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Was a time I needed to get away
to find myself and lose my way
and forget what I have became
or where I could no longer stay
where the emptiness would just pass by
and the night would call my name

I lost love and love lost me
and I needed to feel what I use to be
blinded by a heart I couldn't see
that I needed to search for again
of what was lost inside of me

I kept driving on a lonesome highway
just to find myself on a dusty desert road
underneath that sky of New Mexico
where I finally had to let myself go
and let the sun light my day

I drove all night going nowhere
til I couldn't see the neon lights glimmer
and only the stars would shimmer
underneath a New Mexico sky

For once I was finally feeling free
with the calm of a desert wind
blowing carefree through my hair
where mountains around me took hold
and gave me a place of serenity
underneath a New Mexico sky
where I could spread my wings and fly
Spiritwind ©2016
I was looking for love
and blew a whisper
through the wind
into a setting sun
needing that someone
I was needing a friend
someone I could dream
through the twinkling sky
of a starlight gleam
that lovers share

Out of the night
she came to me
from a Heaven above
with an Angels beauty
and her love so free
that burned a lovers flame
as she called my name
she said take my hand
and hold on tight
like lovers to never let go

Together we will fly
to another land
far away from here
where endless love
in lovers hearts beat
forever we will be
with love so tender
and dangerously sweet
beyond that rainbow
where lovers meet
Spiritwind ©2016
When your eyes cry
alone in the night
do stars in the sky
shine a Heaven bright
do you see the moonlight
or is it just a fading light
in the cool of a mist
from a fallen kiss

When you dream tonight
will it be of me
holding you in a fantasy
or will I be a distant memory
of what was and will never be
that you can no longer see
now that I'm gone

When you hear a sad song
does the heart inside die
of what should belong
is it me that you miss
the touch of tenderness
do you open wings to fly
or do you not even try
now that I'm gone
Spiritwind ©2016
Time would pass by
as the nights would fade
and days would go
still I would never forget
the color in your eyes
that hid behind the lies

Seasons would change
the outline in the sky
as autumn leaves would fall
and turn to a winter snow
spring would bring the rain
and summer laid still
with a heart in pain
as the dreams would remain

Tears would wash away
with waves on a sandy shore
out to a lonely sea
where you I could still see
remembering my yesterday
and the promises we made

Under a full moon silent
alone I would sit
stuck inside a memory
wondering where it all went
trying to rearrange
everything that I feel
as I tear down this wall
back to where I was before
Spiritwind ©2016
I don't go to a Church to praise
or choose my faith in Christianity
but I am strong with my Spirituality
and find in Nature to be my temple
where I feel closest to the Great Spirit

I don't hold and take the bible
and talk down to its will
or speak the name of God in vain
in the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost
I was born to believe just like many
and my faith in Him I will always keep

But just because my faith I see
is a little different than most
it doesn't make me a lesser man
because I believe in the Creator still
and choose to walk His road
that He has given to me

I know what it's like to feel the hunger
to be down in moments of despair
He brought me the calm after the rain
and I knew He was always there
because of my faith of who I am
He has never left me alone here

I saw His truth when I was younger
the way I was taught and raised
through stories of my Elders they have told
I knew He would comfort as I sleep
and would dry my eyes whenever I weep
for my faith in His love is everywhere
and that's something I'll never forget
Spiritwind ©2016
Through the darkness
and past the fear
in my heart I take you
to let go of the night

Where I hold you
in the blindness
of what I lost to see
in the darkness
you comfort me

Hidden in a shadow
behind a lonely tear
I find you here
where in the darkness
shining your light
you never let go
Spiritwind ©2016
Just so I could see you smile
I would travel every endless mile
to feel your lips from just one kiss
and taste upon your skin
an Angels sweetness

I would wander through time and space
to feel your love shine upon my face
and your touch of tenderness
that came falling down from Heaven

For you I would go to the world's end
and swim the deepest Ocean
to the depths of Hell and back again
just to feel your breath in the wind

To feel your love nothing I wouldn't do
to have you here always next to me
with dreams of only me and you
flying high in the sky forever free
Spiritwind ©2016
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