that you entered,
"The Land of Dreams ".
Apr 2017 · 317
Song Of Spring
Today I heard a robin sing
Heralding the coming spring
A song of exultation to the sky
An ode to earth's awakening

I saw a willow on the hill
It's branches greening in the sun
And all the earth seemed hushed & still
And sleeping streams began to run

I heard a softly rising breeze
Whispering through the grass
Singing through the still bare trees
Waiting winter's chill to pass

I saw the sun, so bright and warm
Warming the earth after the rain
The buds and leaves, no frost to harm
At least, at last, it's spring again.
It's hard to ward off sorrow that
we feel when loved ones die.
This burden comes to everyone,
and grief we can't deny.
This earthly separation that fills
a heart with pain,
It is a natural function to hurt but not restrain.
Take up old associations, ride, or walk away the care.
The best medicine for sorrow is keep active they declare
Lose yourself in worthwhile
projects and utilize the brain.
Employ yourself with busyness
and get started once again !

It is difficult to do this and
resume a normal life.
But, it is our only answer to relieve us from our strife.
Fill your days with creativity and thereby shift the strain.
God's spiritual prescription will release a heart from pain.
By our faith we have assurance that we are not alone.
When they crucified our Jesus,
His earthly life was done.
Because we do not see him
doesn't mean he is not there.
So, when we lose a loved one,
it helps us to compare.
Their suffering has ended and
God provides us strength to bear !
Our faith allows eternal life to
those who leave us here.
Our God in his great mercy shall
release the bond of fear.
Give way to grief, and slowly
time will help the grief depart.
Trust in God to comfort you and
heal your broken heart
Jesus Christ died almost 2,000 years ago. On the cross for all the world to see. What was his prayer what was his final plea ? "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". He said the prayer not the rest is p to you ? He is knocking outside each of your hearts door today. Whosover believes in him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3 vs. 16). He was spread eagle on Calvary. Taking the heavy blows, insults & spit in his face. They pulled his beard and put a thorned crown upon his head. Yet he suffered for everyone's sin by dying a terrible death. Yet in three days he rose again. With power on high from the Holy Spirit. Just bow your heads and repeat after me : Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins,. Realizing I can't save myself. Come into my heart and I make yo my Lord ans savior. (Welcome to the family of God ! Read your bible daily. Join with others in a bible based church. Pray and share the good news to others of your salvation to others. Amen
Whatever Happened to Ethical Morality?
Mario William Vitale

As a Catholic, it bothers me to see. An ever increasing judgmental spirit among parishoners. We have become lax toward the sacraments & scriptures. Instead, we have imposed a new breed of highly sophisticated intellectuals who know it all. Yet who are they fooling? By reading the scriptures, not God? For God is not some man that he should lie. Nor the son of man that he should change his mind.

Further, we have endorsed abortion on demand. Do we think it nothing to **** the unborn in their mother’s womb all for the sake of convenience? No one questions anymore & no one has a voice until now. Am I that voice crying out in the wilderness? As long as God hears that’s quite all right with me.

What happened to ethical morality? We have embraced a culture of death. Relied on war zones we call schools. We elect politicians that embrace death in their mothers womb. Sadly, this is the current state that we are facing as a nation. It’s time to stand up and be heard before it’s too late!
Apr 2017 · 129
The parting of this loved one
So dear to us all,
Is a sign of God's love
His eternal love for all

There are but three things in life,
That all must be
God's bringing of life, and love,
And death, or life eternally

As you remember the days
Of her love from the past,
Remember always, her love
That love will last

Knowing God's love
For you, for all,
His strength, his wisdom,
Will help you stand tall

So bow your heads,
And let us pray,
For eternal life, lasting peace,
And love, forever and a day
Mar 2017 · 161
The Warrior
The warrior, his armor pierced
And his sword crimson,
Looks about at those who have challenged him
On this field of battle
He eases his once mighty steed forward to survey the aftermath
Of his victory
A tear falls, his heart is torn as he realizes
He too comes closer to death
In the distance another warrior approaches he is alone
He will challenge

He is young and strong, his armor is unshaken, his sword
Glistens in the sun
His steed, with head held high and nostrils flared,
Strains at his warriors firm grip
The old warrior dons his helmet and wipes his time worn sword
Of its past victories
He glimpses a shadow from the corner of his eye,
It has fleeted, he knows,
Still, he will accept the challenge
He is a warrior
Mar 2017 · 330
Once I lived in Camelot and catered to my king
and all about lay fields and woods with lovely forest things
Deer grazed at dusk within our sights
Rabbits played leap frog on the grass
and woodchucks took enormous bites of pears and watched the seasons pass
Gardens bloomed beneath my touch
Knights and ladies graced my board
and I could never do enough to please my Lord
Then Lancelot came to the king and gave his sturdy arm
Did all the king required and more

He kept the king from harm
but there are kings and there are kings
and so the trouble start
The king abused me coldly cruel
and Lancelot could mend my heart
In tender sympathy and love he held my body and my mind
and while the king was churlish, well
Lancelot was kind
Yes I remember Camelot and how he broke it apart
and all those sylvan golden days that make the teardrops start
I have compassion for my king
now Lancelot is just a dream
If you were once in Camelot you know I was the queen

There is a punishment, I have read,
for queens who take their knights to bed
But kings who cause this pain and strife
Live to respect it all their life
The castle stands in Camelot
It's ghosts are their for sure
and none survive within its' walls except the pure
Mar 2017 · 1.8k
Thank You Jesus
Dear Jesus, thank you for
bringing me back to your fold
Thank you for your mercy and your love untold
I felt so lonely, and far, far away;

I didn't know how I would make it day to day
My hopes and my dreams had actually disappeared,
But then you healed my heart and my soul cheered
Deep down I knew that you would never, ever leave me,

Because you promised to be with me and accept me gladly
It was like a veil lifted from my face
It was like my depression had left no trace
My soul felt light and free as the wind

As free as if there had been no sin

I felt your presence ever near my heart
Even though I didn't acknowledge it from the start
I heard a small, still voice sweetly saying
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start praying,

Help me Jesus to have
unswerving faith and love
Help me to realize that my help comes from above
Help me to be willing, strong, faithful & true

Help me give you the glory, in everything I do
Help me to be a living witness of your power & grace
Help me Jesus to finally win this seemingly impossible race
Help me to always lean on your firm and loving breast

Help me to trust you when I'm put to the test
Thanks, precious Jesus for opening your arms
Thanks, precious Jesus for tagging along
Thanks Jesus for fulfilling my wildest hopes & dreams

Thanks for letting me feel your most merciful, holy beams
You are truly the most wonderful, loving friend
Mar 2017 · 165
Let Your Voice Be Heard
Today we are given a choice. To humbly elect officials that will represent the people. Yet lately all are claims have fallen on deaf ears. W maybe in the grips of immediate danger. There are lines being drawn in the sand. Now is the time to take a stand ! That's the great beauty of our country the USA. We embrace freedom that so many of us take advantage of. Let us proclaim peace over the mass population. These are the freedom that are ancestors desperately upheld. Whether one is democrat, republican or independent. We can join hands amidst party lines. Love should be the essence of one's existence. A salute to the American flag in what it represents. Let's bring back wholesome ethics that embrace the family unite. By holding open a door for are neighbor. Visiting widows and shut ins. Feeding the homeless. With what time we use today will become evident in eternity. With faith and love embraced we can turn things around for the better of mankind !
Mar 2017 · 454
Jesus Feet
I believe with my whole heart that Jesus was dark skinned. He was a Nazerene their complexion was not white. He spoke Aramaic & walked every where he went. His feet must have been hurting him as he took the cross for us. Can you imagine ? The real pain that he felt with the insults of the crowd. Spitting in his face by mere strangers. The blood soaked crown upon his head. With the inner impulse to flee but he never gave into it. He took the cross bare our shame. Out of his tender love for each one of us. They pierced his side and blood with water came gushing out. He knows each one of us by name & waits for us to turn to him. Would you please now accept him into your heart and be saved for your sins ?
Mar 2017 · 178
The Halfway Mark
You stand in the middle of a clearing
you take a deep breath and you sigh
You look back at the thorns and the thistles of life
the pain is there even in your eye

You stand there and breathe the free fresh air
so deeply it penetrates
It soothes the mind, it helps the heart
the soul it revives

You look to the sides and you look ahead
you don't have to look behind
For what's back there, you know about it
ahead is where you will find it

All that you wanted in the past
all of your dreams unfulfilled
Ahead is where it all really is
the past it seems so unreal

Ahead way in the distance
you dimly see a door
It's marked and all the labels read
all you could ever hope for

So breathe while you can
because you see
Between you and that great door
more thistles, more thorns, more pain of life

But isn't it worth a little more
so pull all those muscles together
Regain all your strength and your spark
look to the proper source for strength

For you have reached the halfway mark
Repent and believe the gospel. This means with God's help you do a 360 & turn to Christ. We can't do this in our own stregnth that means you must pray and wait for the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit to come over your life. Times of refreshing will come you just need quiet times alone with God. Reading his word, pray and meditation. The Christian life is not any easy road to travel. One must live by faith not by sight. Jesus knows all about your daily struggles. He provides a way of escape through fellowship with other believer's in the household of God. It's a day by day process of asking for forgiveness and true repentance. One must not be lazy or stagnant on the path. In the end you will see Jesus Christ face to face and lay your crown at his feet. He said my yoke is easy and by burden is light. Fight the good fight !
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