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  Sep 2014 Kay-Ann
Zachary G
Hey.. I know things have been rough for the longest time..Im really sorry  that you have to go through this, You deserve much more...much better.. And I wanna at least be there for you as  a close friend..someone you can depend on.. That past person doesn't even know what he's losing.. Believe you me , that will be one of the biggest mistakes he ever makes. You  know that too. I know that when you get back from this you'll  know real people from the fakes. I know you'll be okay. As I said he doesn't  know what he's losing..
Kay-Ann Jul 2014
The irony of this weather
the sun is shining but yet the rain comes pouring
isn't that a testament to how ****** up life can get?
euphoria can dwell in your soul
but the disease of melancholy will still attack
Kay-Ann Jul 2014
I dont know I guess I'm just tired of loving people who are not capable of loving me the way I deserved to be loved. You know I've always walked with my heart on my sleeve and I've always been proud of it. There's a lot of lost souls out there with so much anger and pain living inside of them who just want a ******* hug and someone to talk to. And I apply that to my love life. You never know what's happening inside, what hurt they've been harboring in their hearts. I give the full extent of my love to anyone my heart connects with. I guess that's pretty ****** cause it hasnt been on my side lately. And that's why we're here. I dont want much. I just want someone who can love me as much as I love them, and if I'm lucky, maybe even more. **** the jealousy rants and petty arguments. If the love is there then things arent that bad. Why can't you see that I love you so much? Why can't you see that I would sneak out at 12 am with you and go nowhere just to be with you. Anything to make you happy, I would try to do that. I mean I'm capable of giving you so much support, emotionally, mentally anything. I have so much love inside of me to give, all I'm asking for you to is just to reciprocate that energy back to me. tell me how I make you feel, how much I mean to you. Is that too much to ask?
I know I should leave you alone cause you will never be able to love me like I love you but you're the one thing that gets me up in the morning. how do I leave that?
Kay-Ann Jul 2014
I knew this was coming for a while, I just never expected it so soon
you know they say a woman's intuition is always right and it just proved to be true
there was always this feeling in the pit of my stomach that kept on telling me
"he'll find someone better than you", "you're just not enough"
but I ignored it, I wanted to believe it was a lie
cause honestly I love you man and I wanted us to work so bad
I saw so much in potential in you, in us and what we could be
but you broke my heart and the house I had in you
cause lately there's an emptiness in my chest and I'm homesick
but tell me how am I supposed to move on?
but how do you walk away from the one thing that held you together?
before you I was those dead brown leaves on the ground
being stepped on after I was already dead
You filled my hollow heart with happiness and laughter
your smile was enough to light cites on fire
and it's already burning me alive too
but part of growing up is learning how to save yourself and walking out that fire alive and conscious
my last words to you were I hope you're happy and you said "no I'm not"
well that makes two of us
Kay-Ann Jul 2014
love is irreversible. if ever real, you can’t just wake up one day and decide you don’t want to love anymore. it can fade yes, disappear, no
Kay-Ann Jun 2014
the heartbreak from a true love never really dies
that feeling follows you throughout your whole life
everything reminds you of them
you see a flower and it reminds you of the beauty of their soul
that gleam in their eyes is reminiscent of the moonlight
and you cant help but to wonder if that sparkle in his eyes left the day you did
thoughts of him wake you up and terrorizes you at 3 am
and you suddenly remember he has killed you
you're not really living
you could probably smoke with a ghost and still have more death in one puff than he did in his whole being
the heartbreak from a true love diminishes your soul
that feeling follows you throughout your whole life
and you can only hope that there is someone out there to wake up your soul and bring you back to existence
  Jun 2014 Kay-Ann
One lonely girl,
Many girls –
Few friends,
Where are they ?

Big room,
Cold air,
Dripping blood.
Shaking legs,

Voice echoes,
Words fly,
None perch.
Maybe just a drops..
Like dew.

Little girl;
Sitting there,
Thoughts of you.
Take her hand .. ?
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