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 Sep 2016 Little Bear
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
there is no age in which a mother forgets her child;
i think their heart beats connect like SONAR

the child types furiously in one room as the mother
tosses and turns hearing each letter as loud as a gun
my mom walked in the room after i finished typing this
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
Hide in your shell
Little hermit
Isolate retract
Pick at the
Vulnerable scared
Outside your
Shrivel in the sun
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
The sun rose in her heart
Whilst her thoughts and words
Often reinforced with thorns
Like barbed roses.
The sun rose in her heart
And radiated through her smile,
There aren't many things
More special to me
Than your smile mom.

But your laugh,
Your laugh
It fills the air
And purifies it
Like a serum for dark energy.
There aren't many things
More special to me
Than your laugh mom.

But your touch,
Your touch
It comprehends my body
Sending signals to my mind and heart
Assuring them all is well
Massaging the stress away.
There aren't many things
More special to me
Than your touch mom.

But your wisdom,
Your wisdom
It trains and protects me
From evil and unnecessary unwarrented damage
Forges my spirit, moulds my perspection and quenches my ignorance;
Conditioning me to be unorthodox and different
Nurturing my growth.
There aren't many things
More special to me
Than your wisdom mom.

But your hug,
Your hug
It keeps me warm
Even in your absence
It envelopes me like a blanket .
There aren't many things
More special to me
Than your hug mom.

But your presence,
Your presence in my life
It is nonpareil.
There aren't many things
More special to me
Than your presence in my life mom.

Oh but your love,
Your love for me
It made all the difference
In my life
In the world
It has made paths
Where there wasn't land
It opened a door that was bolted shut
It is the light in my darkness.
There aren't many things
More special to me
Than your inexhaustible love mom.

The sun rises in your heart mom
I can't not help but wonder how special I am
To be a recipient of that
And bask in your awesome love.
I want you to know,
I love you infinitely
Tree, I have come to shelter and with the rain to weep
I am soaked, barefoot with mud running through.
Soft the moss, cool and cold
to soothe my heart that bleeds.
Our waxing nights of love and moons
now fallow, a field that burns.
****** our hollow bed
of haunting, silent screams
too soon the fiery devil
too far my lover
the spring.
Dear beautiful people thank you for reading my poem, and thank you too, for your kind words.

 Sep 2016 Little Bear
Illya Oz
When my day is feeling gray
And my mind is in disarray
I look outside
Only to find
A blue butterfly
Fluttering through the sky

When I saw the blue
Of its wings as it flew
It brought a smile to my face
As its wings flap with grace
It brings happiness in its wake
And many friends does it make*
For my friend Kirashma, who is always so kind and friendly and always makes people happy just like the blue butterfly.

he disguised him self as
himself( truly )and
no one knew who he was
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
Lora Lee
All strung
empty shells
of needles
      that injected
the next defense
      to keep me going
splayed upon
the coldness
            of metal
somewhere in a place
lower than
the floorboards
of the nether regions
of a private hell,
where no one sees
      the truth behind
the doors of
           beaten swords
of silken pictures
in frothy shades
of effervescent green
a smiling happy family
in which the
sounds of drowning
can only be
             vaguely heard
a faded gurgle
       in an ocean of sighs

Somewhere, there,
the pain in my veins
spreads like
a self-administered
only it's not
my prescription, at all
just a parody
from the very
    sick doctor
who shares
          this house,
meant to
be a home
one who thinks
he knows it all
but knows nothing

In this dreamlike weaving
of staring blankly
into alternative spaces
when all is so heavy
that even breathing is a task
I suddenly remember
   who the **** I am
and push my gaze through
the ceiling cracks
to look up at
         the stars,
receiving their
           of light
      like a blessing
   upon my
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful support! Your comments and responses touched my heart all day long and I felt all the spirit-hugs. I am sending those hugs right back to each and every one of you! <3 <3 ~ Lora

Words may not be fists
but they can still destroy
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
When we crash
      Its the ground
We blame the weeds
      And the seeds
              Say its tossed in the wind
                       We say it all
                      Before we fall
Now it's collisions
Of moons
And the way gravity
Has its hold on everything
We say the crater
Is the only impact
When we crash
         It's the end
We blame the sky
         And the light
                 Say it's lost to the night
                        We say it all
                   Like it was always
Still we make our wish
On the only star
That is at fault
And no sun came too soon
This next weak
Will be the hardest of our lives
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
All my focus elsewhere
Not in the present
Here and now
Energy cut off from the roots
And the follow through
Is there any other option

Tear itself apart from the inside
Or fall from its own weight

I'm burning my bridges
Both behind me

And in front of me
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