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  Sep 2015 TigerEyes
Kristo Frost
                   that       down.
      you      through
raw.               ­         the
                     moments         of
              that                            forgetting
    spark.                 ­                                 to
                             ­                                      live
                      ­                                without      within
             ­                         hesitation                             this
                                   as                                                   soft            
                                to                              ­                              cage.    
  Sep 2015 TigerEyes
Kristo Frost
She's in the kitchen
(close the door)
just mixin' up some metaphor;
a true conundrum
through and through
and through to me and thus to you.

Her humble hunger
(forest's slumber)
thunders 'neath a wilting tune;
tuned to too many
to count without
a thought within.

She must profess
(but shall confess)
to any who will listen;
closely she holds
a tragic history
mostly mystery to most.

She solves my soul
(I deny that hole)
which she still fills;
overflowing always
with such unrelenting joy
that is My Love.
TigerEyes Sep 2015
Hope loves to bring joy where there is darkness
in the midst of a stormy sea
when you need a friend in me
loyal, and true
there is no one else but you
I'll be there to hold your heart
I'll be there to hold your hand
until you see I understand
your pain, your fear...
and, everything you hold dear
I'll be there to wipe your tears
When you're sad
when you're blue
I'm on your side...
I'm with you.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove  September 2nd, 2015
  Sep 2015 TigerEyes
Conrad Aiken
He thinks her little feet should pass
Where dandelions star thickly grass;
Her hands should lift in sunlit air
Sea-wind should tangle up her hair.
Green leaves, he says, have never heard
A sweeter ragtime mockingbird,
Nor has the moon-man ever seen,
Or man in the spotlight, leering green,
Such a beguiling, smiling queen.
Her eyes, he says, are stars at dusk,
Her mouth as sweet as red-rose musk;
And when she dances his young heart swells
With flutes and viols and silver bells;
His brain is dizzy, his senses swim,
When she slants her ragtime eyes at him. . .
Moonlight shadows, he bids her see,
Move no more silently than she.
It was this way, he says, she came,
Into his cold heart, bearing flame.
And now that his heart is all on fire
Will she refuse his heart's desire?--
And O! has the Moon Man ever seen
(Or the spotlight devil, leering green)
A sweeter shadow upon a screen?
TigerEyes Sep 2015
You are born into this world
you had no choice
later you find you have no voice
Your mother has you down as a bad seed
she wants to tug you up like a dead ****

dismissing you like a Queen
you're out the door at seventeen
cause when your mama drinks she gets so mean
knock down drag outs
in your face
you feel let down
yes, disgraced.
Now you're running
and, you feel chased.
Ten years later it's the same
pointing fingers
like you're to blame.
It's easier for them to lie this way
they never listen to what you say
you can't take it anymore
the blame the shame
it's all their game
you're tired n' decided
to change your name.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove  September 1st, 2015
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