"I had dreams"
this phrase scares me,
because its always,
the pretense,
to nightmares.
Horrible nightmares,
of things that
are real,
never fake.
Sometimes I wish,
my dreams,
were of silly things,
like imaginary monsters,
or little,
irrational fears,
but they aren't.
My dreams are filled with horrors done
to people I know,
children I know,
and love,
being abused,
and in my dreams
i'm frozen,
and I can't move.
I'm forced to watch
the little boy and girl,
no more than three years old,
get beaten,
and screamed at,
by an unknown force,
in a dark corner,
in an empty room,
and i'm in the shadows,
Their screams,
echo in my ears,
terrible screams,
but my mouth is sown shut,
and my eyes,
forced open,
and waking up,
is no relief,
because I know,
that those dreams,
are not to far,
from reality.