Do not wait for things to happen Get at it and take action Be the one with that extra fire Fulfill your world with satisfaction Make your spirits bright Continue to climb that ladder You have the knowledge and ability To make your vision sharper
dainty and fluorescent is the mask of humility forthwith we proclaim allegiance and sanctity we need not ask to deeply... it is so the answer will disarm what we all know
whether high in proximity to those under all fall victim to charade and blunder spoken philosophies and capricious sighs we tuck ourselves tightly to fashion our lies
evermore ever present in common place covered and covert we try to save face why not give it, let all go its way and cleanse ourselves thoroughly without delay
is it more profound a performance endured when spectators stand around totally immured grace falls just short of mendacities door but wrenchingly it gropes for more and more
it is our chance and all in your power to drench yourself in a righteous shower whether kindness, good deeds or getting it straight fact is... that is what most people call great