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Keith W Fletcher May 2020
Lunacy  zigs and zags...
...across time and history
like crudely sewn patches
On the knees ...
...of childhood dreams !
Keith W Fletcher May 2020
a trace of me (will be)
moving on
powerless  ( against)
the rising tide
pouring over me (as I am)
washed out ( where )
nothing is nothing ( and )
totally incomplete (is)
the inevitable outcome
that led me .....
right from the start
in futile search (I am )
gone without notice
facing a future ( of )
expanded consciousness
even in the garden of inspiration
dark days
color my  world
Chemicals (keep)
burning bridges
been here before
beyond the boundaries
beyond a dream
standing at the edge of tomorrow
( wondering )
Do I even exist ? (is)
my collection of rejections
my alpha and my omega (has)
the restless rider (been)
rising above
spinning a timeless tale (along)
the fine line
echoes of my silent world (across) 
the valley of infinity (so)
whats the difference
where do I fit in ?
I am but flesh and bone
hoping I never find me
every way I can
drawn in - dragged out (now)
Dialing back in  (to what is)
A Different world today
Aa couple dozen poems from my list to become ( maybe) a self published collection
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2020
When you are rich
it must come with the fear
that one day you will awake
to find it did all disappear

So the advantage to me  
I was blessed to be born poor
I can give.away all that I've got
then go out and earn more

Not saying it's what one should do
just a thought to allow that bell to ring
Those times I can't afford something I want
wanting not needing then it's just a thing
A wifi modem issue caused a delay as I was penning this so to any who read or experienced an incomplete deepest apology. Thank you.
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2020
there are those that claim
that you - no you!- no you are to blame
so what is the truth?
when it really comes to be
that which was ignored..
...may have cost more
than anyone of us.... or I could afford

For power is often salacious
to those most most perverse
intent on halting all progression
putting the gears into reverse
meeting lawful non-conformance
with overbearing aggression
for them - any question becomes resistance
and reason for unreasonable oppression

long before ever existed our constitution
when Kingly whims were sacrosanct
John Adams spoke of that to come
as a nation of laws - not of men
And that would be great if only twer true
for so often these days and times
they don't apply to I and I
only to you and you.    

I am who you must obey  until you become I - YOU have naught to say
you must comply -you must...
...WHAT EVER I SAY FOR YOU youyouyou to do ! you must do!"

You may have been lucky enough to claim
Wasn't here ...didn't make the rules
meaning that I'm not... I'm not... I'm not to blame
I see no unjust inequality here ... being done to you
don't blame me because I'm not you
and we are not the same
  just submit and obey ... do whatever is said
by the mini- Kings of the day
until comes that time
when there are no more"yous" to abuse
the gun barrel... seeks out a new target stance
if then and only then
my friend... you realize
what many of us already do
that as a nation of laws..
... not of men
if all men "created equal" really is true
we are all the same ...who do we blame
for having not a clue...not realizing
that we are US And I am you?
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2020
I do not have the time to unwind
or to help you unwind
the words you , chose to say
and at this point it doesn't matter
as soon as I rise up
from this layer of paint your wide brush left me under
I will depart as to start moving on
Beyond whatever it was we had.
Or thought we had...... Which is what
I truly find
makes it doubly sad

I have no plans
to read you chapter and verse
throw a fit or leave in an angry Huff
I figure I'll do something far far worse
by donning that all too familiar
grimacing and yet
remorseful smile
as truly
its the right thing to do
not my fault if that
is so much worse
than being assaulted by vile curse
so sorry...
but that's just not my style

I know you regret your thoughtless word
upon thoughtless word
as much as I regret having heard
sadly though ,life has no refresh button
allowing reset back to a place
before the damage occured .so I say   peace to you my wayward friend
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2020
few things exist
in man-made terms
that cannot be rebuilt
yet , with deep regret
I believe I am witnessing
what very well may be..
.. the slow demise
right before my eyes
that most critical one ...
..of the few!

Then: ..when! ...what?
how do we reestablish?
any excavation of...
...without means to recognize
or understand any remnants found
..for what they really are?

Without the tools to reassemble
what our collective ancestry
by sticks and stones
pain and perseverance
add- ons and detractions
Acceptance , Needs, Failure
When once not wants
flies fowl of foul
those lies left of rites
when wrongs became
the claim of rights
by might of might

Kings and Knights
as darkness dons
the errant plights
that the light of dawns
healing rays
again and again
allows mankind to raise
what man(un)kind
manages to raze

Yet easily we can now see
through histories window pains
all that is lost
all that it cost
the forward progress ...
..through understanding
naught wrought by force
or one voice demanding

As cities rise from ashes
again and again
settlements become cities
civilizations become nations
while ancient mysteries fade
into histories...
...darkest abyss
some we still honor for value
to fan flame the light upon those
we happily dismiss

Few are those things
Built by the hands of mankind
that cannot  be reconstructed
by the tools man had in mind to design

And  yet I sit
in adamant descent
through fervent lament
by all decimation seen
wondering how we will find
any way to reset
when we've bent and rent
every rule,  tool and...
school of thought
if no one cares to be ...
...or not to be ...a Rose

For that is the answer
soon to be lost...
..beyond questions.!
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