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Maggie Sorbie May 2016
We walked along
The lakeshore
Flying Canadian geese we saw
And bluebells galore
Anchors were clanking
The waves were lapping

The lake shimmered
In the warm sun
And the big oak trees
Gave us shade

The marshland
Had yellow flowers
That we did not know
The name of
And we enjoyed
Sitting by the water
Eating ice cream
In such a peaceful setting

Maggie  May16 2016
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2020
Buds of spring begin
when the sun hits the branches
turning them golden
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2019
The impossible
can become possible
as the day becomes darker
when world is spinning around
the spine becomes more fluid
with a bit of peace and quiet
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2018
We went to Grange
for a change
When we got there
we enjoyed the sea breeze
and the warmth of the sun
on our knees
while sitting on the wall
of a new cafe
having lunch
The dry spell of the last few weeks
had changed the environment
and we needed some rain
When we got back
I had enjoyed the change
and I enjoyed the rest
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2018
Snowy slushy sleety
Freezing cold weather outside
Thankful for the warm flat
in which I live
Maggie Sorbie May 2017
A is for Apple
B is for Battle
C is for Cattle
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2018
The rays of the sun
according to some
are called 'Jacob's  Ladders'
though I
don't know why

The rays of the sun
according to me
come down from the sky
an amazing sight
to see
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2016
A large land
The Atlantic Ocean
I don't want to go
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
My grandson said to me
he had helped to choose
his brother
while he was still
in the womb
of his mother
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2018
My daughter Anna,
bless her,
pushed me
to and from
How,  I do not know
but I do know
I value my time with her
Maggie Sorbie Dec 2018
Routine changing
where people
may or may not be
where we expect them to be
Bewilderment will make me tired
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2019
"Too old for surgery"
The surgeon turned me down
This was a great relief
I cheered without a sound

He said it would be major
moving things around
so I was very glad
to be homeward bound
Was very good
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2018
This morning
Maggie was unsure
about what she could

She says that
imports are important
as she chews another
from Argentina

and sips on a coffee
with an anonymous

with sugar
from somewhere
and milk
from a cow
in The Eden Valley

For which I am thankful
(And "she" is me!)
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2019
Clatter and bang bang
living in a building site
It has to be done!
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2018
A month after
our mother's ninetieth birthday
and a month before
my older sister
comes to Grasmere
to visit
we went to see
My daughters
Yoga Dragon Studio
In Lancaster
and it was truly wonderful
A quiet place
Light airy and spacious
Lord  Shiva dancing
and looking down
on yoga mats and
various sizes of
singing bowls
which were played
by my five -year-old
I was delighted to see
what my daughter
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2017
The sky was a clear pale blue
As we looked around
The panoramic view
Two flocks of starlings
Flew above us
A special sight
In the early evening sunlight
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2019
The mustard coloured leaves
shine golden in the sun and the breeze
soon to fall to the ground
and join others strewn around
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2017
The golden leaves are still shimmering
in the autumn breeze
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
While sitting
at the side entrance,
the oak tree
towering above me,
I could see
the golden leaves
in the sunlight

Looking down
I saw a robin
and a dragonfly
on a blue hydrangea bush

is definitely
on its way
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2018
When the autumn sun is low in the sky
and flocking birds are flying by
rainbows can be seen
and sometimes it can feel like spring
but these bright sunny days are cold
and not hot
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2019
The clouds gathered
a good omen
as we needed rain
on the dry ground

Feeling better
we sat on the wall
senselessly eating
raspberry ripple ice-ceam
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2016
The salt marshes and mud flats
And a nice sea breeze
Lots of flowers
Lots of colours shapes and sizes
Prickly ones spiky ones round ones
Red Begonias
It was nice being on the seashore
We've been there several times before
Maggie Sorbie May 2019
You never know
what you can find
in my son's garden
One thing I'll never forget is
when I saw a Red Admiral butterfly
emerge from its cocoon
and it had to wait
for its wings to dry
before it could fly
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2019
Everything came to a halt
Shift schedules
routines and rotas
all stopping and changing
for a week or two
There was lots of
rushing before
relaxing during
and now
we are on our way back to normal
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2020
Is it the seventh?
I wonder where the workmen are?
I hope they are here
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2019
Our children's future counts
We'll have to look after
our planet
so it can
look after us
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2019
Thank You cards written
for my wonderful birthday
I will not forget
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
Hip Hip Hooray!
They won an award today
and if I may say
"They deserved it"
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2018
My daughter
bathed my feet
in the nice cool water
A big yellow and green dragonfly
flew by
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2019
We found a flat path
beside a stream to walk on
It felt very good
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2018
First to arrive
I should get a prize
said Broghan
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2016
As autumn turns into winter
And the sun is low in the sky
It is hard to believe
The beautiful color
As the last leaves fall
From the trees
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
A dichotomy of scent
wafted towards us
as we walked around
the garden borders
watching the buzzing bees
and listening
to our feathered friends
a low-flying jet
with it's sonic boom
and blazing trail
flew overhead momentarily
distracting our attention
but not for long
tranquility soon returned
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2016
Autumn view
Like being on top
Of the world
The stone circle
Fresh mountain air
This 'stone  circle' is near Keswick, Cumbria, UK
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2016
cat  the cat sat on the mat
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2020
The changing of the season
from winter to spring
allows the workers to re-begin
the installation of the alarm system
windows and doors
and the slate roof
We hope it will be all done
by next winter
appreciated by all
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2018
Revisiting different places
as the seasons come and go
we can see the landscape changing
shaped by the weather,
the wind, the rain,
the sun, and the snow
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2017
Cheering Up On  A Wintry  Day    

Gazing at the grazing sheep
And our feathered friends
Flying in flocks
On  a wet wild and wintry day

Feeling peaceful
When I returned home
For the first time in ages

Maggie Sorbie
January 2017
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
We went to Chester's for lunch
Yummy and veggy
And we thought there couldn't be
A better place to eat

It was like a tree house
The water was trickling
Over the stepping stones
And the bright sun bounced
Off the water
Through the dappling leaves

And on the other side of the river
The lime green shiny leaves were
Reflected in the water

For a moment I thought I saw a ******
It was truly magical to see
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
After a longish walk
and lots of fresh air
we sat in the park
as it grew dark
eating chips
I couldn't have wanted more
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2017
Sat in  the flat

On the door I heard a tap

Cadbury chocolate appears

It must be thursday

Andrew's here.......

Thinking what to do

I thought I'd show him a poem or two

Looking aound

The poems we found

We had a look

but they were not in a book

On line they were

The words on the screen were there

Maggie said Lets make a rhyme

Andrew answered
Yes that will be fine

Some words from you

A few bits from me

Now it is time

For a cup of tea
Maggie Sorbie Dec 2019
I tell my grandson:
"All year 'round, not just Christmas
remember goodness"
Maggie Sorbie Dec 2019
Wish for everyone-
All year 'round, not just Christmas
remember goodness
Maggie Sorbie Dec 2018
is a time for peace on earth
and good will to all men,
they say
Why can't it be like that
every day?
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2018
A  poem for Sheila

Such a lot to do
Such a lot to do
Such a lot to do

Thank goodness for you
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2019
Clatter bang bang
The creaky floorboards are now all gone
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
"Clever Clogs"
My sister used to say to me
All these years later
I still don't know
what it means
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2016
The ground is damp
The sky is blue
The blackbird,
Could it really be nestbuilding
In November?
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2019
Public right of way
Ancient pathways
over common land
where livestock is grazed
in a traditional manner
It is important
that this local source of food
for farmer's markets
and fairgrounds
Local produce
being much better for our health
than imports
from far away
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2019
Am I young
or am I old?
Am I hot
or am I cold?
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