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May 2014 · 838
Desolate Echoes
ln May 2014
I think the worst kind of sadness
comes from within

The kind of sadness
that hits you with no explanation

The kind of sadness
after watching the one you love walk away

The kind of sadness
when you're choking with thoughts

The kind of sadness
that makes happiness seem unattainable

The kind of sadness
when you've scarred the one you love

The kind of sadness
that makes you feel
I miss you.
May 2014 · 744
ln May 2014
Do you convince yourself to believe
that you can?


Do you actually believe
that you can?
Mar 2014 · 498
ln Mar 2014
You're a work of art,
You're a stream of moving liquid,
You're a light flickering in the dark,
You're a thunderstorm growling in the rain.

You're a painted canvas,
You're a gleaming neon signboard,
You're a puff of smoke filling her lungs,
You're a teardrop flooding her cheek on a cold night.

You're a verse from her poetry,
You're a definition to all her favorite lyrics,
You're a human version of her lucky sweater,
You're a permanent piece that lives in her.

You're a piece of night sky,
You're a reminder of everything she wanted,
You're a pillar of strength keeping her intact,
You're a perfect definition of all she wants and needs.

You're a gift of God,
You're a lump that fills her throat,
You're a smile that curves when she looks into your eyes,
You're a thread she's holding on to.

You fill her with hope.
You turn her dreams into reality.
*You are love.
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
ln Mar 2014
Where are you?
Where are the people?

How are you?
How are the people?

What happened to you?
What happened to the people?

You've triggered all the switches ,
The whole world's watching you now

Come back home,
They're waiting for you

Come back home,
They need you

The world's scared for you,
The world's praying for you

Show us a way,
Lead us to you

We pray,
We hope,

Hand in hand,
*We're waiting to hear from you

— The End —