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10.0k · Jan 2014
Lucy Jan 2014
Clap along if you know what happiness is for you.

Happiness is going for a run with the dog
Happiness is waking up and looking out my bedroom window
Happiness is being part of the universe
Happiness is music full blast
Happiness is learning to South Coast Swing
Happiness is dancing round my kitchen
Happiness is cooking, baking, EATING
Happiness is being at college with my friends
Happiness is the cinema with Margaux
Happiness is knowing I'm not perfect, and being glad not to be
Happiness is a lie-in
Happiness is a cup of tea
Happiness is getting my assignments in
Happiness is seeing how much I have grown
Happiness is seeing my brother and sister
Happiness is my sister proud of who I'm becoming
Happiness is dreaming
Happiness is talking about my Mum
Happiness is the colour red
Happiness is my brother and his girlfriend
Happiness is the friends I've yet to make
Happiness is the classes I've yet to teach
Happiness is everything I've yet to learn
Happiness is Christmas with my Grandparents
Happiness is spending New Years Eve quietly
Happiness is knowing I'm going to be home
Happiness is choosing a path to get there

Happiness is everywhere when we look for it
Happiness is me.
Lucy Mar 2014
Your adorable.
thanks but I haven't done anything
Good night gorgeous girl.
good night
I haven't stopped thinking about you.
your pretty much the only thing I think about
You just made me get goose bumps, the awesome ones.
I have that effect on someone?
I try to tell you that your the most important thing to me everyday.
wow you just did and I'm now speechless
I care a lot about what you think and what you do.
why? I'm so not worth the trouble
I haven't met anyone like you.
people do say I'm quite the individual

**You just make me better. Everyday, every time you tell me I'm gorgeous, every time you say 'hey you', every time you talk to me, I smile.
Skype makes stuff like this even more real. I cannot wait to see you again.
1.6k · May 2014
Lucy May 2014
it's taken you less than three weeks to get under my skin.
less than two whole days together before I was falling for you.
less than a minute to give me goosebumps head to toe.

you are in my dreams, and today you jumped into my nightmares.
but you were there holding me when I woke up.
you pulled me close and told me it was okay, you were there.

its ridiculously nice to be loved,
to be wanted, to be needed
I have to pinch myself to check its real.
1.1k · Nov 2013
I am more than just a girl.
Lucy Nov 2013
I don't live, I exist.
I don't smile, I lie.
I don't cry, I'm too strong.
I do not meet new people, i get nervous.
I do not go out, that needs friends.
I do not trust people, other than a few.
I am not just me, I have a brother and a sister.
I am more than just a girl, I'm a complicated mess.
I do not dissolve like aspirin, I'm more like a capsule.
I do not melt like the snow, I'm more like an iceberg.
What you see is a calm surface.
When really, it's a storm inside.

I am not just me, I am everyone.
910 · Jul 2014
Lucy Jul 2014
untilibegintocalmmyselfdownandstartbreathingproperly again, and stoppunchingthedamnedorangewallbecause lets be honest it didn't do anything wrong.
855 · Jun 2014
Lucy Jun 2014
I just need to leave now,
pack my bags,
743 · Dec 2013
you've always made me smile
Lucy Dec 2013
I remember the first time I met you, you were thirteen I think
In a swimming pool, talking French, mucking around
I couldn't understand a word, but even then I found you fascinating
7 years later I had to move near where you live.
got to know you
got to like you
You gave me stupid presents
things like twigs and elastic bands
you'd steal my scrunchy, because you know how much it annoys me

now we're 19 and 21
you discreetly tickle my leg under the table
trying to make me laugh
but it takes a while now
I turn and just stare into your eyes
and you stare back
it makes me happy when you do that
I feel like it's only us
I could see the joy in your eyes, in your smile when you looked at me,
when I would finally crack,
laughing because **** you boy you've found the exact spot,
I know where to tickle you back though
Revenge is so sweet,
I watch the shiver go down your spine,
watch as you try to keep your face in line

I loved getting tipsy with you, us, our families
I see the looks exchanged between our families,
I think they've realised before us what's happening
I think I'd be happy if my life carried on like this

you've always made me smile.
742 · Jul 2014
any old idiot.
Lucy Jul 2014
I had nightmares, 5 or 6 in a row, your dad told you to go and see me, to calm me down. and it worked, but it scared me having you that close, because my nightmare is you. Even when I'm in your bed I have bad dreams, one place I know I am totally safe and nothing could get me.
Your nightmares are spiders, something I'm not scared of any more, and you're scared of me not loving you, which I tell you won't ever happen.
I'm scared of the future, of what we will become, because while we both say we want the same thing, I wonder if you really do, or you just say it because we're young and in love..
I've seen you cry, laugh, be angry, be happy, and I like it when I can change one of these things, but when you're so annoyed with yourself, or call yourself stupid it makes me sad, because while I try and pull you back, its tricky.
You're not stupid, not any old idiot would be able to make me this happy.
720 · Jul 2014
征服 (conquer)
Lucy Jul 2014
I want to sing and shout my happiness
Being woken up at 7am to the sound of your voice,
Right from the 'Allo?' I heard down the phone,
I knew today was going to be a brilliant day.
I want everyone to be a little happier,
Who cares that they sky is grey,
Who cares that it's spitting down with rain.
Than the thunder is on its way,
I have done everything I needed to do,
Even snuck a "french" kiss or two.
The sunflowers are yellow,
The maize is growing tall,

Lucy is just feeling happy.

Lucy will conquer the world.
Today will go down in history as a brilliant day. One day year's from now when people ask what happened "on this day" the answer will be "on this day in 2014 Lucy was very happy"
Conquer the world.
582 · Sep 2013
Deep Down.
Lucy Sep 2013
I have so much in my head to unload, a page couldn't take it all.
The anger and hatred I throw at the door,
Is neither seen heard or felt by the one I intend it to be for.
Its kept inside, for where else could it go,
Buried and buried like the ground under snow.

The day is coming I can feel it deep down,
When it will come screaming out,
And I'll regret it straight away.
And yet there is nothing I could do,
For the words would be said.
463 · Aug 2014
Lucy Aug 2014
you make me happy,
because you love me,
and i love you.

i make you sad,
because i don't think i'm beautiful,
but you say i am.

we share apples, showers, chocolate,
hammocks, beds, tents,  
love, happiness, joy.

sadness, anger, pain,
tears, hugs, cuddles,
kisses, each other.
462 · Nov 2013
the Idea rather thrills me.
Lucy Nov 2013
My generation have survived the end of the world more than once
2012 was the most recent.
Time and time again people predict the end of the world
Because someone's calender ran out of time
But we haven't
Time still keeps ticking.

The end of the world doesn't scare me like it did my grandparents generation
When a nuclear war was a real possibility every day
I think the idea rather thrills me
Leaving a planet so kind to have housed us,
nursed us,
taken care of our needs.

And then to blow it up,
For it to be ****** into a black whole,
For it to freeze, encasing us within
For it to burn, to a char
For everything to go dark, forever.

For a burst of light to be the last thing I see
For the last thing I say to be  a sorry, a goodbye an 'I love you'
For my potential husband, children, grandchildren never to see this planet
For my potential future just to stop.
Dead in its tracks.

The idea rather thrills me.
Lucy Nov 2013
I can't remember the girl I used to be,
before I was the one you now see,
When it was just us three,
No one could defeat us together,
We googled where I'd live,
Plan trips, excursions, days out,

I have always been shy,
but few people know,
I have to scream, shout, be loud,
over do it, so people don't see it.
But its who I am
and sure, once you get to know me,
I'm not that much of a bore.

I never thought I would care about my collarbones,
just thought they were there to break,
Like all those arms when I was young,
All the scars I carry are not from a blade,
They are from falling over, injuring myself unintentionally.

What happened to that girl I used to be,
the one that smiled, was happy,
Laughed and danced, made people smile,
she seems to have disappeared,
I hope its only for a short while.

Where is that girl I used to be?
Looking at old photos I seem to have changed, thinking back to how I was then and how I am now, it's two different people, I want the old me to come back.
430 · Nov 2013
Lucy Nov 2013
four hundred and forty six.
four hundred and forty six too many.
too many fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, friends family.
family left behind to fight a war at home.
home missing someone.
someone brave enough to lay down their life.
life that you take for granted.
granted its not on home soil.
soil that they fight for.
for you, for me, for us.
us the people sat quietly.
quietly the war wages on.
onwards and upwards.

The soldiers of the Great British Army.
Four hundred and forty six British soldiers have died over the past twelve years, fighting for a life we all take for granted, to every soldier willing to lie his/her life down for Queen and for country, I salute you.
While I realise this may be a sensitive subject, I felt inspired to write it.
403 · Sep 2014
another a.l
Lucy Sep 2014
I wonder if he knows how perfect he makes me feel as he lifts the back of my t shirt up to get closer to my skin?
The way he flips us over without effort, almost to the point where I can't move even if I wanted to.
The way his hands, slightly rough, yet soft and warm all at once make me feel like silk.
I've never felt **** or desired, but laying on my bed kissing him I do, with him I feel like I could rule the world.
Or that when he kisses me and I can taste that chocolate ****, a hint of raspberry, and orangina it makes me smile.
I could spend hours kissing him, forever loving him, his eyes, his hands, his back, his arms, everything.
I would love to spend forever with him, because this is happiness, and for the moment we're happy.
393 · May 2014
Lucy May 2014
I want you by my side so that I never feel alone again,
I wanna hear your heart beat next to mine,
I wanna be able to feel the warmth of your body,
Get drunk on the smell of apples and you.

Kiss you in the swimming pool,
Play with your sleepy hair,
Laugh at you because your a boy,
Listen to your stories about obscure things.

Run away from you in a grassy meadow,
Know full well that your watching me go,
I like living now.
You make me feel like I'm everything.
387 · Apr 2014
Lucy Apr 2014
We know I don't
what to say
any more.
386 · May 2014
kiss me.
Lucy May 2014
when you kiss me i forget everything else and all i can think about is us on my bed or in my kitchen making cake or eating hot brownies or being by the river or by the lake or skimming stones or being in the park or at the hospital. and how that when im in your arms all i feel is safe, like nothing bad could come and get us.
my bed smells of you, and while its lovely it just makes me wish you were with me even more.
kiss me when you see me, and make me forget the world around us.
363 · Feb 2014
Lucy Feb 2014
If someone handed me a gun, simply said pull the trigger and then it's done
I wouldn't hesitate, wouldn't stop to say,
Remember that day we went so far, travelled to Mersea in that horrible hire car
We ate cabbage and bacon, started a puzzle,
You said you loved me, and gave me warm cuddles

Now that's all gone, and I've got to a point where I just don't care.
I feel like you've driven me to it, I wish we could go back.
Spending time happily in each others company,
but now thing's are tense, s t r  e   t    c       h         e           d
and strained

I'm drained.
I have got to a point where I really don't care. Vivement septembre, quand je suis plus la.
332 · Mar 2014
Happily Ever After
Lucy Mar 2014
There are miles between us,
Expanses of sea and land
And yet through all this I am somehow drawn to you
Drawn in like a moth to a bright light.
   You entice me in,
   Your dark hair, blue eyes
   And every centimetre of your frame.
The way you collect trains,
Even though your 23,
Traditional is good to me.
   You tell me to leave the dishes,
   Because you'll finish them when you get in,
   We both wish that was real.
Marriage isn't your thing,
"Engaged forever" is more your style,
Kids maybe oneday.
   I wish I could see you,
   Snuggle and play in the snow,
   Learn how to fish.

Who knows,
Maybe one day,
We will both find our happily ever after...
Missing someone so much it hurts, #itsucks.
328 · Jun 2014
Definitely in love.
Lucy Jun 2014
I was irresponsible.
I made a big mistake.
I'm ready to step up.
To accept the consequences.
But there's one thing I'm fearing.
Not the reaction.
That'll be disappointment.
Maybe even anger.
But the risk of my punishment.
Of not being able to see you this weekend.
If that's the price I'll have to pay I think I'll die a little inside.

I miss you every second I can't feel the warmth of you.
Every time your eyes look at me my heart spirals.
My tummy does black flips.
and my brain tries to say calm down.

Definitely in love.
328 · Aug 2014
Lucy Aug 2014
I told you stuff and it felt like something changed;
324 · Mar 2014
Lucy Mar 2014
Your favourite colour is green, like grass.
You eat a lot of pasta, I'm amazed your not Italian.
You sleep and work the craziest hours, to try and match mine.
You have but to say '****** idiot', and I know I wouldn't stay mad.
You would fight for me, even though I hate violence.
You will one day fly 9569 miles to see me.
You don't ask for anything, but I would give you everything.

Neither of us understand how we are this attached to each other.
And it terrifies us, scares me, and thrills you all at once.
310 · May 2014
You make me smile
Lucy May 2014
My first kiss was in a hospital basement.
There was the hum from the TGBT box next to us,
and the coming and going of a few sick people.

We stood entwined in each others arms,
and when you had to leave
you plucked up the courage to kiss me.

Our first kiss was lovely,
lasted just long enough
to leave me going back for a second one.

You give me butterflies when you get close to my face,
because I still don't know if you'll kiss me,
or just stare into my eyes.

You make me shy and confident all at once,
you make me want to lie on my bed all day just happy to be in your arms,
you make me smile ever so much.
281 · May 2014
late night ramblings
Lucy May 2014
I hate not being able to sleep, a thousand and one thoughts whirling around in my head.
I hate not being able to block it out long enough to drift off.
I hate that the river sounding like white noise is noisy tonight, when normally it sends me off straight away.
I hate that even though I ate some dinner, I'm still hungry.
I hate that even though my boyfriend loves me, I still think I'm ugly.
I hate that this is the middle of the night.
I hate that I do not know what to do for the next year, stay, or go?
I hate that one day, none of what matters now will count any more, that today's emptying of lockers and taking home stuff signifies the end getting closer.
That eventually I will never have to walk down that corridor, down those steps, past the eyes of people watching me, that soon, I won't even need to remember to reserve my lunch.

I hate that I think I'm in love.
I hate that I'm questioning if this is a good thing?
I wrote this at ridiculous o'clock last night when I couldn't sleep, only just found time to type it up and publish it.
266 · May 2014
Things I love.
Lucy May 2014
I love it when you call me your mrs, even though I'm not.
I love it when you wink at me, but why I cannot say,
I love waking up to a cute message from you, it's the best way to start my day,
I love waiting at the promenoir, knowing there's not long left,
Till I can have you in my arms, till I can kiss your lips.
I love the time I spend with you,
I wish time could stop.
266 · Jul 2017
10w 2017
Lucy Jul 2017
I've never been happier, and it's your fault. Thank you.
Just read all of my old poems, need to get back into poetry. Missed this platform.
264 · Jun 2014
Lucy Jun 2014
If you have a heart that's swinging between two people,
Always go for the second,
because if your heart really wanted the first one,
it wouldn't have even thought about the second one.

If you have a choice to make,
listen to your heart and your head,
they make up part of the same person,

— The End —