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Kyra Cereola Aug 2015
At night I shut my eyes and dream,
not as a fantasy, but as it would seem,
the life that I'm already living.
You say you messed up, I'm just forgiving,
the truth is, I'm the one who's thankful,
because even when we parted, you stayed faithful.
Kyra Cereola Aug 2015
We're losers
You lie
I listen
  Can't leave

We bicker
You're bitter
I'm broken
  Don't budge

We fight
You fumble
I follow
  Let's ****

We're sorry
You're sleeping
I'm sobbing
  Please stop

We realize
You ramble
I run
An impromptu "poem" about abusive relationships.
Kyra Cereola Aug 2015
Blue eyes,
by scattered specks of green.

Red hair,
to a lion's messy mane.

Pale skin,
from a fury of freckles.

Strong voice,
with wonder, will, and wistfulness.

Gentle heart,
from pain in his past.

Rough hands,
his lover's hand to hold.

Soft lips,
by his one and only,

— The End —