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2.5k · Feb 2014
IV - Mother Nature
We carve our nails
through your warm,
brown flesh

We **** your children
forgetting that we
too are your
sons and daughters

We poison your blood
without thinking it is
the same blood that
runs through our veins

We slowly suffocate
you, our  mother

How dare we?

Dear Mother Nature,
Don’t forgive us.
1.6k · May 2014
Windmills and fish
quiet, quiet
she is dancing

silent skin moving
under the twisting lights
cracking unnoticeably
quietly, like the morning sun

a leaf falls to the ground
slowly withering on the way
spiraling, turning, falling apart
mixing with her skin

and the gutter starts to fill up
and as it floats down to the sea
no one notices a few vital body parts
sinking into the mud

the light on the walls create visions
she imagines they are places
the gutter passes by so her eyes can see
she forgets where she is

she is a windmill of bones, creaking, breaking, falling
they are trees standing still and tall
soon I will be among fish, she thinks
the wind doesn't bother fish

she is dancing
they are watching and
the lightning
is about to strike

quiet, quiet
1.5k · May 2014
If there were
shortcuts, I’d
take them
I’d put them all
in my pockets
and always carry
a spare
in my bag
(and one in
the glove box, just
to be safe)

I might even
hand them out to
strangers  who look
like they
might need one
or give them to
I’d hide them so
people could find them
and rejoice

but there are no
shortcuts, and
my pockets are
always empty
just like the
road ahead

and that’s really
too bad
my pockets
are quite big
788 · May 2014
The gift tower
There was a girl
who got
every single day
from admirers
young and
old, from close
and distant

she never thanked
them, and never
opened them
she’d pile the gifts
outside, in her

whenever she was
feeling down
she’d climb up
on top
and enjoy
how all other people
looked like ants
from up there

one day
she got a present
from her true love
it was an
empty box
so big
that her tower finally
reached somewhere
with no oxygen
for her to
I had a dream
about the ocean

white beaches and
seagulls making the
light flicker as they
fly over me

I had a dream
about the ocean

wild currents and
unknown forms of life
staring at me without
me noticing them

I had a dream
about the ocean

the reflection of
thesunset, carved
into the sea while
painted on the sky
and the salty wind
drying my eyes

I had a dream
about the ocean

black waves ragin
at rocks and humans
and all things disturbing peace
and screaming that I will
never know its secrets

I had a dream
about the ocean

picking up little treasures
it left for me, shipwrecked
little secrets I will
never know where came
from, and the ocean
will smile secretively back
655 · Mar 2016
cleaning lady
give me
hydrogen peroxide
and chlorine
give me industrial
strength soap
maybe that will clean
this mess up

cover me in it
pour it down
I promise I’ll swallow

make me pure and
white and beautiful
make me clean

give me the brush
and I will scrub my skin
maybe make way
for a new skin entirely

the smell of chlorine
once repulsive
is almost pleasant
to me now
as I let the acid
melt my skin off
drown me
until only bones
clean, smooth, lovely
white bones
stick out of a

don’t worry
I'm a professional

I know what I’m doing
586 · Oct 2013
I used to see
in a golden
drop of water
in the sound of
falling leaves
in the arms of solitude

the words are still
there, but not
to me
all I find is
it runs
through my fingers

it all ends up
in a puddle
on the floor
and I'm in too deep
to know whether it's
blood or tears or gasoline

there's only one way
to find out now

*pass me a match
510 · Jan 2014
Pulse in a bottle
I knew a boy once
he had his pulse  
in a bottle

He couldn’t climb mountains
with the bottle in his hand
and he couldn’t make a girl stay
with his heartbeat somewhere else

And you’d never believe
what he did with that bottle
he’d spin it around
on the floor
perfectly synchronized
with the music

As the music got faster
so did the spinning
and he couldn’t be sure  
where the tip was pointing

so he trusted his bottle
let his pulse slip in
and he jumped
in a fairly general direction

I knew a boy once
he had his pulse
in a bottle

but one night
the bottle stopped spinning

Now he can climb mountains
482 · Jul 2013
Cave walls
You speak for us
about us
not to us
without listening to
so you don’t speak
for yourselves anymore
why would you?
others should

What happened to
scratching out
your own pattern
in the cave walls and
making your own wings?

Why have you forgotten
that you have wings
and that you can
be weightless
if only for seconds?

You only teach us
about results and test scores
if it’s forgotten tomorrow
well, I increased
the average score for you
they’ll give me a diploma
so I can show everyone
that I was able to
remember what I was told
without questioning
because you’re always right

You forgot
so you don’t teach us
that we can sow
our own seeds
in our own way
and **** our own plants
and after some time
maybe see one grow

Let us fight our own fight
and choose our own weapons
not your medieval ones
they’re useless against the
enemies we face

Let us sing
without being given
sheets and lyrics
that have nothing to do
with us
there’s a song in us too

Let us write
what we know
what we feel
what we learned
not from teachers
but from the smell of fog
from the rays of sunlight
shining through a prism
from water making our
hair seem weightless

Let us speak
without being spoken to
without a manuscript
that’s not from our hearts

Then you can be
proud of us
really, truly proud
and that’s nothing like
empty smiles and
black and white diplomas
440 · Feb 2014
III - Murder
Limbs creaking,
screaming, begging
for mercy

The ground comes
closer as the shrieking
grows, grows, grows

the murderer wipes
the sweat off of his
face and goes

(the victims
stand in line)

He is the executioner
condemning us all
to Death

He, and his
432 · Jan 2014
Climbing mountains
My pen exploded
it's dripping

I can't write with it
must save my hands

The words are gone
they mean nothing

Wind runs through my fingers
but doesn't stay

This wasn't meant to happen
I don't understand

without words
I am nothing
without hands
I don't exist

and if it means nothing
I will never
400 · Aug 2014
Not Alexander
there’s a drizzle
of tiny pebbles
too small
to bother anyone

they fall on his
hands, but stay
unlike the snow
that broke his heart

he tried to explain
the loss, but they wouldn’t
listen, so he
looked at the pebbles
and made a

a few pebbles make
a molehill, and we all know
you can make
mountains out of

so he built himself
a mountain tall
taller than anyone
had seen

now they will listen
he thought
now they will

and he stood
at the top
proud as a Macedonian
king, awaiting
endless praise

but at the top
of that mountain
only the wind blows
399 · Aug 2013
I need a place to sleep
Oh, if the world
would only give me
a moment of

There’s a beauty
in the mess of today
a beauty in the
chaos of meaningless words
like autumn leaves
running down the
gutter, driven by
water and wind

But if only winter
could lay a sheet
of snow there, to cover
it all
to let me rest
from what I’m running from
let me sleep under
the clear sky and
dream of nothingness
so I won’t have to
listen anymore, so I
can find
384 · Feb 2014
II - Poetry
tearing it


every bit of pencil lead
to find a message

we forget

that the
is the most
important part
377 · Feb 2014
VI - Light
by pale,
dead, white

one single candle
with the last
376 · Jan 2014
The purest of fires
empty hallways
speak louder than
the blaring music
outside the windows
there’s nothing
nothing at all
there’s nothing outside
nothing inside
nothing in the cellar, either
so we might as well
light a fire
right here inside
light the fire and
**** the consequences
they’re empty too
just watch it burn
until there’s really nothing left
and maybe then
*but just maybe
368 · Feb 2014
V - War
clean your

patch yourself

look at
all the graves

It was worth it

Everything is better now
303 · Oct 2013
empty eyes
the stars are bleeding
but the city lights
are too strong
for anyone to

they call to me
but I have
no words left
only an empty gaze
as the world melts away

my words were taken
and now they
are dead and

I know
because you returned
them, sent them
in the mail
no note or return address

still I know
it was from you
only you had the
power to take
away my words

I'm empty now
and I was never
full to begin with

and now the
stars are bleeding
while I just
and you don't even
know it's happening

because the stars are
bleeding, and an
empty gaze will not be
282 · Feb 2014
I - Creation
This world
is mine

till I came

I  take the
pieces of
my imagination
and put them

They reach
and I build

I make it

I watch it

It comes to

and turns against me

— The End —