Scene #1 / Take #10 / ACTION!
Dont go, she says;
on the floor now crying,
simply implying she can be loved.
C U T!
He made a mistake. All it takes is a re-cast.
Cast her away,
so f a r a w a y .
Her lines are easy;
always pleading, cold, and bleeding-
never leading off script.
Scene #1 / Take #12 / BREAK
It'll all blow over;
icy wind over shoulders-
blowing over.
Rehearse. Converse.
Get Ready for another try.
Scene #1 / Take #15 / STOP
Stop acting, stop reading, and start seeing-
This love isn't enough,
far too tough on the heart;
real stress, real scars, real hurt.
Dont go! she blurts-
Silence, only hurt.
He's so f a r a w a y . .
Inspiration: My first love .