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the streets were covered with an illusion
a vast amount of clothes we sent from the Orient in a box...
puzzled look by some passerby's
covered emblems with dashing brilliance

beneath the earth the creatures do dwell
but I have a good story to tell
the box came from the outer banks of Hell
legend has it stored in columns of writings

there was a fir trapper in line for a new position...
he was an important socialite & wanted to start a new conversation,
over a period of time he showed his face

tiny eyes with a big head with a bullet hole inside...
he was shot by accident from his uncle
yet he survived the whole ordeal
he brought up the story of the box

that night he fell into a deep sleep
only to awake to feeble minded mutants running through his head...
calling him further & wanting him dead
he lay puzzled and dismissed the whole event,

later in the morning when he arose
out the dead smack in the road was a mutant...
the fir trapper drew nearer to look
it grabbed a hold of his leg and bit him
days would pass having no reason to grasp

the trapper fell really ill & turned into a zombie mutant...
the streets got word & shot the man dead
but that wasn't the end quite yet
lest ye forget the box now in lock & chain

it suddenly opened and the streets were filled with these mutants once again
no one had a cure for the were all doomed
until the uncle from the late fir trapper appeared with a silver bullet able to **** mutants...

he loaded his gun and one by one they lay dead...
what was going on inside his head
but that was the end my friend
Sep 2017 · 258
A Need For Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus Christ, we could do nothing unless we stay attached to your vine...Fill us with a great portion of your sustaining power. Further, let the Holy spirit be are guide to really take heed to your saving message of grace. There are people tonight in harms way with Hurricane Irma coming through Florida. Many of are relatives live in that state dear Lord. Give then sustaining presence of your power Lord Jesus, Pray for family, friends & loved ones out searching for truth tonight. Give us a clear vision of your guiding presence. We ask that those who do not know you Lord. Maybe filled with a great sense of need. To come to a knowledge that's greater then self. Fill are hearts with your tender joy & promises. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen
Sep 2017 · 126
Right From The Beginning
there was a vocation to promote the population
as a young child I would dream
about far off places with kings and queens
a challenge to be free was a quest for time
living on the edge and it's going to my head
sitting up at night all alone in bed
following the rainbow to the sky
I see a crystal clear vision of you pass me by
although those many years had passed still have a reason to grasp
the true rich music that plays on
solace is the name of the song
to be a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love
right from the beginning I could see
real life to that of what is fantasy
what would I be willing in which to achieve
a decorated vase out on the patio
points to the places where I need to go
the closing in on a new Summers day
pay ample time to bow the knee to pray
others may insist it ought not be that way
it starts from deep within
only to obey the masters plan
you are the vine and he is the branch
love to get you through it if you just give him a chance
hero's come a dime a dozen some falling from the Elm right into the oven
suffering comes to test your faith
learn from your mistakes & smile
cause you knew all the great while
right from the beginning is the true source that's always winning
sound fetters trace the ******
to what we have been waiting for
life is an open road map for you to follow
in nature we could long to capture a true lesson
forgetting the pain with bias to strain
we graduate from age to age
only to discover which clear way to wonder
in solitude we develop a keen sense of togetherness
shallow peaks mark the man willing to explore
the vast expanse in the opened door

as such with the Willow Tree faint & embodied
we gravitate toward mountains with a ceiling of vast design
each of us can soar as high as the eagle fly
through solace there's a lesson
is there something I'm forgetting
the message of love can send shivers
through the spine of the wanting & needy
this is what we are willing to achieve
a timeless quest to get down on your knees
look at the bumble bee in pursuit for its nectar

get captivated with a smile cause we know all the while
a child is lost without family & friends
the willing source by which to depend
out of common courtesy one is open for suggestion
as such as two lovers plunge in the arms of each other
the plunder of conquest as all of life being a test
ruthless tyrants that run a muke
if we pause deep enough for a solution
to build are hearts on its restitution
mend your ways this much I pray
couldn't have it in any other way
Sep 2017 · 90
Cold Clap In The Dark
skeletal bones in the hidden residue
to escape with its fashionable decorum
hidden inside there is a map
a scroll to tell us where is the buried treasure
turn right on interpass twelve
quick left passed the brook
under an oak tree with a chain attached is the buried treasure
one must endure the crazed wild dogs that desert the area
we reached are destination and began to dig
just a little bit further & we would find
a box with the latch kept open
to my surprise I realized it was filled with jewels or vast rich taste
for I hurried to leave when
a cold clap in the dark would light the inner spark of what it was I have been waiting for
there was a stranger that drew nearer stating, " I will tell you your future".
left to my own devices I  made a choice to speak with this strange fellow
Stating further, "Tonight as you sleep on your pillow angels will deliver your jewels to God."
for I couldn't believe what I was hearing but kept starring
then the stranger held my hand with the tender hope that I would understand
through the duration of time I suddenly created a rhyme
a challenge to be free is a question of time.
Then the figure vanished out of mid air I proceeded to take the jewels with me.
night fell & I began to fall into a deep sleep
there in a dream the angel stated, "You will sew what you reap".
yet they said not to fear to continue to keep the jewels without any tear.
in the morning i would arise then proceed to cash in my investment with a vendor
later to surrender to the fact that they were in the miliions of dollars
all my dreams have come true but have I bitten far more then I could ever chew
I wondered what to do but then I realized what the angel in my dream had said
suddenly I became the richest man in the land hopefully someday all will understand ?
Sep 2017 · 91
I'll Forever Fly
The many shades of blue I see
Far out in the sky
Say my name and beckon me
I wish that I could fly
Fly above the deep blue seas,
And pain upon the land
For once again I shall be free
And holding no one's hand
The single thing I long to be,

Flies within the sky
I'm not and angel on her knee
I'm a bird that flies up high
High above the swaying trees
And soaring with the sun
I've lost myself within the breeze,
And mow we two are one
For now my problems seem to flee
And I stay in the sky
My problems set my spirit free,
And I'll forever fly
Sep 2017 · 116
Lock Up The Wolves
in a caged barbaric frenzy from a tale of long ago
there lived in desolation on a barren island
wolves in there own habitation
out of the fascination they would eat as scavengers in danger
often in peril a lost soul from the outer banks would land on its premises
alone and uncharmed he would rise to pillage
all of a sudden out of no where the wolves would come
long hanging viscous fangs that bite with fright dripping blood off side
there would be nothing left to the poor soul ***** up in maggot infested drool...
authorities got word that the island had these creatures on it
they had summoned a search party that would retrieve these brute beasts
it started to rain on the night that they first decided to search
darkened barren forest with the unknown residence
for the first couple of days getting stuck in a haze
but the brave men journeyed to capture these beasts
fire was brought in to light the path in the heat of the night
suddenly two eyes appeared & arose with fear
jumped on the militia men and frightened them
there was a toxic zombie look in the creatures eyes
the authorities wasted no time and rounded the beasts up
much to there surprise they were quite harmless after all
yet the order were announced to lock up the wolves
for many weeks would pass having every reason to grasp
the final decision was made an order to **** the wolves on spot
but I never forgot about where they were and where they came
a firing squad did the horrible deed & they were no more
yet there memory lingers on in poetry & song
Your the voice that many of us wish we could your inner simplistic sense you evoke a revolution that is charged with a timeless gift of love. Standing further as a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of creative arts. Never relent to give up on the fight stand tall & smile !
We all could write poetry if we wish the truth is we just chose not to.
Many have a judge mental spirit that kills creativity in the arts.
Hearts must take heed to the real call of love to light the inner spark of what they are truly waiting for.
Face it, rejection is very common in the poets life but don't let that deter you in living up to your fullest potential.
There are those whop constantly look to the mistakes that other poets make & they rub it in your face for it.
Now is the time to relax & enjoy yourself in the arts & share the beauty of your latest creation to the mass populace.
Sep 2017 · 138
The Key To Success
is to never rest
I must confess
wisdom is the principle thing
therefore gain wisdom and  with all thy getting gain understanding
each of us learns a lesson in this life
never to give up in your earthly strife
dig much deeper then ever before
choose to be the best you can be
have faith in your higher power by willing to achieve
mistakes in life we all go through
have bitten off far more then you can chew
but what are we to do
believe in a power greater then self
maybe want to put that book right back on the shelf
never relent to ever give up on the fight
for this is your very right
there will always be times you get knocked on your knees
Sep 2017 · 135
When words are not enough
come with me to a tranquil place
alone in the vast silence of your heart
there you pray for a full surrender
to the one we have to do
love has gained it also has lost
humanities heaviest of cost
when words are not enough
faith without works is dead
we need a pull in the heart to light the inner spark
we tend to bury things deep inside
many want to run away & hide
society may not be ready
for a shift in the sand
where lives are steady
there's lines being driven in the sand
when will we ever live to understand
life is filled up with tender moments
is this an illusion
one can learn to resist
all of the negativity
in a total realm of sullen brevity
what are we willing to achieve
Sep 2017 · 124
These Are The Days
Women Empowerment
Trans Gender Rights
Abortion On Demand
A rise of hate in are great nation
we are the tool of the government & industry to
the slime coming out of your television sets
Don't you believe in what T.V.
or radio has to say about you
its always somebody else's fantasy
you heard it from me
cause I seek a quiet sanctuary
a place to get away from it all
a challenge to be free is a question of time
these are the days when anything goes
let's seek a solace
to be a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love
life is busy when we are making other plans
hopefully someday you will all understand ?
Sep 2017 · 143
A Vast Radiant Night
couples run naked then plunge into the vast sea
laughter ensues...
through the duration of the night
a flock of birds with intense sounds
In the distance the still silence then an old man appears
gets into his boat and heads out to a light house
there is quite a mystery to this man
some say he is a ghost captured in time
still he takes his time and fixes the light house
On this particular night while fixing a shudder
he fell of his ladder
took a turn for the worse
with a deadly blow...
authorities got word that the old man was missing
finally after a week they searched the light house
there was blood every where but no body
the old man turned into a zombie
as the police were getting ready to leave
something held tight to the officer's sleeve
it was the zombie old man
biting down on the officers' neck
with long viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
the other officer blew a hole with a shot gun in the zombies head
shot him dead or so they thought
ever since that day the light house was forbidden
for the officer that was bitten
he spread his infection to the village population
they found no cure but dealt with the explosion of the zombies
a vast radiant night
it all meant to scare & fright
Sep 2017 · 329
A Return of Elvis
The Return Of Elvis

let me make this clear as I shed a tear
the king really died in the seventies
but his memory still remains
his blood still runs through are veins
realize he was caught in a trap
some may say he had a heart attack
yet who are we to say upon this day
he took us to the ghetto & streets unknown
got his black belt in karate
made many tender moments and memories with everyone who knew him...
had a thing with Ann Margaret but you could forget that
he had his eyes set on Lisa Marie with a soon baby
But let just say if he was still around he would be eighty two
would he have bitten off more then he could chew
how many more records would he have made
Elvis in the window
Elvis in the theatre
Elvis on the radio
so many tender songs the king sang
let us always remember his tenderness
I must clearly confess
Elvis was always on my mind
what a talent in which he surely shined
love me tender & blue suede shoes
jail house rock a list that goes on & on
we must all realize the king never really did died
he lives on forever in all his faithful loyal fans
until we meet again my friend until the end
A return of Elvis Aaron Presley with much respect
Sep 2017 · 133
The Stone
walking through a barren path
this led to a pathway through the woods
searching through the grass
I suddenly came across a stone
Black with gold around the edge
Glowing from every side
Below there lead to an inhabited world
filled with green moss and ivy
it was there that what was believed
trolls and hobbits would live
a tiny village was there
what happened was a violent storn appeared
killing every single one except the stone
The only thing that was left was the stone
It stands as a monument
a barren stone
a loving stone
Others view the stone
as a protective barrier
guarding the entrance of Hell,
many folks have heard screams & demonic sounds out of the stone
either way the stone still stands
as a vivid testament to all of nature in which to behold
Sep 2017 · 157
Situation Excellent
Sometimes in life's battles we can feel
As if we are losing on every front
family discord, business setbacks,
can put a pessimistic spin on the way we look at life
God can use our trials to work for are good
In spite of the pain they bring
We can turn things around in life
Let's sing to make melody in are heart
live each day in a very beautiful way
fill your heart with song to sing along
choose to become a beacon of light
to a hurting world in need of love
happiness, isn't that something we all want
searching for it in things like love
significance, a comfortable home and good food, a good job and faithful friends
seek for a situation excellenct
do not join in the social resistance
close the gap between love and hate
just call it fate
at the first battle of the Marne
during World War I, French Lieutenant General Ferdinand Foch sent out this message:
" My center is giving way, my right is retreating. Situation Excellent I am attacking".
His willingness to see hope in a tough situation eventually led to victory for his troops.
Sep 2017 · 158
No Rest For The Wicked
It's quiet now on the edge of town
food is scarce on the land
There's a turbulence something stirring
How can you even face it
no rest for the wicked
they travel in packs as a wolf
every corner they will follow
hearts are filled with bitter sorrow
they hide behind a squeeky wheel
others insist as no big deal
they can't help you cause they can't help themselves
searching through the garbage for truth
fall under the hiden garb of compromise
can't we see through those lies
they stay up all night with fright
in search of blood dripping blood off of side
the evil run away to hide
when they see the light
falling on deaf ears
they falls with bitter tears.
Aug 2017 · 185
The Secret Passage Way
In the closet of my down stair's room lies a secret
There is a hidden wall behind boxes
On the other side opend to a whole another world
In one such dream I had there was an old lady who lived in an apartment
who would often get mad she didn't like the fact that I would throw wild party's
always banging her fist on the wall
Another time I dreamed there was an actual mall beyond the wall with a subway there
A secret passage that would unlock to a vast world of fantasy in my dreams
I always wanted to knock the wall down
Many memories and moments filter through my mind
The secret passage way
A place where dreams were made
I firmly believe its a message from God
To clean up my act but I may tend to over react
Pretty weird in a sense
Right in my home of residence
Yet i will give my dreams more time a chance to manifest
Aug 2017 · 151
Love is All We Need
Love Is All We Need

you can hear it in the alley in back of the street
you can face it with a dear for a meet & greet
we have created a true rich calling
love is the essence of mankind's existence
hold off to ever join the resistance
this is are chance to spread it to the masses
some words have fallen on deaf words as if you haven't heard
but a true heart needs to be saturated with the truth
in order to withstand the true test of time
John Lennon sang it with Yoko
it is words for the hopeful
love has gained & never lost
humanities heaviest of cost
filter through the noise pollution with a much needed solution
love is a you need
many hearts are torn & bleed
but for the hopeful believer the willing achiever
you will see the bright manifestation of its call
lines are being formed in the sand
when will we ever live to understand
quick conclusions often lead the best of us astray
the wisest move in life is but to wait
otherwise are galloping emotions run away like horses at the gate
just call it fate a reason to believe
we all need to come together no matter what the weather
use your voices send out noises
the poets are calling for this order
we can all make a difference if we only try
Aug 2017 · 124
Toxic Beings
Excuse me you took my seat
hidden behind the false hidden garb of compromise
can't we see through their twisted lies
this comes as no surprise
they are among us yet they are not of us
viscous long fangs dripping blood off side
can't help you cause they can't even help themselves
vile matter comes from there mouth
desperate souls seeking to victimize weak willed people
lovers of pleasure rather then lovers of what is good
they have masks they where in the futility of their minds
Evil minds that plug destruction wandering in time
they have no real purpose they just exist
twisted steel with brandished ***** bushes intact
falling angels to proud for anyone out of their arrogance
trapped beneath a Peyton place existence
they don't know how to be kind cause hate is all they know
blackened death stench twisted in the rot of Hell's existence
Satan is laughing spreads his wings
cold heart waxed with skeletons vanquished among us
the walking dead with clear ***** of feces
Aug 2017 · 87
as a child I had dreams with visions in my mind
I sought peace from nature & grasp meaning of words
asking a lot of questions along life's journey
my grandma always said, "Why be in a hurry".
I drew pictures in the sky of kings and queens
far off places with dungeons and dragons.
always reading book with story's of adventure
in time I would venture to my swing & sing
although many years have passed still having every reason to grasp a hold of my legacy
a willingness inside to achieve
then the seasons have chamged i was in my teens
had a fascination with girls but it was only out of lust
I was in quite a rush until I caught mono & had to go to the hospital
all I wanted to be was on center stage so I became lead in my play
that event made everyone's day i must say then i was prom king
there was a working in me at the fall of 1989
I decided to write my first poem, "Remembrance Of A Loved One".
based on the break up with my first girl friend named Michelle
that poem was a great story to tell
then it was the changing of the season & out came nine eleven with the twin towers
filled with sorrow I poured myself into writing instead of hiding
all the time leaving behind a legacy by which to achieve
then my father died & i was said again
yet over time i would shine through the sorrow & pain
my creative writing was always free verse yet i also wrote prose
that leads into today where I'm on display
having 2, 000 poems toward my platform
writing on various topics of religion, nature & suspense
yet i still haven't made a dent
still each day i pray to the good Lord up above that he would shape me into a legacy
this is my humble plea so check my writings out
it will give you pause to reason what it is I'm talking about
Aug 2017 · 119
Forbidden Underground
under the darkened layers of silk & lush
we can commence in a push
filter through soup bowls with moss in the undertow
you unleashed the lion in me
caged barbaric creatures having little eyes
the immense silence toward its bitter violence
dark deranged dungeon with pillars of vast exploits
feeble minded zombie mutant creatures come in search of blood
in the vast perpetual time between matter and space
we get a taste of vanquished ***** in bright yellow asps
the seal on the door that leads to the underground is locked
one needs to negate the notion of spineless agitation
why does one equate logic with fear
I shed a single tear to numb the inner pain
the warden of the dungeon calmly opened to lock
only to reveal vast shivers down one's spine
a time revealed with swords of armor on the influx of its residue
we climbed in further only to discover
a draw bridge that brought creatures in to infest there mind with evil dread
the cosmic collision of a puzzle made for the walking dead
viscous fangs dripping blood off side we run away to hide
only to get closer as never before to the underground
there in the center lies a barrage of infested rodents chewing on vile matter
with a barrage of waste that taunts the madness in my mind
for i have seen enough turning to the warden he locked the door once again
at night i slept but was awakened by a viscous noise coming from under my bed
a stir of emotions came rustling through my extremeties
I was naked and all alone then the silence dissapeared to the knock on my door
for it was the warden warning me that the creatures were once again loosed in the city
I was beside myself but I realized that these creatures hated water so I came with buckets
one by one I was able to lure the creatures back to the naggot infested dwelling
all was left was a zombie that I barely couldn't see
throughout the duration of time the warden reassured me that all was well
the remedy of this madness is to have water handy then everything would be gravy.
Aug 2017 · 85
Madame Blue
Time after time you sit near the ocean frozen
bask in the vast expanse of the ordinance of the day
captivated by your smile you conquered the world & more...
now deep inside she feels the moments fleeting without a viable reason
in this vast expanse between time & space
she err escape the personifications of a place to reach heaven's door,
again she closes her mind to a far away place
beautiful angels passing back & forth
the angelic beings hold her smile cause she knows all the while
love has a great hold on her heart with tears
in sullen brevity with tears
this place she often stays to visit in the fragile tender moments of her mind
Madame Blue emmerges to peal the sweat off her tender lips
loving peace with a whole lot of tenderness
shadows often block her weary frame
she carries on with a beautiful song
colors of white, green & red
what is going on inside her head
still she looks to the shore for more
heavy emotions emerges as she seeks tender forgiveness
she has a heart of the purest of gold
let her brightness to unfold
throughout the duration of time she has created a rhyme
love is the mere essence of her inner existence
Sweet Madame Blue what are we all to do ?
Aug 2017 · 136
A Calm Before The Storm
there is something stirring in the wind
a good way in which to begin
time stops for no one yet time is all we have
you can hear it in the distance
you can hear from the preacher
many are dull or lax when it comes to reality
instead they settle for a land of make believe
choosing to do whatever they please
one day soon they will get knocked down on there knees
there are dreadful eyes with heads in the street
this isn't a good place for any meet & greet
we are off running the bases with heavy laces
light in its torn illumination
perhaps in need of a break on a long vacation
many are looking to the stars to help them get by
but I wonder how & I wonder why
a calm before the storm
some curse the day they were actually born
yet we stare into the distance
amidst all the resistance
we can easily see
a place that sets men's hearts free
it is are chief aim & destiny
we must wait & be ready for the storm it fastly approaches
will you be ready ?
Aug 2017 · 88
the faint shutter of a faint whisper
the vast expanse of time & space
all alone in your social disgrace
a faint cry with a soft reply
just look into the eyes
stop dragging my heart around
we each must learn to discover
what decay of wretched debris
left inside my head will soon discover

angellic fervor approaches each other
this is the moment we can't let pass
a stake in claim or that of laughing gas
many can see the fullest extent of reality
whispers throught the shutter of where you stake your claim
a chief aim for fame or fan the inner flame
its good to let go of the hold
we set for each other
is it any wonder we get blinded from the realization of love

it all gets swept underneath the rug
yet through the duration of time
we have each created a rhyme
each of us can capture it in a moment
some of us have more faith then others to escape
whispers through a smile cause you know all the great while
silence has etched the ingredient from within
what is going on inside are head a face filled with lead
let us fly to new heights then ever before
take good risks in the things we wish
get caught up in the twist
many are called but few are chosen
some are caught up in an ocean between time and space
Aug 2017 · 106
A Portrait Of Grace
A Portrait Of Grace

a light brush attribute on the painted canvas
look onto the field
return to the canvas
this time with a new discovery
colors of red, white & green
living in a world so very mean

we staked are claim on the scope of life
amidst the bitter turmoil & strife
life a decorated canvas to appeal
a portraint of grace
spread abroad on my Peyton Place
as cold hearts that are etched in stone

back to the canvas and as never before
hence the vast opened door by which to explore
a splash of black to read between the lines
last time i checked everything was fine
created and crafted by a great design

filter through the sun as it radiates on my face
it begins to permeate those who are dull in faith
at last the living portrait is done
or has it just begun ?
Aug 2017 · 119
Light & Love
A small child will often dream
of far off places with kings and queens
Even a kingdom by the sea
A princess lying on soft pillows
Works in her garden
A small fairy would often visit
She would live on light & love
This was from up above
Wandering in an enchanted forest nearby alone
Cold hearts would drift there from the underworld
She twirled a stick in the forest
A zombie creature grabbed & bit her leg
She poked its nose with her stick
There after the princess grew very ill
Then the king paid her a visit
"My child what can i do for you" ?
Her parting words were," Capture the zombie and **** it".
Then she died
The king then summoned his troops
To do the noble deed and capture the zombie
Then finally corned this creature & killed it by chopping off its head
Now is was dead.
A monument was put in for the princess legacy.
Light & love would be etched from her dear memory.
Aug 2017 · 216
A Noble Deed
in our vast perpetual state of existence
many are those that run with the resistance
they graduate from hate to hate
never stop to seal their fate

inside they hide behind four walls that bind
yet there are those that soar to reach heaven's door
a beacon of light in need of love
it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder

a challenge to be free is a question of time
but its a noble deed to share your faith
in certain circles which resonate
a child like state of existence

we can be blind from all social demise
but a word to the wise
Satan knows the word of God to
many have bitten off more then they could ever chew

for what are we to do
saturate your hearts and minds with the truth of God's word
take heed to what you learned & heard
in this times of lax lets turn to the Lord

you have to dig deeper then ever before
learn by your mistakes lest i implore
God is soveriegn & has a plan for you
choose the narrow path where hearts bleed

Such a noble deed
Aug 2017 · 124
The Damned
you made your choice you had a voice
for years you resisted now its clear
there is a place in Hell for you
you walked on egg shells in your meager existence
which you joined in the resistance
be assured there will be weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth
heaven was once your eternal home but you decided to go on your own
loving the pleasures of this evil world more the God
your head was caught up in a cloud
to serve sin, self & Satan
sin is actions in which humans rebel against God
Miss there true purpose for there lives
Surrender instead to the prince of the air
More then God cause all there deeds were evil
now your being stuck in the middle playing secong fiddle
one foot in heave while the other is in Hell
Satan's laughing spreads his wings
with a cold clap in the dark
eyes with spots having holes
lovers of pleasure more then lovers of God
yet in the end they will be ******
the lover of life is not the sinner
the less that you give your a taker
evil minds that plug destruction
Aug 2017 · 161
The Haunting
one night in the end of October drifting through the woods
there rose up a demonic creature that would haunt the neighborhood
one such occasion it bit this little girl in the neck
blood soaked her dress & she was frantic
howls would be heard in the dead of the night sending a fright
after a duration of time a medium was sent out to look around
what they found was very frightening cause
in the center of town could be found a star pentagram
the only wise decision was to get a priest
along came Father Pryor with flaned desire to catch this creature
it was a mad double feature when an exorcist was ready for the little girl who was bitten
for it was forbidden to venture in her quaint little dwelling
over many hours of prayers with many tears the spell was broken
then things were back to normal or so they thought
then a jogger was running across the cemetery to get to there house for it was a short cut
the creature that they thought vanished attacked again
this time cutting off the man's head & left for road ****
the haunting ensued with now a killer loose
police couldn't seem to trace where the creature was hiding
then at last under an over pass came the sound of bats
the authorities dug deep inside a barren house where old man Jester had died
to there surprise was a skull with blood dripping off side of its mouth
there was a hole in the ground under Jester's home off the side of his porch
& this is there final report
this was the place where the demon creature was hiding
eyes with holes having spots
dripping blood off side
the howls of immense pain
shots were fired and aimed at the creatures head
after seven bullets the creator dropped dead
people in town kept this a secret for years all those tears
the haunting is now forbidden not a word to be said
Aug 2017 · 136
Tears In Heaven
Falling emblems
A fresh scent of dew
Something borrowed onto somthing new
Many will make it
Others try to fake it
By the skin of there teeth
Saddened with there position in heaven
Shedding tears loosened fears
Some tears will be that of joy
We each will have to face the trial
Cause you knew all the great while
Sadness will soon to gladness
This much i confess
To just be with Jesus
I know it seems a far away place
But if you stay humble
by getting down on your knees to pray
love like never before
Tears in heaven will flow
Alone i will cry
I will wait my turn
As time goes passing by
One soul will soar while the other one burn
Aug 2017 · 92
Heads In The Street
Lines being drawn in the sand
When will we ever live to understand
How do you all live without God
As you travel each day in this earthly sod
Can't even cope when
Society Insanity

you have a fight with the soap on a rope
God gave and he takes away
So learn how to behave
Society lives for self to please
They keep spreading their deadly disease
They can't help you cause
They can't even help themselves
Evil mids which plug destruction
Sorcercing there brain washed minds
With tempers of fire
Blown up with full desire
Searching for truth out of a garbage can
Blind leaders of the blind
Soon will fall into a ditch
Living dangerous getting delirious
This much i confess
Society insanity in there own eternity
Aug 2017 · 134
That's How I Roll The Dice
Knock on wood
I'm back in the hood
Acting like the late famed Natalie Wood
Life sure ain't what it used to be
In fact it's a bit of a mystery
Many live it out how they see in misery
Bu that's not living in reality
Yet we came this far not to turn around
Can't turn back when your hands on the plow
Many give up way to early
Try to change the actual story
But i still live for my lord up above
Many thoughts get swept underneath the rug
i'm just looking for love and a big hug
People are strange when your a stranger
Out on your own in immediate danger
Yet that's how i roll
Getting caught in its undertow
We have every right to know
Inside we hide behind four walls that bind
Society once could see but today they are actually blind
you can have everything you want but be empty inside
That's how i roll see you on the flip side
Aug 2017 · 162
By His Wounds
faint whisper
an inner intense feeling of love
the peace that passes all understanding
Jesus you shine as the light to hold
a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love
coming down from that hand from above
we flirt with sin then soon discover
you cover your face in remorse
but then we throw off the covers with a wonder
a delight to behold my Jesus and me
by his wounds I have been set free
living in a land of make believe
when one chooses to live by sight we live in fear
for I shed a tear to help numb its inner pain
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
a deep love from up above that will not let me go
Aug 2017 · 85
Below There's A Bucket
hidden below the deep dark extremities of the afterlife
there is a bucket
many choose to dismiss this but I must clearly confess
it is put there for the many tears to flow
just underneath the barbed wire existence
hidden in the undertow
a lost world where sin will go
burning debris of sulfur from the serpent
demonic emblems unleashed to create havoc
underneath the false hidden garb of lies
the bucket at times will change its colors from grey to black
when its fully under attack
the weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth
not a good way to go in its vast misery
why does one equate logic with fear
I shed a single tear to numb its inner pain
the outside world is totally insane
Below there's a bucket to catch fallen fears
it holds the sullen brevity of what is of negativity
in my vast dream I saw it turning
while lost souls were suddenly burning
to quench the desire for Satanic clamor
shattered with lone disaster you must be prepared
to meet in the great here after
below there's a bucket full of dread
what is going on inside are head
falling angels in search of blood
the vast expanse of a real gulf fix
getting caught up in the mix
with a pilgrims progress we are to tread
this among the walking dead lying in bed
a final tear was dropped inside the bucket
the sounds of immense silence prone with violence
it's not a good place to go to tell
this place called the living hell
Aug 2017 · 133
The Monk
Alone in isolation
Away from all known civilization
There lived a monk
Personal reflections with the sacraments
Devotion to Jesus Christ
He hides in humble seclusion
Works in the garden
Strawberries with nectar of honey
He never had a greed or a thirt for money
Lover of life and love for the arts
Wearing long robes with a cross
The monk had a secret place he used to go
Under his bed there was a secret passage way
inside was filled with beautiful paintings and writings
He was a secret artist and poet
The monk would paint until his hearts content
Alone by himself in his own hermitage
He would rise only for dinner
To visit the other monks go figure
No one knew of his fantasy world excursion
One day a petition was made
The holy monk order would allow people to visit
They would also be allowed inside the monks room
A young lad crawled under the monks bed
He took out a scroll with very ancient writings on it
The elder monk was then questioned by his superiors
The scroll was based upon a forbidden city
Near the gate of hell
Inside were demonic beings let loose
Creatures to invade your very reason
The monk in question was deeply ashamed
but instead of leaving he was very brave and stayed
Said he would be on his best behavior & behave
The secret scroll would leave a chill down your spine
For now the monk wallows in his locked in memories in his mind.
Aug 2017 · 118
now its my turn to rock the mic
going break therough the tape of darkness in the night
like freaks in the sheets I'm going to take you higher
blowing up in a fuss of its fullest desire
many moons ago let the truth be told
rap was taking to different heights
now all those years have passed still having every reason to grasp
we are still holding our own on the phone
still I got two turn tables spinning in my head
walking dead face full with lead
Young G your to young to think back now
can't turn around when your hands on the plow
but that how we do some say we're through
yet it ain't nothing new
life is filled with kings and queens
some women are true ladies then you got those ******* that scream
out there tripping in their limosine
cruising down the alley in their sunset dream
but today is a new day got to break things down
can't get ahead when your face is in a frown
you all want me around
got hustlers that want to shake me
Dons that want to make me
Just me & Eric B and a nice full plate of fish sorry that I missed
a new opportunity just stuck inside watching Jeopardy
all of life is a party you see my name is king on the new marquee
Aug 2017 · 106
The Nightmare
For I thought she had loved me
But I was wrong
Wandering the desert of emotions I had to be strong
She had first loved me so I thought
In time she changed her tune
For it was in the late month of June she
Said that we were through
I really didn't know what to do
So I turned to vice filled with liquor
Which made me feel much bitter
I kept calling her home and hanging up
We spent such good times together
But it was all an illusion
So I decided to get a tattoo
Finally I hit rock bottom
Recommitted myself to the Lord
Spent time & prayed
It finally found what I was searching for
For the nightmare was all over
But I still long for a girl
To put her head on my shoulder
Will have to wait until I get a little bit older
Aug 2017 · 83
The Hollow Leaves
Through the breeze
A slight scent of mint
The Sumer didn't even make a dent
In the column of cosmic debris
Hollow leaves with colors that bleed
In Autumn the colors turn red
To awake the barren lake
Columns of petrified fragmentation awaits

There is a reason for are being
Red, yellow & grey
Will set your course for a happy day
Nature beckons us to draw near
I shed a tear to numb the inner pain
From a Summer sunset to a new day dawn
Some even curse the day they were actually born
It will take you higher then ever before
Lest I implore another open door

Life is made up with moments like these
Through the hollow leaves
We made are stake in claim in the game of life
Amidst the trials & strife
With humble hearts we choose to explore
Onto so much more lest I implore
Aug 2017 · 89
Suffer In Silence
Many today are lost in a maze
Getting caught in a purple haze
Wake up late to one of those days
Inside we hide behind four walls that bind
Yet we are still being crafted in an elegant design
Cold wretched hearts beating alone tonight
Having no fond love but that's still their right
It's heaven to Betsy like lock Nest With Nesty
Yet all of life is not a party
We need something to set us all free
While we live out our lives in a land of make believe
Laugh a lot with light and love
Thank the good Lord out of heaven above
We tend to sweep things underneath the rug
When all of the while God wanted to give us a great big hug
But be grateful for what you have in this life
Amidst the bitter cold silence
Amidst the bitter violence
Still it all comes down to choice
Some need to be locked in a padded room
Others have been taken from us way to soon
Still there will never be another one quite like you
These are your marching orders to tell us what to do
Jimi was crazy in his days of purple haze
Getting tossed with the sauce
As a mouse is stuck in its maze
Had screaming sounds with his guitar
He was a shooting star
Never will there ever be a man quite like Jimi
He was willing to achieve
With hey Joe where you going with that gun in your hand

I hope society today will live to understand
Playing his guitar with his tongue
This may have frightened a tender hearted nun but it was all in fun
Cross town traffic was fantastic
He had a heart of gold
To bad he had to die
Jimi was the man with plan

Hopefully someday everyone will understand ?
Aug 2017 · 97
Dark Passages
Switch blade cross bones
Skulls branded in a dark forbidden mast
Asylums howl of the mentally insane
Grafted in my brain once again
Demonic emblems viscous fighting soldiers
Once again off again romance with tarot cards
Alone petrified evil cavity
Out of immense silence there was gladness
Fallen angels plagued with death
Making a covet of blood quenched with desire
****** conquest in the forbidden sea of lust
Dark passages follow bellow
immense heat of gross exploitation
Branded ivy sphere in direct correlation
Sulfur with eyes of intense pain
Fetus scorched in fire
Afflictions taunt the hidden sullen brevity
This is what the prophets foretold
The poets had feared out of mere speculation
Swords drawn to silence the wayward heart
Long corridors of immense filled silence
A cause to fear to shed a tear
Passages that would not let me go
Yet I have the right in every fiber of my being to know
Aug 2017 · 92
She had big eyes
Sweet soft reply like nectar
Hands, feet & face
Her hair would flow with a trace
Loved to be loved in a world so very cold
She humbly kept a diary
To capture her imainery friend
A sweet loving angel whom she can depend
Spent hours in her garden
Touching the lavender and strawberries to
Juliet there is a star in your eyes girl
Her sweet kisses was in her granmothers wishes
She was a true poet of her own
Spent most of her time staying home all alone
Yet outside lurked a frightful demon
Who taunted Juliet which left her screaming
The demon attacked her many times alone
Until the very day she called upon her imaginery friend
With its appearing the demon disappeared from sight
Falling head long to the edge of the night
To call upon her friend for that is her right
Aug 2017 · 91
The Royal Crown
In the days of nobel breed
A king sought out a nobel deed
Through his briars of ivory tower
Seeking a claim of further desire
Yet through the green moss brigade
A solemn vow to raise the dead
What was going on inside his head
The king then formed a committee
For the right to display the royal crown
Many who lived in the village square
Suddenly drew near out of fear
To bask in the vast expanse of the crown
It was placed in a case at the theatre of the round
The court jester amused the crowd
A crowd that loved to see the crown
That very day the king made a speech
For everyone to come together
Then at last he wore the crown
There was silence then without a sound
The crown royal on on display
Everyone began to pray
What a turning point for a brand new day
Aug 2017 · 97
Blinded By Sight
we make plans the break plans
do we give up ?
it all depends upon the creature or the creator
there are those drifing in a sea of the make believe
lost in the sauce of compromise
can't we see past those twisted lies
they are blinded by sight
you may claim that is your right
still at the funeral parlor you will then discover
there isn't a uhaul that follows its procession
you got me second guessing
the opposite of faith is sight
getting lost in the night
with long hanging fangs that bite
shadows block your squeeky wheel
claiming its no bid deal
getting stuck as second fiddle in the middle
they can't help you cause they can't help themselves
perhaps you want to put that book right back on the shelf
so you exist as a vain Keebler elf
Satan has blinded you from the real trip
I equate it as being left on the raft near the shore
all of a sudden the tide breaks out and your out in the ocean
Satan brands his lies with a real dark brew of magic lotion
then you realize how to i get here
it was your choice to live by sight
in the end who will be your friend the one whom you can depend
Aug 2017 · 145
Satan is A Liar
one day soon you will see the blown apart reality
of distant faces with flirting traces having midnight places
we are on the move so stay in the groove
he comes only to ****, steal & destroy
lying is his game with chief aim & ploy
ever since I was a little boy I saw his fire in the sky
it was all very much a lie
we have been straddling fences mending trenches
getting caught up in a trap
working so hard can give you are heart attack
he hates you & wants you in hell
there forever you will soon discover
truth was right all along should have believed that gospel song
so now we got the cheap thrills that pay the bills
getting caught up in the mix we need a quick fix

****** to eternity in hell
fires of weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth
so far away so very out of reach
fires that will quench your thirst for ******
he's a deserted with blackened lace
blown apart this Peyton place
such a disgrace
run to the real truth while you have time
get over yourself your getting very blind
all to the reality of heaven
it isn't a one stop shopping event at your local seven eleven
there will be no escape when your in the pit
I know many don't even give a ****
but the truth is still the truth & a lie a lie
Satan is a liar
© right now, chevyvent   society poems
Aug 2017 · 155
The Ordeal Within
the good I wish I could do I do the very evil that I hate this I do
have I bitten off far more then I could ever chew
what a mess we made of this life I must confess
we have constructed pyramids to honor are dead

don't get me wrong we want to do right but something tears us apart...
choose to be selfless in such a selfless world you see
we hear things but it goes in one ear out the other
why do we even bother

quick conclusions will often lead the best of us astray
the wisest move in life is but to wait
otherwise are galloping emotions run away like horses at the gate
getting stuck in the mix call it a quick fix

the people of society can't help you cause they can't help themselves
maybe I should put that book right back on the shelf
these are desolate times yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes
got one foot in heaven while the other is in hell

yet we all have a good story in which to tell
the ordeal within with one you can depend
come help me my friend
life goes by to fast no one gets by on any free pass
Aug 2017 · 112
we thirst yet for what
we *****, grieve & pout
carry nothing of what life is truly about
we had constructed pryamids to honor are dead
what is going on inside are head
woman's liberation is headed out across the nation
but what are they truly liberated from
we have become the walking dead with tombstone inside are heads
creating a god called self
better off putting that right back on the shelf
the evil man is greedy & cares nothing for the needs
the righteous man will shine in there eteranal home
each of us has a willingness to succeed
others need to stay humbled by getting knocked to there knees
what are you searching
what are you looking in the dark
to light the inner spark to what I need to know
blowing up there ego or let it flow
there is a line beging drawn in the sand
hopefully someday you will understand
we clamour for gold but it ends in ashes
once this life if through there is no free passes
some insist on going it alone but  why even bother
like a dog without its bone that was unleashed by its collar
Aug 2017 · 77
Silent Warning
Silent Warning

a perched cat on the basement parchment
time has allowed silence to ensue
we seek for justice to stake are claim
while deep inside we are going insane
lest I refrain a notion of conquest
all of life is simply a test may I digress
we each have a gift but some let it go
seek a higher power in the way you should go
yet we move to slow one step at a time
we climb the barbed wire of success
but to get to what the world outside make me want to throw up
but just as you have thought about giving up
silent warning come through
have we bitten off more then we could chew
if we make are beds in hell I goty a good story to tell
a street walker works her beat in hopes to get a treat
she falls on some hard times no money to pay for any lines
then one day she wants to give it all up
a minister comes to her aid
offering her free salvation cause she has one foot in the grave
so she says yes to Jesus & breaks the bonds to free us
gives up her life of sin to begin over again
silent warning takes you to places with traces that you'll never know
many today hide behind a shell getting ready for there place in hell
we must give it all up to gain it all
don't look back when your hands on the plough
Aug 2017 · 122
I'm Dreaming Of Love
I'm Dreaming Of Love

set a course to a horizion & I'm not lying
some how deep down inside I need love bad
taking my ride down to the beach
Relish in the noise folks out of reach
inside I have my thoughts being scattered can you gather
She's out there somewhere & some how I'll find her
melting with the mincing of souls that bind us
for when I look deep into her beautiful eyes
it is then i see a romantic future
just like Renee me Ashton Couter
take long walks in the park together
draw up the bubble bath no matter what the weather
put on some sweet music like a tune of Berry White
or let Keith Sweat take you through the night
see inside we hide behind four walls that bind
don't ever be left behind
I'm dreaming of love thinking of you
Remembering times when you were there
a candle in the middle with a scent of perfume
permeates the influx of my desire for you baby
soft pillows with chocolates to suit your fancy
gone were the days when Sid met Nancy
still a stud is still a stud & a liar is a liar
blown up with the fullest magical desire
love is the essence of my inner existence
join with me and omit the resistance
it's the hour of power & your face is all I see
let's get together make make sweet history
all of life is a mystery
I'm dreaming of love
when I'm alone in my room & then I stare at the wall
it's telling me I need a girl whose as sweet as a dove
for the first time in my life I see I need love
sweet kisses & stay out all night
don't worry I'm not Dracula in need to bite
my love for you is so unreal
a love embrace will seal the deal
Aug 2017 · 116
The is A God & Your Not Him
You seem to think your the man with the plan
But without God you have nothing to stand
Seem to be in control but your really out of it
But that's a vice in hom Satan rolls
inside we hide behind four wheels that bind
Many today are the walking dead with eyes very blind
You play the roll on the stage of life
A scent of Rosemary and a hint of spice
Your train is running late
Got one foot in heaven while the other is in hell
So I got a good story to tell
A young man lived just like a king
Was given some inheritance
At once he left & went out
Squandered the money with wild living
After a matter of time
He  was left destitude, broke & alone
Was living in a pigs farm
Then when he was without went back home to see his family
Was given the best coat & nicest shoes for his feet
instead of wrath the king gave him love
This came out of heaven from the hands of love
Yes ! There is a God & your not him
Best to hold your breath and count to the number ten
God alone is good enough
Yet he still wants to be your friend
His special love will endure until the very end
Love is a special bond that doesn't need glue to hold
Now you will do as you are told until the rights to you are sold
Some are a tool of the government and industry to.
God loves you the way you are
Kepp the golden rule & you will go far
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