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 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Erica Fike
Goes down smooth and puts me in the mood, gives me reason to dance and groove. Forget all my worries after just a few sips, glass stained from lipstick lips. Loves me mind, body, and soul, but keeps me interested that's the goal. Robust indeed, but its exactly what I need. Gets better with time, yes honey he is like fine wine. But you already knew I could rhyme. Lol
Just being silly
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
T Thomas
Drowning myself in liquored down consciousness
So maybe I’d have the confidence
To tell you that you’re on my mind
And not the usual “thinking of you”
But the ******* reality
That you’re my sunshine
And my moon,
That you breathe life into me
That you can take away, too.

Smoking these packs a day,
So maybe the smoke can suffocate these
Empty feelings of loneliness and stress
And ash the late night heart broken regret.

Hitting bowls to fill these holes
Of where your hands have burned in me
Where I crave one last singe of heat
From the top of your pink lips
To your hands on my hips,
Though I know it’ll never be enough.

Swallowing multicolored pills
To stop these freezing chills
That frost through my nerves
Whenever I remember that night
You traced your hands along the silhouette
of my curves
When you’re perfect fingers
Would push my hair from in front
of my face to aside
With such warming grace
Just to tell me to show my
Beautiful eyes
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful

Who knew that one voice,
could launch one thousand heartbeats
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Is difficult to find, And perhaps even nonexistent
See a flip of a coin
Can be decided based on gravitation pull and upward force
A die can be rolled
But the face it reveals can be calculated
Stars spotted in the sky
Are all red/blue shifting in measurable distances
A website URL
Is generated with algorithm by a programmer
Your social security card
Show where you were born, your group, and serial numbered
Any "random" thought you have
Is somehow thought up by a relating idea in the brain
Unrelated subsequential events
Are made into patterns based on how unrelated they are

So, no.
I don't think it's random we met.
I think there is a fate and a destiny
There are always answers to what happens next
But whoever is deciding what does
Is doing a pretty **** good job
Lost thoughts, thank you person deciding
Sorry I've been away
I've been out of inspiration
I promise I'll be back soon
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Page after page,
Day after day,
And yet it makes no difference.
You can't rid yourself of your problems,
With just a pen and some ink,
At least not permanently.
So what does it really matter if I write,
No one really cares,
It wouldn't matter to me or to them.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
We are each born
A box full of pieces
But as the years pass
We are faultily rearranged
Jammed into wrong spaces
Lost under the couch
And as the years pass
We look less of what we were
And now more of who we are

Luckily, unlike puzzles
Our pieces can be replaced
Our cut outs can be reshaped
And even if we are misplaced
Someone will put you back together
Everyone changes, however we don't fade, even feeling nonexistent. We are probably just hiding in the couch.
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