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Lizzie Walker Dec 2014
I am broken
I am bitter
I’m the problem
I search for answers within myself
And outside of myself
All I see is conflict.

I am broken
I am bitter
I’m the problem
I search for answers in others
And in the world around me
All I see is conflict.

I am broken
I am bitter
I’m the problem
I search for answers in the prizes painted gold
And the trophies lost in the dirt
All I see is conflict.

I am broken
I am bitter
I’m the problem
I look for forgiveness where it will never be found
I seek understanding in places that it will never be known
All I see is conflict.

I am broken
I am bitter
I’m the problem.

But maybe I need to find contentment
In the things that make me restless.
521 · Nov 2014
The Dirt Man
Lizzie Walker Nov 2014
At eleven years old I thought it would be a good idea
To go light up
Behind a park bench
With some old friends.

From that moment on,
I saw black and white.
I saw wrong and right.
I saw day and night.
From that moment on I went through my life
Doing whatever I liked,
Because I owned the night.
I was the Night.

All around me, I saw a bunch of golden people.
Golden people with golden lives.
Golden men with golden wives
Holding onto the end of their golden ropes,
With their golden eyes waiting
With an empty hope
For the road to rise up and meet them
But it never will.

Yes, I am broken.
I am dirt compared to those tokens.
But one thing I vow to never be
Is a dirt man spray painted with gold
Just like everyone around me.
Lizzie Walker Nov 2017
in sacred moments of silence
i peek into your eyes
hoping for some reason to keep living life

fighting this darkness,
i'm afraid to be alone
ignoring any anchor of hope

i'll go get drunk with my friends.
it'll all be okay.
it'll all be okay.
when you come to take me home.
449 · Nov 2014
oh, sweet pretender.
Lizzie Walker Nov 2014
oh, sweet pretender!
your lips are so soft
and the sound of your voice
reminds me that i'm better off
chasing quietly after you
so no one notices when i'm gone.

how long will this go on?
will your work ever be done?
will i ever feel like i belong?
i cling to you when disaster comes,
forgetting to seek the face of my God
as if i didn't even need him.
now i know i need him.
i curse him, spit in his face
day after day
asking him where he was when i need him most.

but instead of searching,
i turn back to you
you give me just what i'm looking for.
you make me swell with pride,
and make me satisfied
in the things i always thought were lies

later, i hear a whisper in my ear.
it tells me to turn around, so i do
i leave everything behind
i head to the west,
leaving you, sweet pretender
and all of the empty promises
that you convinced me were the best.

i found the best,
but the best thing about the best
is that it's only the beginning
382 · Nov 2014
What is Justice?
Lizzie Walker Nov 2014
I throw on my brand new pair of shiny leather boots,
Grab my custom Coach bag and I'm out the door.
It takes all I can muster,
But with a big smile on my face,
I look at my neighbor, tell her she looks great,
And to have a wonderful day
After I spent two hours last night
Talking about all that she does that I hate.
Then I get into my car,
The one that my husband keeps forgetting to start
Before he leaves for work
And after he gets the kids ready for school
Just so I can have another twenty minutes of sleep.
So now I have to drive in my freezing cold Mercedes
To my job that gets me everything I need.
I just can't help but feel angry.
When am I ever going to see some justice?

The day they took me away from Mom and Dad
Was the worst day I ever had.
It's true that neither of them were ever there,
And it's true that now I'm a lot cleaner, stronger, and healthier,
But that was the day that everything familiar
Was ripped right out of my hands.
Now, my new mom and dad take me around to all of their friends,
They tell them my story
And the praise never ends
For the people who stole me,
They get the all of the glory
While I'm stuck here wondering why my parents didn't want me.
When am I ever going to see some justice?

What would a flood of Justice look like
If we spend more time
Caring more about the bigger things in life?
356 · Dec 2014
Somewhere Beyond
Lizzie Walker Dec 2014
Come, let us explore the darkness together. Let us navigate through these labyrinthine crypts where many have gone before, forfeiting all that they obtained for a promise beyond the Garden.

Let us love. Let us live.

Let us grow together in perfect unison so that we can scream into the wind “you can’t control us anymore.”

There we will find a hope that lies just beyond the grave.

We are infinite. We are one. We are no longer dazed
by the whirling tumultuous calamities of the world, but the veil has been torn
and we are free to see the hope that lies beyond
those cryptic lies that we have been taught since we were born.

Hope is disguised by darkness.
It shines brighter in the caverns
Than it ever could in this falsified peaceful world
That we make for ourselves in the light .
304 · Nov 2014
My Friend
Lizzie Walker Nov 2014
Dear friend,
My heart sings for you
With songs of sadness
And songs of gladness
For I fear for where you are headed,
But I rejoice for where you've been.
255 · Nov 2014
Lizzie Walker Nov 2014
if only you knew what we were before.

the scars that have been healing
behind closed doors

i won't hand you the key
because you'll see a different person

inside all of our souls.

— The End —