6 years old
loves barbies
plays outside
learning to ride a bike
shes getting taller
9 years old
loves chapstick flavors
walks outside
rides her bike everywhere
she is the tallest in her class
14 years old
loves mascara
runs outside to burn off the cupcake
bike sits alone
she is the biggest in her class
16 years old
loves black
runs lines down her arms, she doesnt see the sun
she drives around for hours thinking about everything but nothing
she is shrinking
18 years old
loves loneliness
runs and runs and runs from herself
she drives around hoping that she will be strong enough to make it home
she is breaking
20 years old
loves skipping meals
goes running until she feels like she's going to pass out, then runs another mile
she drives around thinking about her suicide attempt and thinks about heading home
she doesn't even know if home is a place or a feeling or if its real
lines going up her thigh now because she found out that wrists make people worry
people don't understand the process of self destruction
it started a long time ago
and it will never end
until she does.