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Madame Eleanor Oct 2014
Despite what you think you're a pretty smart guy
But you're so dumb sometimes.
Why is it you see yourself in such a negative light?
Don't you know I love you?
Shouldn't the depth of my devotion be enough proof-
That you're nothing less than totally devine?
Silly self-reproaching boy, I'll be sure you never feel imperfect so long as you're mine.
I'll make you love you,
Like I do.
Madame Eleanor Sep 2014
Sure I'm upset, I feel hated and used.
But don't be confused-
I don't wish to die.
What a waste of a wish, and on a wretch such as I.
If I had a wish I wouldn't use it for death.
If I had a wish it wouldn't be for this to be my last breath.
If I could wish and that wish could come true,
I think I'd wish everyone could be as good to me as you.
Madame Eleanor Sep 2014
I woke up this morning thinking I was okay.
But then I remembered and now once again there are tears streaking my face.
Madame Eleanor Sep 2014
I really messed up today.  
Yesterday you made me smile all day.
The day before that you told me you loved me.
And every day before that you've made me so unbelievably happy.

But today,
Today was not okay.

Because today I left the only man I've ever loved-
And who ever truly loved me.
I didn't want to leave.
An hour before, you told me you believed in us.

Is it possible that even now I love you more?
It broke my heart to lose you and that's no lie.
But then it broke my very soul to know I made you cry.
You said you weren't sad because of me, you were crying because now I wasn't yours.
God, you have no idea how much you saying that hurt.

You said you understood why we couldn't be together.
And you said you hoped I got better.

Today I left you, but I didn't lose you.
Until the day I die our love will play in the back of my eyelids on a never-ending loop.
Madame Eleanor Sep 2014
You stand me up, you let me down.
So you and her, can **** around.
You know I love you but that's not what this is about.
I just want her out.

She's a *****, oh she's controlling.
And when she's around you are so rude to me.
Oh best friend, stop this nonsense please.
You are acting, like such a baby.

You think you two are meant to be,
Just cuz you were both cheated on-
Oh please!
Why don't you see?
She's no good for you,
Take it from me.
She will break your heart, when she leaves.
Your second-rate lover.
Oh silly boy, you couldn't love her.

She is stupid, and you're naive.
To think that girl could make you happy.
I know you,
You know me too.
You tell me you're fine but is that the truth?

I can't watch this,
I won't allow it.
You're being stupid.
Oh this is *******.

You and I,
We always fight,
But not like that-
It isn't right
How she hurts you.
She is so cruel.

She thinks I'm jealous,
When I see you two kiss.
When all I'm thinkin is "What a *****"
You don't deserve to be hurt like this.

You stay home so she can yell.
I'm at a party with our friends when she tells you 'go to hell'.
Oh well, well.
These are more than just lovers' quarrels,
What do you see in that girl?
I hate her.
I hate her.

When this is over, I'll still be your friend.
I'll put you back together (again).
  Sep 2014 Madame Eleanor
i will never feel lonely as long as your name can float up on my phone.
you are the ocean surrounding me, but i don't feel like you'll sweep me up.
because you won't.
you just gently rock me over beaches.
you know where to take me.
i thought, since i was so surrounded by you,
i needed oxygen.
so i found oxygen in another.
but after sustaining me for 9 months,
he left.
i felt panicked, because surely the water would drown me.
i was wrong.
you kept rocking me, gently swaying me back and forth.
i underestimated you, i had no faith in you.
but you never let me drown.
Madame Eleanor Sep 2014
Maybe the pain on the outside is easier to deal with,
Because we know how to fix it.
Cold water for a burn and an ice pack for a bruise,
A bandage for a cut and kisses for little boo-boos,
Cough medicine for a cold and casts for broken bones.
Insides are harder though-
What's the cure for feeling alone?
Maybe I hurt my outsides because I know I can fix those.
But when it comes to all the awful things I feel inside, I've no clue.
And I can tell neither do you.
You think I'm mad because I make slits in my skin.
Well at least I know how to heal them.
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