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Mar 2017 · 197
If you could only touch your soul
and let you know I care
I would remove your burdens, as well as your fears
I would give you courage for all the days to come

Lead you through the darkness when night should come
In the sunlight of tomorrow, we would walk hand in hand
to where I would give you freedom to be a total man
For love does not limit, shackle or degrade

Her eyes do not look for fault within mortal man
love seeks to give pleasure, as well as gentle care
She will share her powers, should you fall into despair
she will heal with compassion, and understand your plight

Show you new horizons as you join her in flight
love longs to be your soul mate and places no demands
She sees the deep desires in the soul of mortal man
freedom of movement and expression

A need of every soul is just around the corner to have and to hold
for love, free spirit will teach you her ways
She will guide you through eternity and the mystical way
love is never forceful, with patience she waits

To show that you are special in a very unique way
reach out to receive, freedom of the soul
Your eyes will perceive a wonder to behold
for love goes on forever

Blessings to bestow, she will be your companion where ever you may go
Mar 2017 · 241
The Shadow As It Falls
The city is a morgue, as I look into the night
Each one is his own lord,
governed by a flashing light
No graceful compensation, where he broken hearts adorn
Utopia the nation, where all new souls must be born
a candle wick is burning, sending fire it's own way
You even may be learning, in the mire day by day
and who am I, the victim, who must stop death when it calls
Or banned by the restriction, of the shadow as it falls

The desert is a sea, made of sand like heat's own toy
no open arms are reaching, where the laughter comes to end
the hour's for beseeching;
Go wherever fate will send
An opera of the future, put itself onto the stage
the mind in need of nurture,
sometimes cries in mournful rage
And who am I, the dreamer, being backed against the walls
now the ray becomes a streamer,
and the shadow as it falls

The island is a loner, needing nothing but the breeze
and I am but a roamer, seeing promise in the trees
No heaven in the distance, at the top of the floating clouds
Thinking of the word "Resistance".
how I feel between the crowds
A windmill gently turning, on and on forever more
for paradise I'm yearning, and the time comes to explore
Hear the echo's bouncing vision,
in the deepness of the halls
I must make the last decision
with the shadow as it falls
Eat, drink and be merry now. Live it up you only live once. The world will tell you this it's just a lie. No, instead serve Jesus now with hearts filled with compassion. The world wants to fit you into it's mold so you will do what you are told until the rights to you are sold. They will never tell you the truth when there living a big fat lie. Satan wants you to live and reign with him in Hell. There will be no party there only suffering and being isolated from the Lord for all eternity. Friends, the world lives by sight they have no mentality of biblical truth cause they are spiritually blinded by the devil. He only comes to ****, steal and destroy. I have seen what the world has to offer me and it can't hold a song or a prayer to what my father did when he held his hands in the air. This is real love "Jesus Christ" !
Mar 2017 · 617
The Death Of Compassion
An old man lies in the street
Cold frozen blood tinged grit
Streaking down his ancient
terror stricken face

Eyes blurred by warm red once
blink frantically
As a shaking hand gropes blindly
in the sooty black slush

Clutching his chest
his legs thrash wildly
Slipping then stilled
by fruitless attempts to survive

An old man lies in the street
Traffic detouring
around his cold and lifeless body
and no one cares
Mar 2017 · 235
A Small Child's Kingdom
I scooped a pile of sand real high
and built a castle way up to the sky
On top of my castle I placed a tall steeple
and filled the courtyard with many people

Around my castle I built a river with a bridge
then mountains and valleys and green rolling ridge
I enclosed all the green meadow patches
with a log fence that was all made with matches

I used small acorns for birds that would sing
Over all that great kingdom I was the king
I had built my dream thereon the sand to stay
But alas! The tide came in and washed it away
Mar 2017 · 417
Dig Deeper Then Ever Before
Dig Deeper Then Ever Before

Look beyond the mistakes that we make. Dig deeper then ever before to the matter of the heart. Life is an open road just waiting to be explored. You flirt with fire you will go up in flames. Folks your going to reap what you sow. There's no way to get around friends. Your on center stage and the spot light is on you. True friends in life stick closer then a brother. A friend should always be at your side when your in need of help. Beware of "Toxic" people that come into your life to steal your joy. Life is too short to be stagnant and complacent. It should be fully embraced by soaring on the wings of faith. We have to be sharp during these evil days in which we live. Be willing to let things go & forgive. Pray with all your might this is a sure fire way to lighten your way. Heavy hearts will plunge into it's vast sea of love. Fly on sweet angelic love !
Mar 2017 · 184
The Higher Calling
Leaves falling from an oak tree,
spreading freckles on the green
Sun smiling through a cloud bringing warmth upon the scene
white sheep drifting across the blue herded by the breeze

Weeping softly as they go,
shedding tears upon the leaves
Summer is almost over,
fall is drawing nigh

The reaper with his scythe is waiting closely by
though his face looks very grim,
He has this job to do
all must return to mother earth,

To make room for the new
there is nothing new upon this earth,
All has been before
the angels smile upon your face

Wile death knocks at your door
a thousand years to us, is only a day to God
We are all endowed with a duel mind, the good and the bad
possessing earthly and Godly traits, the happy and the sad

There is not a perfect man on earth, none is good but God
we will awaken in his likeness
When the spirit leaves the sod
Mar 2017 · 434
The Grim Reaper
There's something strange happening in this town
you can smell it in the air, it's all around
It's death himself and he's reaping souls
He's here to possess you, to place you in his fiery coals

There's no place to run, no place to hide
You are about to venture on this long sinister ride
The death ride you might say
Yes, the Grim Reaper is here to take you away

Your not the only one about to enter Satan's den
There are many others that have also sinned
This is the night of the unforgotten memory
this is the night that you will burn eternally

In the idle darkness, the end is drawing near
your heart is pounding madly in fear
As you see the hooded face of this eerie unknown stranger
you scream in ghostly horror at the sight of this creature

As you look upon his sinking cold eyes of death
it takes away your precious breath
And in your last few moments of recognition
you discover the savage blade of destruction

Now you have reached the realms of death
Mar 2017 · 234
The Living Dead
My mind wanders to the stillness of a field
where wild asters used to stud the grass with blue
I seem to hear the echo of a voice
Lamenting over the vast stretches where my thoughts cling

Here, children ran and played and called each other yesterday
and people sometimes lazed in the earth's firmness
Riffling the crisp grass through their fingers
or gaze into the blue greyness of the vast unknown

Once this field nurtured life
Once a squirrel hid in it's thickness,
an ant crawled busily as it clung to a tree
Once all was teeming with life

Like a mother who nurtures a babe inside her womb
not a living creature now on that field
None whose love, whose life, whose breath
once braced the hearts of those he knew

What is that echo I seem to hear
where recently the field turned battlefield
Of maimed and wounded
I seem to hear the repeated blows against my chest

Or, do I hear the outside pounding of a heart
now the stench of death spreads an eerie feeling over me
I walk bent, my ear tuned to someone's distress
I cannot feel uplifted

It matters not where the source of death is life
clocking it's rhythmic beat
On its march to that irrevocable end
but when the arrogant hand of the battle

In Vietnam, Valley Forge, Verdun, Gettysburg or Golan Heights
moves the pace faster
Who am I not to feel the pain
the deep sore pain I share with those mourning

Mourning their beloved dead
striped of a life once dear to their very own essence
And dear to those who knew and loved and cared
who now have gnawing at their vitals the agony of loss

Like an amputation of the very fibers of their being
I share the deep sore pain of those left mourning
I think of their moment of anguish, their eons of hurt
Yet hope springs among some

And sometimes cheer a moment of cheer
like a grace note against a solemn chord
I picture myself on that field among the dying
I go deep into their entrails

Among those struggling to grip that last grip
that last gasp
Until beaten by death they surrender
Yet at times, I'm among those

who go to death with grace
As though the secret of the unknown were revealed in beauty
I ask myself, " Which would I " ?
I cannot know the imponderable

And yet I know a choice I'll be called to make
I'm back with those left living again
Living and mourning
I ***** perhaps to soothe with words or comfort with my touch

But I feel empty, hollowed out am endless desert
Like those who once knew those dead
Mar 2017 · 151
The Man With No Face
Once each week at visiting hour
To me he comes past prison tower
feeling his way with guard in lead
To fulfill with love our mutual need

My breath does pant, my heart does race
at the gruesome sight of his ruined face
And I recall with pain the very day
I took the gun, shot his face away

Mostly gone the sight, the smell, the taste
Leaving ugly, disfigurement in handsome place
but my act to him alters not his goal
He cares for me with impassioned soul

Though surgical skill could restore the looks
he spends his money on attorney's books
To give me pardon as he has done
for he is my father and I his son
Mar 2017 · 160
dark, obscure & dim
Can you go on indefinitely ?
sleep, slumber & somnolence
Where are you ?

dawn, morning & daybreak
Will you ever come ?
Light is my sentinel
sleep is my refuge

Where are either of you ?
Mar 2017 · 766
Butch Malone
Butch Malone walked tall that day when he arose from his rest. Outside pillars having climbed the long whinding duration of each moment he awoke. Various scenes flashed by his brain in remembrances alone again in a pitch darkened room.
Where tables having overturned to seal his doom. For Butch Malone was fit to be told. Many today viewed wanting to run away hide yet to where? Through both space and time there were various questions lingering inside his fragile egg shelled appearance. Many years have passed having every reason to grasp the question of his existence. A chase after ice to seal his doom. Still searching for an answer for the questions that lay on his heart. A neighbor friend would be right by his side to depend. Something was stirring inside when no one would want to date his cause of having cobwebs in his attic. A poor lost soul living in some fish bowl year after year. Chasing sweet dreams through a pipeline built in formation. Perhaps Butch was in need of a break on some long away vacation? With a tender voice that was thhe day Butch stubbed his big toe. There was again silence again stirring in the wind.
Through night following day he took time to bow the knee to pray by giving thanks to the one we have to do. Still it is what it is. Later Butch sold his life story at outdoor auction to benefit the press releases that would profit his name. In time even through the night following the day he took offense. Where as his neighbors disapproved stating, "Life doesn't need to be lived out that way"? His heart was moved with compassion where as later it was fixed on his realization to live out his dreams. In snap shot memory's of his past having so much fun with the hope that it would always last.
Mar 2017 · 634
Drowning In Silence
I am drowning in silence
no one wanting to hear what I have to say
No one asking to know how I spent my day
no laughter finds me

I find no joy to share,
my love is here but he doesn't choose to care
He would want things to be different,
but he doesn't know how

To ease the pain and not let my head in sorrow bow
a life almost totally gone by and people still make me cry
Do they mean to be cruel
I used to deny

But now, I know they do and I wish I could die
I once called "Suicide Hotline" to find a friend
they wait by the phone so your life won't end
I have things to be thankful for, oh, this I don't deny

But the hunger for laughter
makes my soul deeply sigh
I'm drowning in silence
This sad tale has been in movie plots for ages

Sadder for me because I'm locked between these pages
feeling sorry for myself
Who has a better right
wishing to cross from darkness to light

This may be the conclusion but it's not the end
I'm drowning in silence with a love not a friend
Mar 2017 · 191
The Cemetary
Like monasteries of old, you,
lie perched on a hillside near the village
You are mysterious, somber & silent
yet there are no huge carved

Wooden doors flung open wide
to welcome weary travelers,
And you offer no bowl of soup
made from scraps garnered by begging friars

Your guests have no need of nourishment, only rest
I walk among your grey marble stones
to find names of neighbors, friends and family
I long to talk with them, see them, touch them

To share precious memories
You give me only cold statistics
born, died, father, child & wife
I cry in agony

You saints in this holy hospice
Can you not join me in a prayer,
a hymn or a final plea
One day I shall accept your hospitality

For I to will be in need of rest
I shall enter the open grave
like your soundless monks
Understand the mystery perpetrate the somberness maintains the silence
Mar 2017 · 243
Dream Invasion
In the stillness of the night
you have invaded my dreams and left a mist
Where our hearts and souls meet
I have felt your breathe upon my ear

And the sweetness of your kiss upon my lips
I have felt the fire that gathers in me as our bodies cling
I have satisfied your soul with my love
And filled your thirst with my being

It is the feel of you that has erected my breast
And soften my rest as I dream
While I long for your body to rest tenderly upon me
If we should meet in another dream

Fill my need and make me believe
That is not just a dream !
Mar 2017 · 124
Carmalized Lust
They say in God we trust
yet it's lust in disguise
Can't we see through those twisted lies
a word to the wise

Hugh Hefner has exploited the masses
by his irresistible photo snaps in
eyes, hearts & dreams
Unfolding at the seams

We compartmentalize love for instant lust
instant gratification or bust
Falling apart at the seams
evil scenes

Replace logic for fear
I shed a tear to numb the inner pain
Vogue has there spread
what is going on inside are heads

In a twentieth first century world in a rush
Billboards will grab for your attention
you will do as you are told until the rights to you are sold
Love will soon make a come back
Mar 2017 · 161
He Makes All Things New
They are still our friends
it's just there on the wrong tracks
There the renegade of are society
whatever feels good do it

Follow after idols of vice
this is purely their choice
Life is filled with kings and queens
a noble price to pay

Many walk with tombstones for eyes
does this come at any big surprise
We each have been given a choice
Live, laugh & cry

A soft reply
the twilight sun has tainted my inner vision
Set forth on a mission
long lines in search of love

Forget the night in comes from above
we can't help to accept the way we feel
Perhaps a love embrace will seal the deal
long lines formed in the sand

When will we ever understand
we can't keep sticking it to the man
The truth will set you free
what is my last humble plea

Humble yourself before the one we have to do
perhaps we have bitten off more then we could chew
Behold he makes all things new
Mar 2017 · 321
The Great Awakening
Precious Lord take my hand lead me on make me stand
for I am weak, tired & worn
Through the storms you are there
Your words are to pray but you want us to rest to

Hearts will unfold to the message of your amazing grace
tears, thoughts & prayer
I shed a tear to numb my inner pain

Inside we hide behind a squeaky wheel
thorns, nails & sword
We have to obey his precious word
a beacon of light to a hurting world in need

The search for truth
among the blackened stench of the aroma in society
Fake freaks from hell with a ****** story to tell
they are zombies searching for answers out of a garbage can

paranoid message of hateful lust
Never claiming in God we trust
a challenge to be free is a question of time

Love should be the essence of one's existence
yet we have exchanged it for fake Hollywood lust
Let us look above to the heavenly love
merciful one come take this chip off my shoulder

Stop the senseless fighting before are nation grows colder
the senseless slaughter in the mothers womb is cold ****** ******
We have to reflect before we proceed any further
they handwriting is on the wall to warn the no it all
Look deeper then ever before beyond the inner pain that exists inside. Yo have no reason in which to run away & hide. Jesus is calling you to be his own. He searches in the distant portal of gloom & doom. He goes to the outsider who is looking for another hit of his crack pipe. Don't be afraid dear people to turn to him now. Inside we still hide behind the false prison garb of compromise. Yet can't we see through those twisted lies ? God waits for no man but Jesus Christ waits for you. Give heed to his call he whispers in a still small voice. Beyond the sin he can see desperately within. You don't have to clean up your act just come as you are. Some from near others from a far. Into the loving hands of the masters call. He loves you and has a plan for your life dear friends. Won't you give him a chance ?
Mar 2017 · 623
Mental Illness & Depression
Many people get depressed around the winter time. Mental illness touches the hearts of many families. Being creative to have an outlet will take you to a heightened place. Suicide rate is at an all time high during this season. Yet we can shed the light of happiness to a real darkened existence. There is medical help you can seek where a professional can discuss your condition. People don't try to hide it under the false way of compromise. We must be ever more vigilant to overcome it's condition. Artists from the likes of Vincent Van Gogh went as far as cutting off his ear. Kurt Cobain took his own life with the battle soaring from within. Friends you are very important to both God and man. Don't ever take your own life. There are people who care and love you. The road your own may seem an uphill climb but the sun will come out tomorrow. Cheer up people there are better days ahead of you. You ain't seen nothing yet !
It saddens me that we are living in a culture that has drifted far away from morality. Instead they have adopted a fake Hollywood mentality. That claims I am what I do. We have turned are backs on the very notion of truth & embraced lust. As though one is on a raft near the shore then the occupant decides to snooze. Next thing you know they are out to sea. We all need to turn back to good wholesome morality. There are no more good role models that represent are nations youth. Love should be the true rich essence of one's inner existence. There are lines being drawn in the sand. We cry out for justice yet one doesn't take the initiative themselves to put their faith in action. True faith isn't intellectualized it just is the substance of things unseen. There needs to be a voice with a deep crystalized message that is willing to turn the tide. There is something in the wind so I believe you need a real heart saturated with truth in order to stand the true test of time. If we can come together we can reclaim love once again by putting it in action.
Mar 2017 · 218
Pray For Our Nation's Youth
Hello my name is Mario William Vitale I'm an established writer. Having 1,000 poems & two short stories toward my platform. I contribute my success to writers John Ashbery & Major Jackson. My main concern for are country is with are nations youth. There are no more good wholesome role models for them to look up to. I personally met Roy Rogers in 1983 if you want to talk about a hero his name comes to mind. We as a society have become lax in demonstrating ethical principles toward their well being. Having war zones we call schools. Abortion as the accepted norm. Heads in are streets that stand for love yet it's really lust in disguise. No one has a voice anymore in addressing these issues to are needed children.
Mar 2017 · 182
Born Again
At first it starts with a tiny seed
then the roots spring up out of the fertile soil
preaching, teaching & service
To humbly obey is better then sacrifice

faces, spaces & traces
It unfold with an open heart
saturated with the truth of God's word
One must die to self

Pick up your cross on a daily basis
In time you will walk as a child
faith isn't intellectualized it just it
God's love for you is the great eternal constant

Accept Jesus into your heart as your personal savior & Lord
hope springs a new
Continue to confess your sins & believe
Unless one is born again he can not see the kingdom

Join a bible based church that preaches the word
pray & give tithes
Share your faith with those who are lost
create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me

Only one life will soon be passed
only what's done for Jesus will last
With what time we use today will be echoed throughout eternity
God alone is enough
Mar 2017 · 587
The Flesh Profits Nothing
To have a heart that is ******* in knots
when their are a dozen of pots
in your sink;
Can't even think
to dismiss this Earthly bliss
in a time well spent in thought.
Yet the Spirit brings life & peace.

A heart saturated with unconditional love
shall withstand the true test in time!
Words have an effect on people
so choose words of edification.
Smile 'cause it's contagious
so pass yours on.

We can each do our part in making this world a better place.
Love should be the true essence of our existence.
Become a beacon of light
to a hurting world in need.
Love your neighbor
spread words of peace and togetherness.

Each of us has a responsibility in this life.
Our life will soon be passed
only what's done for truth will last.
What we do with our time today
will become evident through eternity.
Mar 2017 · 259
Praying For Publication
Attention publisher's, editors & poets thank you for the opportunity to convey my work to you. It has taken me since the Fall of 1989 to build up my platform in writing. Poetry can take you to places that dreams are made of. From a far away land with kings, queens & dragons. It is a pleasant surprise to write about love in the way it effects the human soul. One can develop a deep aura in reflected there true artistic freedom. Please give me a chance at publication of my poems. We only get one chance at this life dance. It is for freedom that we represent the arts. Freedom that far to many of us take for granted. For love is the essence of my inner existence. I'm most appreciative that you are my friend. Sending shout out to all those who I have touched along the way. Live, laugh & grow... Thank you kindly, Mario William Vitale
Mar 2017 · 409
Prayer For The Poet
Prayer For The Poet

God tonight I pray for musicians, artists & poets. Lord everyone who takes part in the creative arts. Actors in the theatre Lord we pray for a tremendous blessing to unfold in their lives. God please send your Holy Spirit to bridge the gap for protection against the attacks of Satan and his evil spirits. Lord you stand as the front lines for are defense against the wicked schemes of the devil. Lord that we may be a bold witness for you in all that we say & do. God, defend the mentally impaired, widows & orphans. Look to the homeless this evening that you would provide shelter for their specific needs. Only you can give us true freedom God we wait upon you for a clear direction to take. In Jesus Christ mighty name, Amen.
Mar 2017 · 338
Time Will Tell II
One looks at a painting then shrugs and walks away
some will peer into it's vast extreme
Still another person may stare for a long time
captivated by it's imagery & design

colors, choices & voices
We can then make formations out of the sky
perhaps it's in the memory of time gone by
As the sun heats up time will tell when the water will boil

traces, faces & spaces
The light of illumination
perhaps in need of a break on a long awaited vacation
All those hero's and legends we knew as a child

Fall into idols of clay
if one only had a voice with a sound choice
Eyes with spots out looking in the night
the creeps come there to fright

rules, tools & jewels
We slowly made are way into the vast auditorium
to take are seats on stage left
The actors assembled on stage

Words can't erase the way that we feel
perhaps a love embrace will seal the deal
With that said the curtain had closed

Time will tell of the open arms to the embrace of a loved one
Mar 2017 · 301
The Flesh Profits Nothing
The flesh profits nothing. To have a heart that is ******* in knots when their are a dozen of pots in your sink; Can't even think to dismiss this Earthly bliss in a time well spent in thought. Yet the Spirit brings life & peace. A heart that is saturated with unconditional love shall withstand the true test in time ! Words have an effect on people so choose words of edification. Smile cause it's contagious so pass yours on. We each can do are part in making this world a better place. Love should be the true essence of are existence. Become a beacon of light to a hurting world in need. Love your neighbor spread words of love & togetherness. Each of us has a responsibility in this life. Only one life willl soon be passed only what's done for truth will last. With what we do with are time today will become evident throughout eternity.
Mar 2017 · 197
A Shadow Of Your Smile
To reach with both hands into the day
a humble need to bow the knee to pray
laughter, smiles & love

You sought a solution from the pain
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
We will walk hand and hand
together we will come to understand

A smile is contagious so pass yours on
a beacon of light to a hurting world in need
Look at the swam in the pond
alone in it's lost creativity

To dream a chance to unfold
a shadow of your smile exposed
We each have a purpose in life
never relent to ever give up the fight

faces, spaces & traces
An aura of twilight for all to see
living in the light of eternity
Long lines formed in the sand

Through life's struggles we can learn a lesson
a twilight sun has tainted my inner vision
We are all set out on a mission
Time will tell when this water will boil
Mar 2017 · 117
Stand The Test Of Time
We have come so close not to turn back now
no use looking back when your hands on the plow
Love has gained it also has lost
humanities heaviest of cost

We search in circles for are new found love
just to leave shattered swept under the rug
How you fought so hard & fierce
my truest love is gone from here

A challenge to be free is a question of time
my only solution is using my mind
Living on the edge and i's going to my head
sitting up at night all alone in bed

Following the rainbow to the sky
I see a vision of you pass me by
Our war were in is almost over
it's hard to believe I lost my lover

Yet when I looked deep into your eyes I can see a future
a future filled with hope for a better tomorrow
Amidst all the sadness and sorrow
light of illumination

colors, faces & traces
Your timing is exquisite
for a call of togetherness
A shoulder to cry with hearts beating in the night

To become that beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love
Mar 2017 · 253
Angelic Vixen On The Track
She came from the river Styx in Hell
had a great story in which to tell
Satan gave her borrowed time in which to roam
inside she wanted to hide and swallow her pride

Onto her she came in front of each passing train
Passerby's can see her visual outline of her dress
once she was a beauty queen in her brief life
Loved to dress up in lavish decorum

Breathless taunts the wind of visions from within
Now she resides with viscous fangs that bite in the night
if you listen very closely you can hear her cry
Shelter lies dormant amidst it's beckoning plow

She walks on the tracks in search of blood
to help ignite her flame of what she is searching for
Will hide behind the false hidden garb of compromise
the twilight sun has tainted her inner vision

A looming Gothic yet demonic presence
In darkened caverns filled with lust
She moves ahead one step at a time
with a longing hope to find her way home
Children, you maybe suffering inside. Living in a culture of death. Sitting on the sidelines waiting to make your next move. Well listen up the sun comes up every morning. God will wipe your sin stained slate clean. By the blood of his precious son Jesus Christ. Society today needs a wake up call cause it's impossible to live up to it's perfect standard. Fake freaks from Hell want to tell you how to live your life. Don't listen to their false allegations there only lying to you. Instead embrace truth that comes from Jesus. Share with others what you have been taught. There is always hope for you as you maybe in turmoil desperately searching in the night. Never relent to ever give up on the fight !
Mar 2017 · 255
The Beginning Of The End
A swarm of bees
insects, butterfly's & snakes
Left helpless again down on my knees
To digest hate into loves reality

It all started with an apple in the garden
the Eve was suddenly deceived
Blinded by the fatal cost of sin
now where do I even begin

A seed was dropped out of a farmer's bag
in time the roots spring forth out of the fertile soil
For the birds of the air flocked overhead
look at the swan in the pond

Searching for food in it's beak
start to turn over a brand new leaf
We can learn a lot from nature's beckoning call
a shadow of sweet decorum

We lie in silence burning the midnight oil
sometimes it takes to long for water to boil
Today there's lines being drawn in the sand
we will be ready to live & understand

The beginning of the end
try to turn around and understand
Be captivated by the way that you feel
perhaps a love embrace will seal the deal

Life is spent when your busy making other plans
look above to the heavenly love
Hopefully everyone will understand
Mar 2017 · 322
The Crystal Ship
Out on the barren sea
lies a lofty sullen mast
A chosen vessel caught in time
Drifting along the main frame of the island

Look a bit closer and you will see
a shining crystal on the port side
pirates, robbers & thieves
Made a haste decision in which to board

A cannon charge would turn them all away
quick conclusions often lead the best of us astray
The wisest move in life is but to wait
otherwise are galloping emotions run away like horses at the gate

Captain Jack was on board
to summon a faithful crew to lead
A romantic at heart was he
taking time to reflect a solemn need

The crew would often polish the crystal jewel
a chief aim to please
The ship traveling to ports unknown
a rainbow in the dark

On land a fare maiden would often tempt Jack
yet he was loyal to his waiting vessel
The crystal ship was sailing off into the night
watch on as the angelic dove fly
Mar 2017 · 163
The Life Of A Poet
A poet walks the lonely road to get exposed. Makes many gramatical mistakes along the journey. Seeks one rejection after the next for publication. Yet one must be ever vigilnt to never give up the fight. Freedom that far to many of us take for granted. A poet lives in the dream like state of existence yet faces reality head on. Having a real aura embraced with love and acceptance to all who will receive the work. Treads through darkened passages just to see the visible light of success. The road is not for the faint in hearted. Yet for the committed willing to make people think. To make a better change in this life. Someday very soon my prayers will be heard I'm putting them in God's amazing hands. To become that beacon of light to a much hurting world in need.
Heads in the street that cry out social justice. We got women's liberation heading out across the nation. Killing's in war zones we call school's. Handing out condoms demanding abortion on demand. No one hurts no one has a voice ? Ever more determined to bring people together now more then ever. The Aheist, Agnostic, Muslim, Christian & Buddhist. We must come together collectively coexist to create a bond with each other. There's lines being formed from Las Angelos to Brooklyn. Sound the alarm to unite the gay, straight & crossgender in are society. We walk a fine line between heaven and hell. There is a clash occuring for a common cause of "LOVE" ! No is the time to remain whole hearted to are commitment in assuring that are freedoms are not taken advantage of. I proclaim equal right's & justice ! This not the time in remaing lukewarm sitting on the sidelines so let your voice be heard !
Mar 2017 · 655
You watch as I rot inside my cage
getting lost in a purple haze
Like a mouse stuck in it's maze
wake up late to one of those days

Let's look deep inside
we have nothing to hide
Sidewalks filled with heads
the sought corruption of the walking dead

pillars, columns & staircases
We leave a lasting trace
spread out upon are Peyton Place
You must walk in the almighty's ways

creatures, features & moonlight dealers
Blood soaked skin on their brow
lines formed in their face
Viscous long hanging fangs that bite

Creatures of the night
fallen demonic members that surround
Sound the alarm
not for the faint in hearted

One must humbly bow the knee to pray
the atheist would insist it aught not be this way
Shadows break forth toward a bond of revolt
others seek vengeance and take you to court

Evil minds that plug destruction
torturing their brain washed minds
Satan laughing spreads his wings
a challenge to be free is a question of time
Mar 2017 · 189
Let Your Voice Be Heard
People are starting an uprising. We can come collectively together. In order to celebrate are differences. There is a lines being drawn in the sand. Heads in the street scream love yet it's only lust in disguise ! We need to bring are differences in focus whether we are black, white, gay or straight. Let your voices be heard for everyone to hear. There is a new political system that values may differ from yours. Still we need to be ever more determined to take charge. Stop abortion cause it's ******. Salute the American flag with the dream attached. Lift your head up high as a pillar of might for those to follow. Celebrate the creative arts and those that represent it. Smile cause it's contagious so pass yours on. Become a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love. Shine your light for everyone to see. Seek truth with all your heart and resist the hate.
Mar 2017 · 127
Heads In The Street
There is a line being drawn in the sand
try to understand
Many equate logic for fear
I shed a single tear to numb the pain

We each are given a voice with a choice
many insist on lust instead of love
Other's just push things under the rug
eyes, faces & traces

Burning the midnight oil
when will this harvest begin to boil
Shadows break apart upon the morning dew
we have bitten off far more then we could chew

solace, humility & sullen brevity
Marching orders have been given
Satan's laughing spreads his wings
Trump is in office a new political swing

As the eagle fly's throughout the sky
to send a tender wish or a soft reply
Let us look above to the heavenly love
shelter lies dormant onto it's beckoning plow

The time for change is now
a call is going out onto the nation
Hearts to unfold their dream episode
become a beacon of light to a hurting world in need
Everyone has a story to tell & a poem to write. I believe all of life's experiences are being dealt with snap shot Kodak moments to enjoy. We are all gifted when it comes to the creative arts. Just have to carve some time out of your busy schedule take out a pen and paper & write. You go tell of far away lands with dragons, kings & queens. Soar higher then an eagle goes in flight. To heavenly angelic places with beautiful descriptions intact. Yes, everyone has this talent in them so go to it friends. Be creative, think positive & laugh. Only one life will soon be passed only what's done today will last. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Become a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of creative artistic expression. Good night everyone !
Mar 2017 · 273
A Prayer To Jesus
Jesus, as your purchased child of the most high God, we come before your throne : Hear are pleas father are hearts have been ripped apart by the things of this world. Lord you did the impossible when you went spread eagle on the wooden cross. Christ unfold in us a new sense of purpose to soar as the eagle does. Create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. Lord were leaning on your precious promises God. Please send the Holy spirit to convict hearts of sin dear God. Pray for those hospitalized, mentally insane & convicts. We are crying out for forgiveness show us your loving kindness. Pray for those in the service Army, Navy, Air force & Marines. Let us honor the American flag dear God. We suffer inside until you touch the hearts of those believing for a miracle father. Drench us in your mercy and desire fall on us new fresh rain of a covering from angelic hosts above. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.
Mar 2017 · 190
A cosmic collision came charging through
the perimeter in space
lines, form & energy
The solace of the solar system

We live in the land of make believe
fallen emblems with no leaves on trees
Can't escape the way we feel
perhaps a love embrace will seal the deal

Look at the swan upon the lake
call it beauty in it's lasting state
Shadows beckoning call filters through the scene
we make mistakes cause we fall short

a solemn pause to Gideon
Orion in orbit tranquil and electric
through the duration of time we created a rhyme

A pulse of the human heart
will light the spark of what I was waiting for
Lest I implore another open door
we will light a match to celebrate are innocence

Forget the night the day is far spent
I have become cumbersome to this world
A solace to unfurl
the gravitational pull may bring some down

A planet that dwells beyond the great divide
some may insist to run away and hide
Look to the sun to help you get by
very often it's a substance that makes you get high
Mar 2017 · 1.3k
Women's Empowerment
This is for the ladies who do nothing shady
live, laugh & cry
As time goes by a beckoning call
to relish in the memories of your past

Having so much fun with the hope that it would last
learning something new just waiting to be grasped
women's liberation heading across the nation
The roles that you have adapted to are your own

Searching to move ahead of the male dominate strain
not seeing you again is driving me insane
We have come this far not to turn back now
Free speech, abortion rights & love

From the beginning you had a plan
to try to stick it to the man
It is my hope you will understand
love is the essence of your existence

A cause to unite with the fight
voices with choices & employment
long lines in the sand
Your rights are deserved you shine bright

As a beacon of light to a hurting world in need
let us learn a lesson from those before us
something special, new & glorious
Light to torch that ignites the eternal flame before us

The sound of an amazing chorus
Mar 2017 · 5.3k
Ann & Nan
Snapshot memories of are past
having so much fun with the hope that it would last
To my best friend Nan,
a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love

To the truest friend I ever had
those memories by the stonewall
Started playing together as friends
She had blue eyes & long blonde hair

I had brown eyes and brown hair
roller skating on the sidewalk with the attached rollers with a key
Went down by the brook to catch poly wags
we both went to the same school

Having sleep overs was a blast
a secret passage to get to her father's soda shop
Taking ice cream and delicious candy
everything nice and dandy with Nancy

Yours was are youth to be captured with a precious smile
Cape cod trips when Nan would drive
going to a trip to Provincetown
watching the folks dive for money

Big ships coming to dock
the men would get the money in their mouths
The island we used to go
in a row boat along the beach

Looking for young boys and we found them
went to dances at the Bristol Boys Club
Doing the latest dance craze the Huck Buck
Boys wearing pegged pants and girls wore skirts

To cherish those lasting memories of a time ago
getting married
Nan had three children
Ann had six

To raise and cherish the family united in love
Today we are in are eighties
both with medical issues
Yet remained best friend's after all these years
Satan rules this evil ruled system. He lurks as a deadly snake waiting to deceive you. He goes before God continually as a prosecuter looking at every single tiny move you make. So he could have some basis of framing you for a sin that you did. He's the accuser of the brethren. Satan was once the highest angel in heaven's fold yet he let his pride get in the way. He is often called the light bearer yet don't let that deceive you children of God. He took one third of the angels with him to lie and wait to deceive everyone. The prince of the power of the air that wants you with him in Hell for all eternity. Satan comes to ****, steal & destroy you of your joy. The moment you place your faith in Christ he's on you like butter to toast. Still rejoice friends cause Jesus Christ has overcome & it's in him that we place are full trust. Draw near to God and he'll draw near to you. Amen.
Mar 2017 · 411
God Alone Is Enough II
Our flesh hates the things of God. It would rather serve sin & Satan. Yet folks we must crucify this old human flesh to be in subjection to the spirit. The flesh and the spirit are in conflict together. That's why the Apostle Paul said, "the good that I wish I could do I do that very evil that I hate.": We are at war people and we need are heavenly armor on Ephesians 6 vs 10. Choose to live in the spirit so you will not fulfill the deeds of the flesh. It will get us as Christians in trouble every time if we live by sight and not by faith. That's why memorizing scripture and reading your bible are so essential. The devil hates us but Jesus Christ overcame him and this evil world's system. Believe in the gospel message and be saved today ! God alone is enough.
Mar 2017 · 228
The Push
Thank God for President Kennedy
he showed us what true kindness is in action
Today we live in a land of hate
lost in the sauce of sullen brevity

What is the lasting remedy
love is the essence of one's existence
A challenge to be free is a question of time
become a beacon of light to a hurting world

It's hard to see true humility in action any more
maybe because that was so 1964
Still we need to push each other in the right direction
no need for rest on a long awaited vacation

Let's look above to the heavenly love
, Merciful one come take this chip off my shoulder
stop the senseless fighting before are nation grows cold
Soar as high as the eagle will fly

Passerby's can't escape the lighting glance of it's sparkling radiance
we all must take part in the dance
Give peace another chance
the twilight sun has tainted my vision

Was there something else you have been wishing ?
Mar 2017 · 308
The Real Twilight Zone
Today we are living on borrowed time
broken dreams drawing a line in the sand
Many folks today have tombstones for eyes
does this come at any big surprise

They follow after Satan which seek self to please
never will you find them falling on their knees
faces, feet, eyes & hand
When will they ever understand

Exchanging love for lust
Satan's laughing spreads his wings
viscous longing hanging fangs that bite
Creature's of habit desperately seeking in the night

Evil minds that plug destruction
looking for borrowed basement deals
Heads in the street standing for love
yet it's only lust in disguise

Can't we see through all those twisted lies
Welcome to the land where self is king
shadows break apart to watch evil scream
There is lines being drawn in the sand

When will we ever understand
the white zone is for loading and unloading
You will do as you are told
until the very rights to you are sold

With what we see may not necessarily be a reality
Mar 2017 · 470
Flowers From Heaven
Out of the mere solace there springs forth a silence
cold hearts plunge in it's beautiful interludes
A beacon of light for a hurting world in need
sorted Lavender grace upon the Peyton Place

We filled slowly into the auditorium
faces fixed on what was being said
For I shed a tear to numb the pain
Not having you in my arms was driving me insane

faces, hands & feet
Shadows beckoning call asunder
A harp was being played
we could see his majestic throne

Alone taunt the fragile imagination in my frame
a soul vexed solution for the mentally insane
A message of grace seasoned with salt
Flowers from heaven can't be bought

A free gift to the undeserved
to flourish in the vast intoxication
May need a rest on a long awaited vacation
A red rose that was plucked a time before

Our tender hearts will soar through the opened door
a feeling of ambiance through the room
Destined to lavish this upon are hearts
awake to watch the white angelic dove fly high

A challenge to be free is a question of time
Mar 2017 · 260
The Best Is Yet To Come
A shadow brightens the unusual vortex
it's in the wanting that's the hardest part
I treasured a red rose that was plucked a time ago
living on the edge and it's going to my head

Sitting up at night all alone in bed
following the rainbow to the sky
I see a crystal clear vision of you pass me by
Through the duration of time I sought a dream

Hearts pulsating within a lovely swing
a song recapture's the timeless moments of are youth
To be young again within the open field's
A song of hope when you can't even cope

Having a fight with the soap on the rope
Can't even think to dismiss this earthly bliss
in a time well spent in thought
faces, shoes, lunch bag

Today let's pray for a new awakening to unfold
where family and friend's can come together
No matter the duration of the weather
It's time to treasure those snap shot moments of the past

Having so much fun with a hope that it would last
a heart is an opened door just waiting to be explored
We have come to far not to turn back now
With heads in are street that proclaim lust for love

pushing, shoving, silence & apathy
to treasure the moments in your heart
This should like the spark that ignited the flame to what I'm waiting for
a beacon of light to a much hurting world in need
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