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TigerEyes Dec 2015
I am five staring up in my clown bed wondering if there is only one me
why is it that I have these visions of the future I have not seen?
images dancing across my head like photographs of the dead
haunting me in my dreams telling me that everything is not all as it seems
illusions in front of my eyes dancing like white lies
hard to tell the truth from the false …
are those people I see like dolphins or, are they sharks?
when you’re born with vision right from the start
it can be confusing to say the least
it feels as though you’ve been given some kind of cheat sheet

I am staring up at the stars with my blue eyes…
I am a wondering child at the age of five
Why am I here? Is there a God? Does he see?
Does he/she see the images I have seen?
Does he/she know I am here feeling unheard, and unseen?
So many questions from the eyes of a wondering child —
so many questions I’m hoping God has call waiting - or, great files.
  Dec 2015 TigerEyes
The uniVerse
No one will ever win
because no one gives in
sometimes its better to concede
then forever bleed
my shirt soaked red
from the heart on my sleeve
a battle of words cast
the sting that lasts
like venom that seeps
through our veins
the pleasure that's reaped
from our brains
knowing that we cause pain
sowing seeds
no flowers grow
only weeds.

A flip of a coin
is what decides
to face the ruin
or run and hide
if only we used a note
so we could simply float
past every decision
because whatever the choice
it always brings collisions
so listen to the voice
not in your mind
but in your heart
then you will find
what was, has past.
Originally Written: 03/10/2014
TigerEyes Dec 2015
I am trapped behind your bedroom mirror
while I’m trapped
when I get out
when you appear
I float around now
from place to place
I am a ghost looking for a familiar face
I wish I could have known my fate
but now I know it’s just too late
I wish I could have seen
what my life would have been like at thirteen…
Just a girl from the Bronx
learning from the college of hard knocks
street smart wise
didn’t see the knife
a shadow in the midst
behind my back that insists
that if I scream or, resist —
I’m history then
thirteen, and I wonder what could have been
while it all fades to black
but I see white
and, for the first time…
I am shown what is right
Beauty is all around,
a symphony in heaven is all I see..
singing just for me.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove December 26th, 2015
  Dec 2015 TigerEyes
• p-                                                                
eople do                                                              
not see past                                                               
her   makeover•                                                               
•only  traded snea-                                                               
kers for heels beyond                                                             
her years• starkness of                                                         
change, her  before and                                                   
•••after•only constants                                                 
•••are her darkness and                                             
•••••fears•happily ever                                          
•••      after is a dream so                                     
•••         far•when sickness                                  
•••          consumed her caregi-                           
   •••           vers old•hides these away                    
  •••              as she approaches the stationary      
        •••                  car •  only her stilettos know... of her
         •••                     ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
      •••                       ••••••••••••••••••••••••

*story untold•
Concrete Poem 27 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
  Dec 2015 TigerEyes
Too long I've rested upon my throne.
Ordained as ruler,
I wield a sceptre
imbued with old indoctrinated notions.
Bound in aged, tired traditions.
Obstinacy clasped tight within my fingers.

Living by the
foundations laid,
imposed by predecessors before.
I realise that I am but caged
within my self enforced confines.

I want what lays beyond...
But I am afraid...
And more...

I must embrace the unknown.
Be fearless...
And take to the darkness.


One can only fly free into greatness
if one is unafraid to take the leap
into changing winds.
  Dec 2015 TigerEyes
Sure the fatigue would come...
Infiltrating the sanctity of our skin,
gripping our muscles
and chafes us within.
Right down to the bone.

No doubt the fear of future days
would eat at us raw.
It would gnaw at our minds...
Debilitating thoughts that would *******
no one else but our own.

Of course the seeds we've planted,
mightn't see past the layer of soil
in which they're embedded.
Seeds hidden in the ground for future reaping...
They mightn't flourish to meet the harvest
and greet the hand which would
welcome them full grown.

Most likely the days before us
only show of dark clouds...
That constantly scare us.

But today...
Has time and space for us to exist.
Today has a crisp sweetness wafting through the air.
Firm, unwavering ground beneath our feet.
So let's claim today because today is ours to keep.

Today we share the returns...
Of the sweat and the tears that in the past
we've sown.
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