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Maia Vasconez Jan 2018
They say that when you call your demon by name you gain power over it.

So I started writing yours in bus stations, on walls, in bathroom stalls. But it never ends. No more 7am blue heavens. These days I walk around with a storm cloud over my head. All my dreams have been slasher films lately so I stopped looking for ****** behind the shower curtain. I made every wish on 11:11. I blew the candles out on my birthday. I planted dandelions. I couldn't sleep, I had to look for shooting stars. I pulled my eyelashes out, I went bald trying to make my dreams come true.
I only prayed you'd take me back or if not that, god might take me instead. Skeletons of these dead romances.... Do you believe in second chances?
Breakup love
Maia Vasconez Nov 2017
Her lipstick's the same red as the car she crashed into that ditch. And you can't help thinking her whole head is a car wreck. You have a fleeting thought you wish she'd die in an accident. You try not to think about it. Sometimes you take the detour to ride past her skid marks. And sometimes you want to make your own right there.
  Nov 2017 Maia Vasconez
I keep losing touch, the taste of blood in my mouth, I've lost my crutch. everything i do is now half hearted, ever since we just wanted to be alone, everywhere I go I smell your cologne, riding the bus on my own, I don't feel at lungs are full of tar, I fantasize about crashing my car, I wouldn't get too far....I feel cold inside, you can see and feel it in my stride, a part of me has died.....
Maia Vasconez Oct 2017
Why was leaving me as easy and ugly as taking off velcro shoes. It made that tearing noise too. I don't feel so good. I lost my appetite. She said leave me alone and my heart sped up and then it flat lined. I keep telling my dog I'm clairvoyant. That I always knew I'd end up this disappointed. Gutted. Just like a fish. Just as messy, not so tragic.
My first poem since july, yikes.
Maia Vasconez Jul 2017
your per
 looms in every room
she writes apologies with sharpie on her skin
holds promises in place with bobby pins
licks the flavored chapstick from her lips
leaves indents of nails in her closed fists
her hair is still wrapped around the teeth of my comb
our outline pressed into the memory foam
Turn left at this light and it'll take me home
Take me home
and if home is where the heart is
then why do I feel so alone
(the second I can't smell your sickly sweet cologne?)
I wrote this in 2015 donut judge
Maia Vasconez Jul 2017
Put down your back seat and make a bed
It is 8:04am
You turned your knees into ash trays
I keep asking how you ended up an addict... all you say is smoke follows beauty
You point out the birthmarks on my arm and say an angels kissed me. But I'm not blessed. I guess, I don't know...
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