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 Oct 2019 kyss
 Oct 2019 kyss
I think I’m afraid of letting go...
 May 2019 kyss
Sometimes there are days where I feel like Atlas,
Carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Sometimes there are days where I can feel every single little thing,
Every touch and every emotion.

Sometimes there are days where I don't want to live anymore,
For at that time nothing seems possible.

Sometimes there are days where I just I need to be alone,
And sit at the edge on the rooftop of an old building overlooking the city.

Sometimes there are days where I feel lonely,
Like the entire world is against me.

Sometimes there are days like these,
Days that the only thing I can feel is the burning sensation of a blade being dragged across my skin.
 May 2019 kyss
Thunder storms,

The sound of rain hitting the ground.
A lightning bolt extends from the sky as if it was trying to touch the ground.
There is a smell that seems to be connected to the sound of rain.
A cold gust of wind comes in through the open window.
A blanket is wrapped around us as we snuggle,
A cup of hot chocolate and the presence of a good book,
This feeling that I have,
I never want it to leave.
 Apr 2019 kyss
 Apr 2019 kyss
I don't know what's wrong with me.

I, like I'm watching reality from a distance.

I feel...empty, like I've been drained of all life.

I feel...anger, like someone did something very wrong to me.

I feel...pain, like someone stabbed me with needles repeatedly.

I feel...tired, like I haven't had a drop of shut eye in my 17 years of existence.

I feel...not myself, like someone cut a piece of me out.

And I don't know what's wrong with me.
And that scares me
 Feb 2019 kyss
Late Nights
 Feb 2019 kyss
I really like staying up,
Because for once
It feels as though the world stops for a few hours.
 Feb 2019 kyss
 Feb 2019 kyss
Eyes closed. Images running through your mind. Uneasiness sets in.

At that moment you are a slave to the past as it recreates those hidden memories you've been trying to suppress.

Then you wake up. It feels like someone splashed cold water on your face. You're gasping for air. Eyes Wide. Hands shaking. Mind buzzing. That's what it's like
 Feb 2019 kyss
I was always told when I was younger,
that sticks and stones may break my bones,
but names would never hurt me.

Bones will heal,
bruises will subside
and cuts will mend.

They never told me that the names would stay with me.
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