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 Jul 2015 ellie
Vernon Waring
Thank you for the many poems
But we're afraid they will not do
And thanks for the S A S E
So we can return them to you

Maybe you thought they were brilliant
Right up there with Whitman and Frost
But frankly they didn't move us
Except when we gave them the toss

We're sure you were not aware
You sent us such lackluster verse
But editors are only human
And your verse just made us feel worse
 Jul 2015 ellie
 Jul 2015 ellie
I feel empty without your love.
you were the only thing I wanted and the only thing I wanted to love.
but since youve been gone, I want nothing more than to belong.
I was more when I was with you, but now I am empty all day long.
 Jul 2015 ellie
Stu Harley
if we are
to be
true lovers
i maketh
plans for you
i am
so thankful
to my lady
i belong to you
 Jul 2015 ellie
cheryl love
 Jul 2015 ellie
cheryl love
When I stop and sit for a while
and think exactly what I do have
well that brings a smile to my face
because what I do have money cannot buy.
I have friends that care, are always by my side
through thick and thin, in stormy weathers.
They make my dark times bright
they make rainy days seem nice.
They turn clouds into sunshine
Make my days worthwhile.
My friends mean everything to me
And now at a trying time in my life
I can smile because they are around me.
My friends, without them where would I be.
 Jul 2015 ellie
I've been waiting for him to come back for an entire year, holding onto the hope that maybe he's looking at the same stars as me and maybe he's listening to that song that reminds him of me but nothing numbs the pain of him leaving. He's falling in love with a new girl every night and even though it will always be him for me he's going to keep moving on until eventually I'll be just another spot in his memory, a blur hidden in his past and I've tried my hardest to move on. I keep wishing someone else would break my heart but I guess I forgot that he took my heart with him when he left. I speak to any man with the same accent as him like maybe it'll keep the memory of him here...I don't want him to disappear. maybe he's forgotten all about me but I'll never forget the first time he said he loved me like it was something he was unsure of like he was scared of it and I was scared too, because there was nothing more beautiful than the way his eyes lit up every time he smiled or the way he walked like he was taking up too much space while at the same time taking up no space. every time I come close to loving anyone else I am reminded of the day he told me to wait for him and the truth is I forgot my own name when I learned his and I think I would wait until the universe collapsed in on itself if it meant I could hear his voice once again.
 Jun 2015 ellie
Cat Sommer
Hollow is the repercussions I feel,
And shame is the tyrant of lucid imagery.
   Weak is the management I failed to seek,
And time is the master of foiled leniency.

Nails crawl at my spine and claw at my skin,
For a time I thought that they would become weak.
Wood saws at my mind and pinches my toes,
For a time I thought I may hold victor.

Hollow were the adverse consequences I felt,
And shame was a florescent picture.
Weak weak the advice that I had failed to strive for,
And time was-
Time is-
Time, it will always be-
The mastered version of foiled leniency.
It's the first time I've really written in a while, sorry if it's a little rough around the edges. I hope you enjoy. :-)
 Jun 2015 ellie
Poppy Johnson
you used to flow through my veins
but then you left
and now it's just blood
and it's not even all there
because most of it stains the sheets
that you used to lie on
and tell me you loved me.
 Jun 2015 ellie
you touched me again in my dream last night,
and I swear I woke up screaming*

I still can't get him out of my head and it hurts.
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