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Aug 2014 · 472
Elizabeth Aug 2014
I can’t remember when everything changed. When humanity somehow evolved beyond us and harnessed power unlike we’d ever seen. When someone who was nobody somehow got the right to lock us in cages and have at it with any experiment they wished. It’s like we don’t even exist. Not technically, not to them. Just masses of flesh and unwelcome thought.

I can’t remember my name. Well, I can, but not properly, not like I should. But names don’t matter here. Numbers do and people don’t. I don’t know what I should think of that but they don’t care, I shouldn’t be allowed to think.

Age is relative. I can remember my age - just another number. But I’m smart enough to know that this number’s important. Because as soon as there’s another just as I was, they won’t need me anymore. But for all it’s worth, age has no other meaning. Here, we live for today and die for tomorrow, it’s a pattern that’s collapsed on us, suffocating until there’s only enough time to breath once before it’s our last.

I’m a recluse now. I don’t speak. My thoughts are choppy because I barely think. No, that’s a lie. I think a lot. That’s all I do. Think, contemplate, and observe.
Words. What use are words when no one listens to them? I haven’t spoken in months and even if I could, there are no words. My throat is raw and silent where my mind is numb and screaming from it’s twisted logic. Sometimes I want to die. But I won’t, because they won’t let me. I’m too important, here for the cause. We’re all here for the cause.
Aug 2014 · 270
Fistful of Silence
Elizabeth Aug 2014
She loved him. She could not help it. There was something about the way which he carried himself that drew her in from the start. He was nothing like she’d ever known; becoming a drug she stood no chance against resisting. But he didn’t need her. Didn’t want her. He had someone else waiting in the wings. Someone that in some twisted way, she had to believe that he loved, because that someone was his undoing. He had been so close. Just enough to briefly touch but not to keep. She was out of depth. He was out of reach. She played a game she didn’t quite understand and yet he was the one who lost.
Based on a character I was playing in Hamlet this past summer

— The End —