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 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy

      midnight quill
                    stains more than            
   just my eyes
Silver laid  
to where    
rest &                 
                    still                                       ­               
               w                                 ­             

i                                                                   ­                                    
s                           ­                         
  p                                    ­                            

   .. .-.. --- ...- . -.-- --- ..-                                                                  ­                                    
...with my very best wishes for 2013
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
She sits within the dusty corners, of
a mind she cannot leave; Instinctively knowing all,
as each breeze stays...  
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
cobalt blue
feather         less
  s  o  n  g    b  i  r  d  
t    r   a   p   p   e  d
w   i   t   h   i   n
     a  b r i t t l e      
clipped wings
  droplets begin
  ruby pools  
with fluttering desires  
to fly free & sing
The cage door has been left open,
just in case feel it beat,
does your little bird sing?
Homesick for you
Trembling too...
Just wishing that you were here
To shelter me
in your embrace
And dry away my tears

I know you're not gone
Just far away
I still think of you all the time
The war is over
The raging has ceased
But not all can be healed by time

I don't want you back
I now know that you
Simply are just not the one
But you're still in my dreams
I still reminisce
And the heart in my chest weighs a ton

I look at the stars
Admire their glow
They always made me think of you
I wonder over and over
Even though it is futile
If I ever cross your mind too

Sometimes I imagine
What it will be like
When I someday see you again
Will we share a smile?
Will you just pass me by?
Would you want to be friends?

I still love you D - - - - -
But I'm not in love
It may be for the best we're apart
But one thing I know
I'll never forget you
You're forever tattooed on my heart
Secrets secrets secrets
I know all your stories
Your insecurities
Your dark side

Secrets secrets secrets

Some you told me
Some that other guy told me
Some I overheard
Others I have acquired illicitly

Secrets secrets secrets

I hold your reputation
And your mental stability
And your trust
In my hands

Secrets secrets secrets

I am trustworthy
And that's a good thing
But who hasn't made bad choices before?

Secrets secrets secrets

You know some of mine
Think you know all of mine
You could crush me bit by bit
but in the wrong hands,

Secrets secrets secrets

Are nothing but a truce between frenemies
Like two loaded guns
Aimed at eachother
Smiling, but set to **** if necessary.

Secrets secrets secrets

Are they really secrets at all?
Are you sure you know me?
Whispers run rampant here.
If this is all that's left
If there is nothing more
If I am on my own
So be it.

The stray darting eye
The whisper, passing by
I can't come free of it
So be it.

I hear she's gone crazy
I heard she's deranged
She's spiraling downward I suppose
So be it.

I prowl in the darkness
Through restless dreams haunting
Wake up, sweat and screaming
So be it.

Sink or swim, no wading
Live or die, no saving
Fight with iron fist, no failing
So be it.
a soul is lost
when one feels
the weight of dishonesty
while trying to be
true to oneself

to live with no direction
is meaningless and shameful
for a life without drive
becomes a lost opportunity for greatness

love is lost
when one's confidence is found
in another person alone
for permanence is relative

and castles
must not
be built
upon sand
My first in first grade
I carved your name in my desk
I hope it's still there.

Made class valentines
Required for everyone
But mine was special.

You begged the teacher
To sit by me on the bus
With a great big smile.

The first who wanted
To take me out for dinner
But it was a joke.

Dedicated song
I can no longer hear it
Without thought of you.

You never said it
But your eyes always told me
You had wanted more.

You dated my friend
And I never told you how
Much I adored you.

Playful like a child
But mature like an adult
So interesting.

You asked me to prom
Yellow flowers for friendship
That's all I wanted.

You said you loved me
I loved you like a brother
It would never work.

You swore up and down
You had changed for the better
You didn't, first kiss.

Late walks on campus
Never saw me with makeup
We were so natural.

Eyes found each other
"I don't forget pretty girls"
you whispered to me.

I fell quickly, hard
But you still loved someone else
A girl with my name.

A friend of a friend
Texting non-stop everyday
Going nowhere fast.

Liked me from the start
Bruised and broken, I do care
But not in that way.

The piano man
It was all right but timing
One that got away.

We tried to fight time
Thinking that you were ready
Left us with heartache.
Each is dedicated to a boy from my past. Enjoy.

PS. I would love to know your favorites if you'd like to share.
His bare arms wrapped
around her like seaweed,
pulling her further into
the deep dark blue lagoon.

Her soul was lost underneath
the crashing waves of the sea,
drowned in the deception
of his deep dark blue eyes.
Our malnourished souls
beat in opposite time.

We are not in sync,
in pattern.

Deprived, we are together
but somehow
a  p  a   r   t.
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