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K Kay Apr 2019
the moon glows warmly
a deer stands alert, watching
waiting for someone
K Kay Oct 2024
sanguine is melancholy
a nail stomping through your shoe
but there is no reaction to give the pain
synonyms in my head
the world doesn’t seem to agree with me
that misery is sanguine
a place to be alone laying on the cold floor
it feels good but getting up doesn’t sound so
sanguine is the shadow behind the mirror
whispering to me what I didn’t want to see
words that have different dictionaries
worlds that have different bedtime stories
in a world where I can’t fall asleep

the real world says sanguine is lemonade
cheerful affection upon a return
stirring butterflies up out of my mouth
a new day is born
somebody laughs
somebody lights up the room
sanguine exists that way for them

and yet sanguine I feel for me
alone as a word in my world
K Kay Apr 2019
wishing by a wishing well
stones softened years of weathered down
sitting top this cold hard throne
Just how far down does darkness go
maybe ears of one I know
who wants to know the secrets told
eternal safe of words
oh no
I've lost my balance
K Kay Oct 2024
I used to sell rocks and scapegoats
to cosmonauts and government officials.
I made my way in geodes and NDAs.

Don't break it!
(The crystal or the non-disclosure)
K Kay Oct 2024
never been a strong swimmer
treading water burned my legs and scratched my lungs
irony bleeding fire on my tongue
ashes stick to the sides

muscle cramps and boundaries
deep breaths to swim further out
shallow is the gulp I surf
bait my vice and catch my breath

wonder which will drown me first.
K Kay Oct 2024
Years ago, there was a woman who came into our restaurant. She was fashionable with a warm energy, however her face reflected concern and inevitability. She was alone, and asked for a booth in the corner. I told her we'd need to seat her at a table since it was just her. She told me she had gotten some very bad news today. The connection between our eyes was familiar, almost a look of disappointment was that which threw me for a loop. The woman was polite, sat, quietly ate, and left. I couldn't help but feel badly for her, however it was different than that. I felt... guilty.

Ever since then when I engage in destructive behaviors, I can't help but think back to her. Was she some sort of apparition of myself from the future, warning me from my harmful habits? I hope that she's okay, and has had many better days since then. She... I... What was the news she received? Am I destroying my future, while some part of me exists out there wishing I had made a different choice? Is it already too late?
K Kay Apr 2019
I wish i could have known back then
how much i'd miss you when it ends
to run without a care in worlds
from little boys and little girls

to wake up early and to run
to see the water kiss the sun

good morning, oldest friend of mine
I miss your face, I miss those times
so simple yet so manifold
those memories, engulfed in gold

in summers now I sit and stare
I feel I cant go anywhere
that normal gone in just a wink
not even time enough to blink

Goodbye little brother
I wonder when
or if, or how we'll meet again
and how will each of us react
within our eyes fading to black
echos in time living deep below
where thoughts of past all sink and go

— The End —