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 Sep 2016 Little Bear
Stu Harley
our hands
like butterfly wings
out of the cocoon
fighting wars
making peace
changing hearts
building worlds
uplifting souls
me be
hands of gold
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
Stu Harley
oh lord
sweet harmony of life
moves rapidly
up and down
black and white
piano keys
move slowly
contrary motion
this world
souls are diminished
dissonant chords
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
I went into the kitchen the other day.
The salt and pepper shakers
were quarreling on the table.
The dish and the bowl
made a ruckus in the cupboard.
The bacon and the eggs
wrestled madly in the pan.
The toast leaped from the toaster,
crying, "You've burnt me again!"
I should have stayed in bed that day,
for no good will come from a breakfast of chaos.
I look outside the windows and wish to be more free to see the world.
To show gratefulness  for freedom beyond my limitations
So I wish to give back to the world.
Roads to travel
New Cities to see.
New people to sing and share gifts with
Or simply get to know
My limitations have showered me with physical pain and the lack of a truer independence.
If I had the means and generosity for help to get me started
I'd return after my trip and share some deep gratitude.
My illness is not one to shut me up or treat me like a child.
It needs better understanding
Better research
So others stricken can achieve "true wishes granted"
So deeply well
A poem about my multiple sclerosis and how I refuse to let it keep me from a truer life.
We were not our most intimate
When my kiss was on your lips.
We were not our most intimate
When our hands clasped onto our hope together.
We were not our most intimate
When I scribbled poetry onto your skin
Or when I tattooed my love into your heart.
When I held onto you so close and made you promise me you'd never let go
We were not our most intimate.

When you were on the other side of a room
Filled with tons of people,
And a lesson going on in school
About something important,
But through it all
You caught my eye,
Held onto it,
And finally
That's when we were intimately in love.
Well, one of us was, ha.
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
R Rice
I have questions, like why do some go before me,
Or why is it that the hairs in my left nostril grow faster than those in my right?
What thoughts or images filled my mother's mind while she retreated into it,
Not recognizing those she brought into the world?
There must be signs
For someone
As to how I can get answers.
But more importantly, are these the best questions to be asking?
he came as promised
he returned disappointed
a sh

              a        t

           ­                         e           r

                                     e                   d
                                                               ­           image
Last line: a shattered image
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