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 May 2015 KIO
Deep down inside

A fire is burning in defied

No rain can wash it away

No pain can keep it at bay

The fuel that keeps it glowing

Is of the life that is flowing

The heat it liberates

Makes us to celebrate

The women we are

The fire that we bear

They chain it with tradition

To stop it from destruction

But the fire that is inside

Is not to be deride

It’s the way to make us strong

When everything goes wrong

It can be contained

When love is sustained

The warm glow it share

Is beautiful as prayer

When it is enslaved

Pure destruction is paved

Only way to be in harmony

Is to let the eternal fire free…
 Mar 2015 KIO
If we were together

If one of us were to die

I would hope it would be you

Because the pain of losing someone

Is greater than

Any death
 Dec 2014 KIO
Melanie Melon
 Dec 2014 KIO
Melanie Melon
I don't usually wear my seatbelt
because if I die driving,
I want to go enthusiastically, smiling.

I only want to die
if in a gore-ific scene of carelessness,
I want to exit with a bang, part of a mess.

And I don’t find this morbid
Because if I die cruising down 33,
I will die my mind at peace with the rest of me.
 Dec 2014 KIO
you see,
well rather ironically
you dont...
or at least i dont
( mistake)
(that was my perception/projection of "you" based on "me" because we (again sorry or/ sorry again) can only see the world egocentrically)
i lost my glasses last week
havent seemed keen
on finding them on the streets of
O, (Oh) (OH) how i keened after them (IO)
driving on a mirror this morning, mourning, before the sun, a rose, arose.
i finally noticed them gone.
the acid lined upper middle class road from my
(socially speaking)
lower class acid ridden
(economically speaking)
upper middle class mind
had dis(re)appeared^(infinity)

all time was lost

and for the first time in my driving career
i found myself, spending more time looking at the street than at the road
shooting stars of red streamed after taillights
as if always trying to catch up
  greens joined in from lights above
...but did not muddle the stars  
like the perfectly controlled watercolor artisan

what Virtuoso, what Perfectionist, what Letter-dash-letter of a being
could create such an immaculate emasculating picture (lack of question mark)
i am humbled.

i gave up looking for my glasses
my vision seemed perfectly clear
so was yours (Sorry)
Word Study #2

— The End —