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 Aug 2020 Khyati
 Aug 2020 Khyati
There's a wetness around my eyes.
And it feels like I've cried.
But what I have isn't tears.
Just a tumble of emotions.
Ranging, roaring.
I just need a hug.
Yet, it's awkward, you know.

June 2019
 Aug 2020 Khyati
Dear Mom,
 Aug 2020 Khyati
Dear Mom,
I think the last time you hugged me was when I left you, left the country.
You were crying then, and Raaida wouldn’t even look at me. And right then I knew I was loved.
Till the months that followed, I never knew what it was to physically miss someone, but I found out then.
You were always there for me, when I was bullied, when I bullied you,
Remember the time you were so mad you wouldn’t speak to me?
That was the first time I had ever wanted to die.
I had hurt you, scarred you so much with my words.

You were always sticking for the right, would always sternly tell me I should be considerate.
Remember that day I’d rebelled at school and came home, my face streaked with tears, expecting to be disowned.
But instead you laughed at my insecurity and told me that if I did what my heart thought was right, then I should own it proud, own it loud.
I expected to be kicked out, and you laughed, mirthful, happy, supportive.

Even when Dad couldn’t be there, you were always there,
Three kids, and a whole load of responsibilities,
and that always makes me miss you physically, unconsciously,
Even when I’m not thinking of you.

I didn’t want to do this on a Mother’s Day, because you’re special to me everyday.

But Mom.
I’ve grown.
No one wants it but it’s the way it is.
To let me fly, you must set me free,
You can no longer guide me with a kite string, I have to be lost and found on my own.

I know you‘ll miss me, and
I’ll miss you more.
You were there from before the day I was born.

I wrote this in my head as I stood next to you, knowing for some reason that we didn’t hug anymore, and I guess, it’s hard to go back that easily.
I’m always too shy to let you see my work, and I hope if you do, you realize you were the greatest Mom to ever exist on earth, and I love you, and will love you always.
 Aug 2020 Khyati
 Aug 2020 Khyati
with a tight grip on your hand,
i'm still begging you to
let me go

if i let go, are you still holding too?
if i let go, will you grab me back?
if i let go, where will i go?
 Aug 2020 Khyati
I want to write that in front of every achievement
I want to write it at the head of every poem I write

And I don’t think I will be able to create anything
At least, nothing I am proud of
Without an asterisk explaining
This is my depression work

For depression affects everything
Infects everything
Dims my worldview and
Makes me irrational, hypocritical and
Turns me into someone I am ashamed to be

Depression takes away half of my once-brilliant mind
It leeches off my creativity
Drains the enchanting, poetic optimism inside me
Until everything I think, everything I create, everything I am
Disgusts me

Just as a reminder
This is my depression work
 Aug 2020 Khyati
for the first time
it doesn’t feel like
i’m falling in love

you and i
are just walking into it

hand in hand
 Aug 2020 Khyati
Part Time Poet
If I fell silent for days...

...would you miss me?
My stint as a poet continues...
 Aug 2020 Khyati
Nidhi Jaiswal

When someone touches and you feel that Blossom and wither
That moment you feel like
A beautiful flower filled with wonderful beauty.
Thanks for reading.
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