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My heart - it speaks Your name;
Like a fire contained within my soul
It consumed me.
And I cannot keep silent.
Of how the way you love me.
I never asked you to
love me
I never asked you to
care for me

But through your actions,
how could I bare
not to hope, not to see
and so I fell

And as soon as I dare
to care
to love
to share

You left me hanging
in an afternoon,
and only I could do
was to stare at you
laughing with *somebody else
My favourite time to make love to you is late afternoon. Just after the first rain has come and the air is still crisp and each leaf is stained with tear drops.
I love the contrast between the fresh air squeezing itself through every crack in the windows, forcing the hairs on my arm to rise while your warm hand brushes past my goose bumps making sparks of electricity and fire pulse through my veins.
I love feeling your breath and the chilled breeze taking turns to heat up and cool down my naked body.
I love that the sun has not yet set and that time is clearly linear and you are all mine.
You are all mine.

— The End —