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Madds Jul 2014
Isn't there better ways to diagnose me
Than asking me a thousand questions?
Couldn't you all just put a gun to my head
And call it;


July 22nd.

And then dance with my body,
Just like I used to
And stick pins in my mouth
And force a smile
Just like I used to
And put me on show one more time
Just like you used to.
I don't know what this is, but today was bad.
Madds Jul 2014
7 months,
         And a 1,178km medicinal trip
         To a freedom unbeknown
         And untasted by these eyes
         I am so ready, but is my life?

8 weeks,
              10 tests, doused in falsities that kidnap the education system,
              3 months and I am done,
             Finished and fully educated to their standard.
             So close and yet so far,
             I haven't learnt a thing.
I've almost finished my last year of high school... I've almost conquered my hatred and fear of the system... This is all I've got to hold on to, all that's keeping me going.
Madds Jul 2014
Never, not once, in my life
Or past lives, even past centuries,
Have I been a formula.
I dance in the eyes of needles
And underneath the skin of skinless beasts.
I sing with my fingers,
Around (your throat) the pen
And I smile with a thousand hearts in my eyes.

I have never been the essential equations,
Numbers, measurements and shapes
That glue together formulas.

I am not normality that you can bottle,
I was born to drown in the sky.
Inspired by a comment of a dear Jim Musics from long ago. Thank you.
Madds Jun 2014
The sun folds into the moon and dances new light on forgotten grounds, these grounds grow and tend to hearts like yours; rare and beautiful. I'd say it's a garden but it's not really, you are a swimming pool and I'd happily drown amongst your stars... I already have.
I was tired and very in love.
Madds Jun 2014
As it continues to grow darker,
My lungs continue to morph or dry out.

Is it a saviour or suffocation?
My brain hurts, my lungs hurt, the pressure is crushing me and I'm entirely engulfed by everyone telling me what to do. I'm struggling to find my feet.
I don't know what this is, and if it's poetry I'm not sure.
Madds Jun 2014
Carry me to the edge of the world
I want to see colours as I fade.
Shake me free of all the shackles
As you leave me behind...
Shake me free of all this wisdom;
The torments of my mind.
Carry me, as I breathe heavily,
To the edge of the world...
Carry me; I want to die.
I have no idea what this is or why, but enjoy my mind.
Madds May 2014
I lay on my back, absorbing the pressures
Of the rocks beneath me, I breathe.
Eyelids resting on now blind eyes, I feel.
I stretch out as high as possible and hold it...
Allowing each fingertip to tingle, arms fall.
A rush of blood and my eyes snap open,
I see colours never known to man,
Unpaintable by all extremes.
Now, I sit cross-legged
Rocking as the wind sways.
The small clearing expands, opening up,
I see more now than two 1800's explorers
Ever did as they searched the world for forgiveness.
Looking up, it has grown dark
A deep blue, a deep grey.
It proceeds to rain, closing my eyes,
I open my mouth as if to speak...
The taste of wilderness rushes in.
Heavier, precipitation grows,
Heavier and birds begin to scream,
Landing at my sides, eyelids open...
I remain still. Screaming songs so intense,
The birds, they start to dance.
A pair with the tango,
Three with the jive,
I smile... I'm alive.
Beckoning me to join...
We danced all night.
The story behind this is no more complicated than I wrote it during an English exam, nevertheless... I'm failing English and my HSC.
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