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Mar 2019 · 272
My skin
Kim Johnson Mar 2019
It’s time I remove my skin,
And wear the flesh I have beneath,
Kiss you hard as I longed to,
Acknowledge myself I am for you.

I wanna be out wearing my flesh,
I wanna make aquaintance with another flesh,
I am you with my skin on,
I will be snatched and torn if my skin is gone.

I should burn my skin and go search a flesh,
Who’s heart beat faster when our bodies clash,
I am confuse of I thee created,
I am him, I am he but I am never she.
Try to read what poet really wanna say.
Aug 2018 · 258
Breakup is harder
Kim Johnson Aug 2018
Loving someone is the hardest task,
But its so easy in movies you ask.
Hero wins over the damsel in the end,
Thats when the movie end my friend.

Love is hard in this surviving world,

Sometimes girl cheats or love for money,
Sometimes guy is married or only *****,
For worst is when u r confused,
You actually love ******* and good u refuse.

Breakup is hardest in the life we live,
Survival is difficult it makes u believe,
It builds up stages to haunt you,
U wont patch up back even if u sew.

First memory taunts you in leisure time,
Missing him frequently is ur only crime,
U remember he hugged u while u cook,
U remenize tiny things where ever u look.

U shed tears for him every hour
Instead u can buy yourself a flower,
U wish n pray if he just comes back,
Instead please move on your own track.

The worst is yet to come my friend,
Its when the sun sets and day end,
When night falls and u slèep alone,
'Missing him' meter hits upto trillion.

Wishing for a foot step in the silent night,
Wishing for a voice in this idle night,
Wishing his return when dog barks,
Fulfilling my heart with sensual sparks.
Jul 2018 · 205
Love in midnight
Kim Johnson Jul 2018
It’s raining tonight and lights went off,
Why don’t you come and swipe me off,
No one knows who you are,
It will be a mystery ‘A man in my house’

I feel aloof in this giant bed,
I sleep on right and ur side is left,
Come call my name from the window,
I will be up from your voice.

Come tonight coz night is silent,
even my heart beats so Loud,
Come tonight it’s been so long,
Make an oasis in my deserted soul.

Please don’t call or make appointment ,
Just surprise me and satisfy my thurst,
I will wait tonight for you my love,
And forget tomorrow when the sun rise.
Feb 2018 · 242
Lonly in life
Kim Johnson Feb 2018
Many chances i got in my life,
But my stubbornness kept me lonly in my life,
How can i promise my life with anyone,
As i will be turning soon into no one.
They might hav thought i am so self centred n egoistic but they don't know the truth behind me leaving them.
Nov 2017 · 256
Why GoD!!!
Kim Johnson Nov 2017
I am told that diamond is the hardest rock,
Then why is our heart so fragile,
Why does it hurt so much when it break,
Why are we made like that.

God wont be so selfish to hurt his child,
God can't be so foolish to plan such act,
Why does he punish us by breakup time,
Which kills us slowly but we never die.
Wrote this poem after watching a kdrama (CMHO)
Nov 2017 · 417
5econd's of you
Kim Johnson Nov 2017
It was the fragrance of happiness,
When I saw you for an instance.
That very five seconds felt like a wish granted by stars.

Reminiscing the look on your face, your hair and clothes.
Assured me that you are alive, breathing still.

Though I may not feel your presence, warmth on me anymore.
But I still feel goosebumps when I remember our past.

I quit our love, talks and meeting at night,
But the moment I saw you again rushed the blood up to my heart.
It proved me again that you are alive, breathing still.

We had those times and I don't regret it,
I had my share of fun and you had it too,
But love was never a promise for you,
Sometime you promise and later I quit.
Love is an unnecessary burden creates by brain and punishment for heart.
Oct 2017 · 542
Catching matching.
Kim Johnson Oct 2017
This is the story of burning horse,
Burning his desire and inner soul,
He gallopes so fast to sooth his soul,
But couldn't calm it; instead it rose.

He met a shiny water horse,
It matched it's desire with burning soul,
It cooled him up with liquid soul,
And almost removed his burning soul.

He run away from water horse,
And met a new shiny horse,
Wings so cool and dashing soul,
He matched again with shiny horse.

He burnt it's wings with single touch,
It lost it's shine n beauty of course,
Now he regret his burning soul,
Burning his match like a beautiful curse.

He finally met his matching horse,
Fire horse aka burning horse,
Nor soul is burnt neither desire,
Only the physique burn with fire.

He touch the fire horse with his lips,
No desire rose in that fire horse,
He waved his tail to set a chance,
Still no feeling rose from fire horse.
No use was meant to meet his match,
No desire fulfilled of the burning horse.
It's a story of a person ( burning horse) encountering ppl in her life but all unmatched.
Oct 2017 · 232
Kim Johnson Oct 2017
**** your time,
By writing rhyme,
**** your past,
By forgetting fast,
**** your sadness,
By loving endless.
Jun 2017 · 565
You are my wings
Kim Johnson Jun 2017
I caged myself for these three years,
Mingling socially is what I fears,
Out of boredom I stepped in tinder,
I found you as friendly message sender.

I was in this complicated love,
My mind dealing with questions to solve,
You took my thoughts away from him,
We messaged, chats and I got over him.

You always console me on my terrible love,
You taught me how to solve this love,
No more console I need for that rotten soul,
He can **** up and die on his stinky foul.

I need the strength to be alone,
I need my wings to everywhere I flown,
I truly won't mind if you come along.
I would need a friend to survive this long.
Friends forever
Jun 2017 · 271
Kim Johnson Jun 2017
My heart is 18 although I am aged,
My feelings are real though my heart is caged.

I might have slept with few out of love,
But never found some one who replied my love.

I am good girl and good to be a wife,
But no one loved me enough to make me a wife.
Single + sad
Jun 2015 · 486
Kim Johnson Jun 2015
I want to write you like a guitar,
but I don't know how ma love.

I want to play you like a guitar,
but its worst coz I don't know how to play.

I can write you in a poem,
hell ya, that's what I can do.

Tell me what should I start  to write ?
About our first big yesterday's fight ?

Or about our late night chats,
Or about the time i called you love,

Yes... I should write about the day before our fight,
Yes... About my birthday that will make our mood light.

Birthday goes soon you think about this,
From all your darlings who wished you first.

You wished me first and I replied to you,
"Thanks Martin" is what I wrote.

But "thanks my love" was my actual word,
I couldn't write coz I am hiding it from world.

My feelings broke as happiness end,
Because you said we should be friends.
To promise a walk with you through the path way of friendship.
May 2015 · 531
sexual drives
Kim Johnson May 2015
you laid a kiss on my sensible neck,
you pushed me near that wooden reck.

you embrace my **** in your soft palm,
I couldn't resist our breathing uncalm.

you teased my **** with your warm tongue,
my body shivers with the ****** rhythm we sung.

I felt your urges when you tore my clothes apart,
i know about your urges when you kissed me hard,

your smooth hand rushes here and there,
its one night so no need of love and care.

your smooth hands running all over me,
my lust for you is what others can see.

urges are delusional it ends so fast,
but its one night stand not a love so vast.
******# love # incests# taboo.....
Kim Johnson Apr 2015
I don't know when I started sharing u my thoughts,
Was it the day when I broke our frdship without any reason,
Or was it the hour when i started coming to you,

Seize this day my lovely friend,
Coz I started writing poem for you,
Awful or not but that's just for you.

You might feel sad for some idiot's act,
You might curse coz he made u sad.
Even if u don't care I 'm right here for you.

People comes and goes its truth my friend,
Flower blooms and shed...that's life they end,
Pack those memories to the sea let's send.

Past is past not worth any regrets,
Don't write to him anymore my friend,
He is not worth a penny and u know, u do.

You are beautiful, smart, nice and rich.
You can have anyone in ur finger tip,
You have ur families,friend and luck,
Just assume that he died under a truck.
I write this poem for my closest friend who fell in love with my younger brother. Later
he left for far far land and found a new gal there. she was broken as hell but she still loves me and I started hating my younger  bro now.
Dec 2014 · 704
I won't call your name...
Kim Johnson Dec 2014
I will love you every evening and morning,
But still to your name,
I won't ever call out ,

Look at me, I know every thing,
Did u ever listened to your souls?...
My soulmate .. My friend ...
Again and again I would never shout for your name ...
I'm missing you but still I won't call your name out.

You r ma pain, and also my healer,
U r ma dept... And also my jewel...
My soulmate .. My friend ...
Again and again I would never shout for your name ...
I'm missing you but I won't ever call your name out.
I tried to translate a song fr
Kim Johnson Oct 2014
When you are there…right next to me.
I feel the world is galloping at startling pace.
Time as if possessed by some demons…. Rotate so fast.
Three days feel like three hours..
Hope I could extend it little longer..
Is what I repeat always after checking out from new peace house.
For I realized later… That I never got enough of you..
Like an intoxicating wine you intensified my addiction with every new meeting.
Leaving me longing for you more.
Till now the thoughts of yours.
Has kept me going…now this very solution seems to be falling apart..
I can’t tame ma desire any longer with days unfolding by…
I seem to be loosing grip on my very self…
I can’t wait to meet you again…
Oct 2014 · 366
Second desire of lover….
Kim Johnson Oct 2014
When you said you reached the hotel,
I tried my best cloth and left from hostel,
Only you on my mind, I hopped on taxi,
Thinking about your eyes which I feel so ****.

I reached the hotel and knocked on your door,
You let me in and placed my bag on the floor,
You ripped ma clothes and kissed me hard,
We must pay for our sins coz we’re meeting like cowards.

I unzipped your fly and put my hands inside,
We making love here or on bed?  You decide!!
You read my thoughts and took me to bed,
“ Let me quench your ******” is what you said.

Top on me you smiled and kissed,
First thing I uttered was “ Make love to me please”...
The amazing touch I feel when our naked soul meets,
your breathing gets faster and I can hear my heart beats.

I can’t wait to welcome your thing,
I want to make you feel like a king,
Make love to me in this three nights,
Lets make up for those lonely nights.

When this three days comes to an end,
You promised you will show me paradise in time we spend,
Making love until sun rise,
With new position and another surprise.
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
I am not worth you...
Kim Johnson Oct 2014
I am dumb and stupid, I'm opposite of you,
The illegible mistake I did was to compare myself with you,
I know I m a fool I can't be compared,
Still this stupid heart is dumb n unawared.

I have been in your home at your folk's place,
With me the earlier nurse was replace,
I become friendly with ur folk's there,
They helping me out was totally fair.

cooked at your home in the light less candle light,
I walked with you on the road in this romantic night,
I stayed at your home with your families and neighbour's cat,
I slept at your home's wooden bed.

I liked your parents as my own mom and dad,
But one sided love always has ending so sad,
Even though they give me love and affection..
I am never worth for your love n your folk's attention...
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Kim Johnson Oct 2014
You came into ma life when sm1 else was I dating,
We became friends and it kept on rocking,
But we end up working on unwanted fighting...

U shake ma desk when I was sleeping,
U tease me with ma book when I was reading,
U make me smile when u were annoying...

U call me on ma phone when u were leaving,
U promised to stay touched, abroad u r living,
As u promised..!! Friends we kept on staying..

My feeling grew, on phone we were talking,
U talked abt ur gf's and that's troubling,
I borrowed ma ear n started consoling....

Later got tired and felt ma time wasting,
I end up loosing u and friendship breaking,
I was left alone and kept on regretting...

Some how in life again we started texting,
Ma heart felt it again and starts opening,
I wanted to show ma love and finally proposing...
Sep 2014 · 482
Road less taken
Kim Johnson Sep 2014
I took the road the less taken one,
Like poet Robert frost had done,
When excitement and curiousity increase,
Fear and worries decrease.

Less taken road didn't showed me where it leads,
But I handled the thorny bushes and long long weeds,
I made ma way and still walking on  that road,
Taking untaken road gave me burden of load.

Stung by bees result in swollen hands,
Stinky smell and muddied pants,
Cut on my face by thrashing thorn,
Listen!!... Wats dat?? A lion's roar?...

Untaken road frightened me so much,
Even the wild flower closed when I touched,
I knew it...I can never feel like Robert frost,
That is how I took less taken road n got lost...
Sep 2014 · 409
Mom ur son fall for him...
Kim Johnson Sep 2014
I feel his sweet taste of lips...
I feel his touch on ma finger tips...
I feel his chest against ma heart..
I feel him all over ma body part...

I know I am ma mothers son...
But don't stare me for what I have done,
It's been 2 years I have been with him,
I realize ma love when I was dating Kim..

I invited him to ma room that day,
To reveal ma feelings n see what he say,
I stupidly dim ma bedroom light,
That is when he hold me tight...

He said he liked me when I saved his  cat,
He said he liked me more in park bench we sat,
He was fallen for me when I broke up with Kim,
Seems I m not only one with feelings for him,

Please don't hate me for what I did,
I just loved him for what I received,
No matter he is gal or guy,
Love is all money can't buy...
GAYs--  It means happy... So they are happy n we sud be happy for them too...It's not there fault they fall for other guy...
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
A gal in raincoat...
Kim Johnson Aug 2014
I met a strange lady with big big eyes,
Eyes so big like a dead frog dies,
Huge body with long brown hair,
Small umbrella which her body share...

I passed by her wearing ma rain coat,
Wearing ma orange + green shiny rain coat,
The rain coat which ma mother bought,
Hiding Money from ma father's short...

Let's go back to that rainy day,
When I and lady met on ma way,
She took her iPhone and clicked me a pic,
I posed her "peace" in the sound of click...
This happened to me when i was walking down to buy some groceries... I saw young gal in her rain coat... I clicked her photo... Instead of getting shy or angry... She posed...
Aug 2014 · 598
My world of childhood...
Kim Johnson Aug 2014
My mother my world,
Was the sentence I always hold,
When I grew up a little old,
Started doubting ma own word...

Don't do this, don't do that,
Don't eat this, u will grow fat,
Don't watch tv u vil lose your eyes,
Don't read novels it's fictions and lies.

You scold me first For not knowing "how to cook,"
You scold me second when I come in boyish look,
You scold me again when u knew abt ma boyfriend,
You scold me forever for loosing ma foreign friend...

First time in ma life I wanna hear you shout,
"That's ma daughter "I wanna hear that loud,
U knew I love poems, slogan and stories too,
I wanna write about us just I and you...

Please unhold ma hand and let me go,
Be ma mom don't be ma foe,
I wish you to be really clear,
Either you support me or leave me here....

I wrote poems, I wrote slogans,
I wanna write like Henry Logans,
I wish u appreciate me once in ma life,
Please encourage me once when I am still alive.
There isn't any person called as Henry Logan. It was just created to make rhyming of the word above.....
Jul 2014 · 593
Try to avoid smoking
Kim Johnson Jul 2014
I inhaled you when I was tense,
I inhaled u to look cool in any sense,
But I end up looking like cancer patients..

Smoke once, smoke twice,
You will be dead when u realize...

I loved you till my life,
But you end up taking my life...

Healthy words...Quit to smoke....
Sleeping world...we can provoke..

Chewing tobacco since child age,
Stupidly emptying ma daily wage..
Quit smoking and tobacco chewing... Have pity on yourself...
Jul 2014 · 660
It's still the same
Kim Johnson Jul 2014
Riding home on a stranger's bike...
Sweaty n tired after a wonderful hike,
Walking home is what I should do...
But it's too late... I needed help from you.

The smell of soil after heavy rain..
The sound of passing old trolley train..
It's all the same, it never changed,
That's ma hometown under Himalayan range.

When I took that 15 minute ride..
This road was the most amazing site..
The road sided  by tea plant farm,
Small or less but it's still a farm

Before ma hometown I reach a place,
It's a mandir where Hindus prays,
It has a roof with no windows and doors,
Under that building there is a pond.

Two or three counted fishes...
Normal fishes but may turn to delicious dishes..
Out of those just one I care...
The orange one whose color so rare.

It's still the same the fishes n place..
The childhood memory still not replace..
The story of witch and orange fish I care..
Untold myth of heart they share...

I heard from ma sister that there lives a witch...
Who roams at nite on the mandirs bridge.
I don't know if the saying was true,
Still gives me goosebumps when I am passing through...
Mandir... It's a holy place where Hindus prays
Jun 2014 · 564
Far far land...
Kim Johnson Jun 2014
Take me away to far far land...
Let's live together as we planned..
Build me a hut or a tree house..
Green grasses n big big cows...
Kim Johnson Jun 2014
The soothing voice that u fill inside ma ears,
Drives me desperate longin for your presence,
With you far away I go to bed with ur thought beside me,
The intoxicating kiss you lay on my lips is the sweetest thing ma tongue has ever known....

In this blistering cold nite all I desire is the warmth you bring in ma bed...
Wrapped inside thick blanket and making out with you is the paramount of temptation I have ever experienced...

The intense ****** cry that you utter in bed while ripping ma back with your nails make me cumm out very fast..
With reunion this April will it bring,
I will surely entertain you with ma charm...

That will always leave you thinking about me...
Kim Johnson Jun 2014
It was a tired some day of ma life...
Tired some enough to even play a fife...
I got a msg from your gal friend...
Asking why I m reaching for her boyfriend...

I have known you before she does...
You thrown me out like a musty dust...
You went abroad and forgot your friends...
Now ur gal frd replies your friends...

She read our conversation through ur Facebook...
Complaining me I don't hav a photo in face book...
It's ma life n it's ma account...
She isn't buying ma Facebook on discount...

She asked me why n how we broke up...
That is non of her business to catch up...
I had a normal friends talk with her boyfriend...
I was trying to get ma long lost friend..
Jun 2014 · 461
Kim Johnson Jun 2014
Everyone's writing poem on wall,
for me it ws just a free from boredom call.
I wanted 2 write about somethg new,
But all I hav is d memories of u.

listening 2 Rihana's unfaithful,
thinking of u being regretful,
half burnt cigrette in my hand,
regretful vid ur absence in dis heart.

Missing every thing about u,
missing every day without u,
Dis stupid n awful heart of mine,
doesnt even knw how 2 liv n shine.

d way u kissed my neck 2 lips,
I was quenching ma lust vid ur mesmerizing kiss,
when u wispered dose three words,
Ur lov beside me, i can fight against d world.

What was ' I ' in ur happy life,
just a letter 2 fill between L n F,
u threw me out ven I needed u d most,
in ma own world I was lonely n lost.

To hav u back, I prayed 2 gods,
I wished upon stars,
I made hundred paper cranes,
But u never return bck 2 dis lanes.
Jun 2014 · 447
TEAR.... Ma frd or foe...
Kim Johnson Jun 2014
I was a jolly girl of spring,
Happiness is what I always bring,
My sadness surrounds only me,
It was a trouble so no one sees....

One night when I was sitting alone,
A tiny droplet of tear sadly blown,
I asked it's name n the owner,
Tear was frightened n sat in the corner...

I took it up and kissed those tears,
They smiled at me And forgot those fears,
I told them don't be afraid of me,
I will be your owner and u stay vid me...

Now they often come to meet,
Secretly come without any deed,
I can't get rid of it from ma eyes,
I can't forget them even if I tries...
Jun 2014 · 525
A desire of a lover...
Kim Johnson Jun 2014
Really wished to talk a lil more,
But do not want to make u bore,
Talking with you I feel so hot,
Thinking again about ur good bye shot...

You are my love and ma future mate,
U r the cool wind in summer shades,
U r the **** who stole ma heart,
Don't know y we r distance apart...

It's hard to live away frm you,
It's harder to sleep away from you,
I'm incomplete without ur presence,
No one is here for ma defense...

This cold winter is freezing me,
Longing for u is increasing in me,

Hope this April will bring u in ma arms,
Hope you will impress me with ur astonishing charms,
Waiting for our next meeting to come,
A little bit of noise and a lil bit of hummms.....

   be continued........
Written by a girl friend to her boyfriend...vid there love in the top....

— The End —