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 May 2018 alex
Elizabeth Oyibo
it's sort of funny how we convince ourselves of many things,
in order to fit into our perception of reality, like
take for example, you
this person who I thought was like the universe, so
mysterious and beautiful, so
underappreciated and ignored, so
I launched myself into your space, and
I suppose somewhere along the way, I
saw the black hole in the distance, I did yet
I chose to admire the millions of stars and the planets, thinking
that that inevitable end was oh so far, yet
I was wrong because, the thing about black holes, and
the thing about you really, is that nothing can escape them,
they consume everything no matter what, they
have no regard for beauty, no intent on doing anything I would consider to be good, but
they do not know any different, that
is what they have to do to exist, and
I just wish that you would have been the universe instead of the thing that destroys it.
 May 2018 alex
 May 2018 alex
to do now; no.
it was done then, when the soul was strange and fragrant.
the wholest i'd never been, and i took to it like the enemy.
i loved it... sweetly, and then i cut it open.
i had to taste it.
soon after i was overcome w/ regret.

the years cried for both of us.
 May 2018 alex
Why do you smoke?
All your thoughts begin to choke
Your weak windpipe, delicate from pain,
And now you’re alone, hurting again.

Why are you smokin’?
Are you truly that broken?
So desperate to leave this place,
No one to have as a safe base.

Realising all the pain you cause,
in your head, sarcastic applause,
Recognising your life is a joke,
Is that why you choose to smoke?
 Mar 2018 alex
Perhaps I have not been careful enough.

Perhaps I wanted you to consume me.
Perhaps I wanted to consume you.

Yes, I love you.
Yes, I want you.
But reality's setting in
And the sunspots are clearing from my eyes.
The solar inferno weakens.

I had built you a statue of emeralds and golden thread
But it's been crumbling.
The emeralds are turning out to be moss-covered stones
The golden thread, stiff hay.

I knew you were only human.
Maybe I didn't believe it.
I did not love you because you were immortal.
I did not believe
-With him, with him, I shall love forever
  With him, I shall touch the moon.
   We shall be created and destroyed, created and destroyed
   Forever, and together.
   Beginnings and ends in two become one.
Perhaps I thought it
But I did not believe it.
Don't worry.

I will adjust to your humanity
And I will build you a snowman, not a statue.
A snowangel, maybe.
But I am done trying to turn myself to silver.
I am done trying to become an inferno.

Yes, I love you.
Hopefully love is enough.
 Mar 2018 alex
 Mar 2018 alex
I stopped loving you on my birthday. Did you know that?
It shocked me out of that confused numbness I'd been living in

Like a twig snapping
A candle, quickly snuffed.
All the other cliches people use to say that what was,
Suddenly isn't.
Can't be, anymore.

But it was sudden
And it was shocking
And I didn't know what to do.

So I tried to pass it off as ***
Or stress, or distraction. But I knew what it was.
I knew what it wasn't, anymore. You didn't.

I wonder when you stopped loving me
Because surely you've stopped loving me
And I'm glad you've stopped loving me.
It's all I hoped for, from that day to the end.
I hope it was before the end.

For my birthday, I made my cupcakes
Drank my liquor
And prepared myself to remember how to love you.
But I knew I couldn't, anymore.
 Mar 2018 alex
 Mar 2018 alex
He told me I was beautiful
He made me feel loved
He kissed me softly
He whispered sweet nothings
He reached his hands
He touched me all over
I tried to speak
He kissed me harder
He held me firmly
He told me it was okay
He know I wanted it
He grabbed me
He kept me down
I couldn’t speak
I couldn’t move
I couldn’t say no
 Mar 2018 alex
he wants to die.
 Mar 2018 alex
A painful tear leaks from my eye,
It screams a terrible sound,
A sound so loud but unheard from all around,
It flows down my cheek and seeps into the ground,
“Help him”, it cries “he wants to die”
 Mar 2018 alex
Don't touch me - it hurts.
When you touch,
I feel like my veins are gonna explode,
A pain strikes me body down

— The End —