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Madds Aug 2014
I could sculpt the same 26 letters
Into a thousand different formations
And it still wouldn't be enough for you.

Unknowing of my, little but still existing, greatness;
You rip apart my limbs,
Dismember my colourful insides
(As I'm trying to paint you picturesque landscapes)
And replace them with fear...

And your control over me still isn't enough for you.
  Aug 2014 Madds
You remind me of the living,
    (  (  (s t r u g g l e)  )   )
within my mind constantly.

I can relate to your questions
and fears, outcasts' s ' sss tearss' s''s'' ' '

But there is a light,
oh man,
there is a light
so bright that will release so much energy
into this universe one day we may find ourselves
in a similar utopia. I promise you
it's there, inside you.

The answers are out there,
you're very close.
Much closer than I was at your age.

Simply believe in yourself......
Yours Truly,
~The Bryce Post
  Aug 2014 Madds
They found us
walking on shadows
and spitting out dada pictures
of electric dinosaurs in plaid top-hats
licking the third eye of an incandescent sacred bird.
        We were burning up
   so much creative juice
              into laughing gas
           couldn't help but **** on a water bottle
                   as if it were the ***
           of a whale swimming in the arctic
          for a few moments of relief.

i thought you looked like a razor--
ready to slit the wrists of the king suit
until i rembered this was deja-vu,
suggesting you could grow wings if you let life guide us.
                   We flew into purple dawn,  
                           a little drunk.
curiouser and curiouser, eh Madeline?
Madds Aug 2014
A lot of pain lately, a lot of second guessing.
Tossing and turning; picking my skull into tiny little pieces.
You've devised a grand master plan
Of bright lights, excitement and satisfaction of your seemly, as seen through a lovers eye, insane dreams.
But where do I fit into all of this?
Second best.
Madds Aug 2014
Our lives are moving at the speed of light,
weaving our veins together in such symmetry
that it reflects rain like a window,
we become one and find our feet to rule
Madds Aug 2014
It's time for me to find creativity and feeling again.
I'll start with the sky where you and I met.
Stars are all we have left.
I don't know how I'm going to accomplish this.
Ps this is unfinished, I'm just putting the idea out into the universe at the moment
Madds Aug 2014
I fall in love with concepts of the simplest human movements.
I find my sense of purification and healing in the way you close your eyes,
No different to any other person.
A powerful burst of anger overwhelms me as you clench your fist around air.
The way you walk brings fear...

Are you staying or going?
I'm becoming desensitised and I find emotion only in movement now.
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