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KD May 2015
Yes, I am a thinker
But it isn't always a blessing, because
my thoughts are like the sea: Keep pulling me down
I can't help but question every little thing
Sometimes I'm in need of air
Wanting to reach the surface
but I am not a good swimmer
KD May 2015
My constant worries
they are wild dogs in my head
way out of control
KD May 2015
Jeg kendte til mystiske væsner
Mærkværdige fabeldyr
nogle man aldrig har hørt om før
nogle der ikke kan beskrives med ord

Jeg blev budt velkommen af mange
men der var nogen der var forunderlige
de var nærmest som skygger, der krydsede folks veje
uden at møde nogen

Jeg lod dem vandre, for hvad ville der ske hvis man talte til dem
Måske forsvinde, det var hvad jeg havde hørt
Man bør aldrig forstyrre en skyggegænger
de går i cirkler, men vender aldrig tilbage til samme sted

Jeg ved ikke, hvor de forsvandt hen
Jeg ser dem aldrig mere
Jeg havde hørt det ville ske, at det sker for alle
Jeg håber de har det godt
English Translation:
Where did they go?
I knew mysterious creatures
Crummy mythical creatures
some you've never heard of before
some which cannot be described with words

I was welcomed by many
but there were some who were marvelous
they were rather like shadows that crossed people's roads
without meeting anyone

I let them wander, because what would happen if you spoke to them
Perhaps disappear, it was what I had heard
One should never interfere with a "shadow walker"
they walk in circles, but never to return to the same place

I do not know where they disappeared to
I never see them anymore
I had heard it would happen, that it happens to everyone
I hope they are doing well
KD May 2015
The road lantern is a burdened spirit
I have seen it taking its walks
through the park, down the streets
sometimes I wonder if it will never come back
but it does
it wanders back at dawn , returning to its place
I think it is looking for someone
but what do I know about a road lantern
KD May 2015
The world is more than
the wonder of our two eyes
more than we can see
KD May 2015
I do not ask you
to share with me your secrets
but know that I am here
KD May 2015
You know you're alive;
When the wind calls out your name
and the fire throws another flame
while nothing yet everything feels the same

You know it when the stars come out at night
when the streetcats are picking their fight
followed by the small glitches from a candle light

You know it with the love from someone close
when the fresh spring air hits your nose
while the waves of the sea makes your inner peace overdose

You know it when you are out a summer evening
with no time for staring at a ceiling
knowing it's a wonderful moment to be believing

You know it very well
you know the taste and the smell
of the best things you love that life does sell

The price is high, it costs your one and only life
but do not forget
You know by this; that you're alive
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