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May 2021 · 115
partly insane
Tess May 2021
Partly Insane people called me
I fell for the guy who didn't care
Threw away my self respect to earn his
Completely sane for keeping those memories that were all fake
Dying everyday for his compliments
All he ever spoke was to make me disgrace
Insulted my body and my taste
Lost my respect and my heart to mend his
People call me partly insane
But I think my completely Dead
Apr 2021 · 121
Died Inside
Tess Apr 2021
A broken heart is all that's left
thoughts are all so depressed
losing my mind at what u confessed
still cant believe u left
my heart is shattered
cant believe there is already a cleft
i wont come back lest
Mar 2021 · 192
Tess Mar 2021
He asked me what is peace....
The thought of him being there
The thought of him kissing my forehead...
The thought of him sitting besides me...
Hearing me crib about my life....
This is PEACE....
here you go @jeo quaale
wts next commeeennnttttt.......
Mar 2021 · 361
over you
Tess Mar 2021
singing the songs that u loved
eating the food that u liked
drinking the beer that u want
thinking the way that u did
but i dont want you again
it breaks every f*ckin time
i dont have any more capacity
ill pass
ill get over you
before u even know
comment the next poem that ull want
Mar 2021 · 264
Tess Mar 2021
is a word that makes u smile,
is a word that makes u morn,
is a word that makes u fell important,
is a word that makes u sad,
is a word that makes u cry,
is a word that will break you....
i want ull to choose the next topic so comment.....
Mar 2021 · 133
Already Broken
Tess Mar 2021
He asked me....
Do you like me?
My mouth wanted to say yes.....
But something stopped me
I dont no what
Not his looks
Not his personality
Then what?
I realised it wasnt him that was the problem
It was me,
And I said no,
He asked if I was scared of being broken...
I laughed,
And replied...
Feb 2021 · 113
Tess Feb 2021
I feel too hard for you,
That when you left,
I got up and starred at the mirror,
I saw a stranger.....
It wasn't me,
It never was....
Tess Feb 2021
I kissed so many frogs,
But none of them changed into a prince,
With time I forgot what I was looking for,
And settled for something FILTHY.....
Feb 2021 · 187
Left Me To DIE.....
Tess Feb 2021
you said you wouldn't leave,
where were you when I needed you?
you said you would hold me,
where were you when I was fighting by myself ?
you said you would love me,
where were you when I was all alone?
you said you would keep your promise,
so what the f*ck happened that you forgot every thing?
Feb 2021 · 430
Tess Feb 2021
People come and go
But u stayed....
People leave u broken
But u mended....
People hurt ur soul
But u loved.......
People don't care,
But u cared....
People break ur trust
But u maintained...
People faked their love
But u truly did....
It was my fault to not see that
I was the one wrong here....
Soo I am truly sorry....
From the bottom of my heart.
Tess Feb 2021
Walking along the sea shore
Twirling my hair
When a guy approaches me
His hair were so smooth
Just like silk....
I thought of him as an aquintance....
We ended up spending the entire noon toghether
He made me feel special.
We decided to meet up for dinner at my fav place
This made me feel special.
It was the perfect night under the moonlight, the perfect ambiance and the perfect man
This made me feel special.
The perfect food that made the night
It was special.
It was tym for goodbye,
The most difficult thing to do,
He hugged me.....
Our eyes met each other
I started to blush,
I think he felt it too,
It was strange,
Some vibe moving in my nerves,
I could not move,
He leaned ahead and kissed good night,
I knew that he was the one,
The special one......
It's been a month yet he is not changed,
This makes me feel special......
Feb 2021 · 267
Lost In You
Tess Feb 2021
When I walk into the room,
My eyes search for you,
When they finally meet yours,
My mouth doesn't speak,
When my hands touch you,
Blood flows faster than ever,
When I finally gather up the courage to speak,
I stammer and make a fool out of my self,
Idk wat this is,
But it can't be love,
What it breaks me again,
The same way as before.....
Feb 2021 · 1.0k
Tess Feb 2021
11:11 he asked me to make a wish,
What do I say,
All that I ever wish,
Is here,
In front of me,
His eyes pierce in mine,
I can't control my instincts,
He kisses my head,
In a tender move,
Clutches me tight,
Against his muscles,
And said,
Feb 2021 · 128
Tess Feb 2021
It has been ages now since we have talked,
I feel alone and broken,
I can't sleep cause your face flashes every time I close my eyes,
I don't think cause you are the only think that comes to my mind,
There ain't a place in this world where I cant relate you,
I gave you my heart,
But you shattered it in such a way,
that I cant fix it.....
Feb 2021 · 125
Tess Feb 2021
When I first saw u it took every ounce of me to not kiss,

When I first saw u laugh it took every ounce of me to not fall in love with u,

When I first saw ur soul it took every ounce of me to forget you........
Jan 2021 · 102
I'm a MESS
Tess Jan 2021
Life had been a mess...
Before the day I met u...I
thought that u were an acquaintance,
but u came to be much more.
I could not figure out the diff between love and hate
until I met u.
U changed my life over and over again.
Days spent by,
with u next to me,
were strange,
Were diff,
but real,
It is u and just u that makes me feel special.
If u ever leave,
Take me with u.
Jan 2021 · 108
Tess Jan 2021
your eyes fixed at mine
I can't move
my body is paralyzed.
The smirk on your face,
makes my body shiver,
I have never felt this way.
I cannot believe that a man can have so much influence on me
he moved closer and I was sweating
His lips touched mine
and I felt goose bumps all over my body.
His touch with soft as cotton
but firm as wood
I could not act
my brain cells were dead
I just went with the flow
with my hands around his neck ......

— The End —