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 Jul 2014 Margaret
Nathan Sun
thinking about her has become more of a chore
I haven't slept, because I know when I lay down she'll be the first thing that comes to mind.
I've tried to avoid her in my brain because you're pain, but I can't
when I address her in my writing I've been using "her" instead of "you" because I don't want to trick myself into thinking we still talk
I've thought way too much
I can't breathe without her
How nice it would be
to walk into the sea
warm waters lapping my knees.
To go further into the surf
the warm sea of this earth
deeper still, until submerged
down deep until purged,
with the drowned of this world
floating and bloating in purgatory.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Stormy Day
 Jul 2014 Margaret
The thunder rumbles in the distance
I cringe after every boom
The breezes pick up
And stir the tall evergreens
The light in the evening sky has faded
Black clouds line the sky
Where has the sunshine gone?
The familiar scent of rain
Perfumes the stifling summer air
Lightening flashes in the sky
My heart beat quickens
With every bolt of electricity
That brightens up the horizon
Like a display of fireworks
On the fourth of July

Inspired By A Thunderstorm That I Believe
Is Headed For Us!!! :) ~~~~<3
I Promise, I Shall Try Not To Be Scared This Time, Lol!! :) ~~~~<3
Please Enjoy This Random Poem!! :) ~~~~<3
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Jonny Angel
There's a starling
singing soprano
in the dogwoods,
such happiness.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Jonny Angel
Silence comforts me
in this early hour.

Here I lie
peeking through plate glass
at the beautiful
heavens above.

A million crystals
adorn the pitch,
twinkling subtle harmonies
& I wonder,
I wonder about you,
if you see the same summer skies,
if you have the same itch,
lying alone
in wonder.

O I feel
your sweet power,
my love.
5am poetry.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Jonny Angel
It's chilly outside
this woolen blanket,
I'm staying
under it curled.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Jonny Angel
She lies
feminine poetry,
so beautiful
in snapshot.

I feel her every word,
fiery fingertips
swirling a tempest
& I am smitten,
yet so frustrated,
I cannot touch
her luscious lips.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Babu kandula
To become familiar with oneself.
It's an art of controlling mind.
Self soothing is possible by meditation
The way we do is just close your eyes
And concentrate on your
Inhalation and exhalation
Avoiding thoughts that roam in your mind
The more you Meditate the less you will be Medicated
Because if you are strong internally
You don't need medicines for many things.
Hope this may help someone
Meditation helps to heal
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