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What if sneezing allowed us to rid us of the demons
Instead of blessing flowing from our noses
Our greeting are for the devil’s fleeting
Rejoicing in this enforcement
Contorting the very distortion
And reversing how we curse us
A different stanza to put on our mantle
I might add on some more. God bless y’all
Deep calls to deep
Feet walking to the steep
With the roar of Your waterfalls
Unlike before I’m on the tall part
All Your waves and breakers
Pavement of the Maker
Have swept over me
And met me gladly
I made a poem around Psalm 42:7 before, and it was more doubtful. I called it “the fall”. Over a year later, I’ve come through many “other sides”. Some other sides were through darker areas, but it’s made me stronger in my faith.
We have enough faith to say
That we do not exist
As we live every single day
If it’s a reality like this
I haven’t written a lot of lyrics lately, and I think it’s actually been good. But just a thought this morning ~ we say that we don’t exist, or that we’re not alive inside. But we are every day, in reality, no matter what you want to think. We don’t compare to the glory of God, but that glory can live in us. I wrote something a few days ago that say, “If God is real, look at Him.” Playing with this idea of if He actually exists, and how we can feel if He does. God is as big and real as existence itself. Kind of references Moses talking to the burning bush.

Also, the title references Arcade Fire’s song “We Exist” talking about how people with depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts are real. Granted, there is a God much bigger than those things that also exists for a reason. The fact that there is evil and darkness shows that there must be light, and there must be God.
When the sun and the moon bid their goodbyes
And the monsoons will break frozen ocean-sides
And our emotions no longer change like the tides
The only thing left will be the true light
The thing we’ve seen since the beginning of time
I wrote this this morning, thinking about the things going on in this world. It talks about how the moon will fly out of orbit and the sun will run out of gas some day, but it also applies to not worrying about the things of this world, and knowing our hope rests in God. Remember, in the beginning, He made the “light” before He made the sun and the moon and the stars to “reflect” that light, and I think that’s cool symbolism...and we reflect that light too :)
 Mar 2020 Lillian May
Rupert Pip
Break my bones;
cut my throat.
Pull me open,
learn the ropes.

Breath me in;
taste the fear.
Shank my skin;
stand and cheer.

Kick my head;
let me bleed.
Unbolt my veins;
enjoy the read.

Gouge my eyes;
punch my face.
Wrap me up
in your embrace.
Get to know me like I do you; inside and out.
 Jan 2020 Lillian May
 Jan 2020 Lillian May
I'm afraid I'm broken
but in the same way that shattered glass
catches the light
the wrong one
will find you in peace
and end up leaving you in pieces

only the right one
can find you in pieces
and guide you to peace
 Jan 2020 Lillian May
you get one day to cry
but tomorrow
it’s time to fix your crown
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