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 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Oh those eyes you have
tell me how do they move from
blue to green?
and for such a shy boy
how do you take the breathe right out of me
I could write line after line about that gaze
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
how many times
will you grace my dreams
your gone but you still haunt me
in my own room

you leave me
yet you haven't left
It seems I am in your constant company
The thunder rolls outside,
And the time for class is coming,
But I can't skip today.
I wonder if its raining where you are,
And I wonder if you think of me.
Probably not though.
I don't want to think about you either.
You out of my mind,
And listen to the R
and T   U   D   R
          H   N   E
She put on her dancing shoes,
And twirled in her dress.
He watched her sing,
And the microphone she caressed.
She sang to him,
"You don't have to call me darlin', darlin',
you never even called me by my name."
The room felt warm with spirits.
Other people looked and were jealous.
When would they find what they had? -
Sometimes it seems you find what you are looking for,
When you're not looking at all.
Someone made her a martini,
And she drank every last sip.
A bottle of bourbon was passed,
And she drank a little of it.
The night shifted and swayed like a dance,
And people sang and laughed,
But her eyes were on him,
And his hands on her.
When the music ended,
They staggered home,
Holding each other. -
They fell asleep,
But the music still rang in their ears,
Like tomorrow would never come.
I slide into your eyes, and wonder just how long you will permit me to stay there.
Your pupils trace the bases of
Braving across my face
And I wonder if you can feel the pace in which the taste of you runs through the recollection section of my dome
And I wonder if the flare behind the glare of your stare is enough to slide you
I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Haley A
As I sit and ponder
My mind begins to wander

I am bored

So I look at my dads computer
and I see a poetry site
and in my head comes a light

I am bored

Now I made my account

I am still bored
I was close to drowning when he picked me up,
his face as fresh as dawn breaking across the sky.

He had numbed most of my pain,
temporarily cleansing me of sin.
Just by a look in my eyes
He waded through the dark
that resided in my soul
until he found the small light inside.

He wrapped his arms tight around it
squeezing until it had no choice but to reignite
into lavish waves of fire.

His lips then parted revealing a beautiful smile
that moved closed to my ear and whispered a secret worthwhile ,

"I can see your pain from a mile away,
and I want you to know, its ok to let it all go."

In that moment I exhaled,
liberating all the *******, all the hate,
all the insecurities, suicide plots,
sadness, madness, pain I ever lived.

The instant rush of emotions coursed adrenaline through my veins,
ceasing the augmentation in my abdomen.
My body merged into a whole making a rumble grow in my throat,
I slowly titled my head back, a smile breaking across my face
and I released a laugh full and whole.

His arms tightened around me
and I looked into his brown eyes
with his tan skin, shining white teeth
his perfectly chiseled face
and I fell in love.

-Alicia Hubert
Hey Sweetheart remember me?
The girl you said you 'loved' for almost a century?

I see you take your "new" friends wherever you go.
Are you with them cause we broke up or is it for their hoes?

So you said we should be 'friends' and you're really sorry,
but what about these rumors you've been telling everybody?

I never left the boundaries of being faithful,
that was your ******* cause you're so ******* disdainful.

Now even though I'm ecstatic I kicked you to the curb,
we need to go over some things cause I'm pretty disturbed.

For one keep my name out of your mouth,
you must not understand baby I'm from the south.

I'm not scared to punk you in front of your friends,
if I hear another thing about me from you this will transcend.

Oh by the way I un-friended your ***** ***,
You're a ******* and you've been outclassed.

I hope the next **** you **** carries stds,
that's exactly the kind of wake up call you need.

Thank God I dumped you when I did,
you were so ******* annoying since you act like a kid.

I hate you so much and I will never miss you again,
Lets not talk anymore and you can just have a ****** life then!

-Alicia Hubert
I did two so there was the variation of the anger kept over him but also that side of love that is still left over.
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