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Kay-Ann Jun 2014
you said you had needed time and space
as if I hadn't given you enough of that already
I had sensed that my love was suffocating you
so I eased up to let you breathe
I didn't want your respiratory system to collapse
because of my emotions
but how do you explain leaving me because
of the very thing you wanted
you said you didn't want a girlfriend anymore
and that was like a stake to my heart
because I had been much more than that
I had become apart of you
I was the one who opened the gateway to your soul
I was the one who ended your drought
and I let my ship sail into your harbor with no regrets
but I guess some ships were meant to sink
see I gave up and tossed my heart into the sea a long time ago
but this morning a piece of it washed up ashore
that's how I know there is still hope
so maybe we weren't right for each other then
maybe we'll meet when we're better for each other again
Kay-Ann Jun 2014
being in love is a such a celestial feeling
you're on an emotional high off their passion
and their kisses are like a neverending acid trip

being in love is such a mysterious feeling
the normal routine of your body changes
you now move to the beat and rhythm of their existence
and their voice is enough to make you shiver uncontrollably

being in love is such a beautiful feeling
you can feel a flower blossoming in your heart
and it's like a light has been shone on your soul
and a whole new person has been born

but being in love is such a scary feeling
you start to forget all about yourself because all you feel is them
they can **** you with all their words
and the home you built in them can be destroyed

love is a kaleidoscope of emotions
don't ever fear it
because it's better to have lost love
than not to love at all

love is the most liberating feeling your body will ever come to experience. it’s beautiful on so many levels
scary, dangerous
but the rush is what we live for
Kay-Ann Jun 2014
life is just unfair sometimes. once in a blue moon a human can find their soulmate. they may not know it but their hearts already do. every time they're with each other, you can feel the connection and the energy overflowing between them. but no one ever said relationships were easy. two people could be meant for each other and still break up. and that ***** me up inside. whatever happened to compromise and persistence? why can't we think about and consider other's emotions but ourselves? why we can't we just swallow our pride sometimes? If two people can be all that they need and they still part from each other, what hope is there for me? What hope is there for humanity? We get so caught up in life and feeling ourselves that we forget the one we need. we stop doing what's necessary to keep them. we need to be more human and less being. stop stressing over the little things, forgive silly mistakes and move on. we need to go back to the days when love was pure and unconditional.we play so scared when it comes to love, so guarded we’ve become that we don’t even trust ourselves. that’s worst than all fears. so just let go and breathe. cherish what and who you have in your life now because regrets can destroy you. don't become a dead soul. love someone
Kay-Ann Jun 2014
you can't say I never tried
i stayed with you through the most challenging times
i stayed with you when all around me wanted me to leave
all I ever did was ride for you until you crashed the car
at one point you cared but then you just stopped
our sun was shining then the rain poured down
a flood came and it washed away your feelings
and it washed away you
don't try to pretend you care
that facade is poorly made
I know you babe and I know when things have changed
there's no more anticipation in your voice when we talk on the phone, no enthusiasm
a 'hey' and 'sup' is all I get these days
So I'm packing up all my feelings and I'm leaving
you're not happy and that's not making me happy
I summed up all my courage to leave you
so you can be happy
cause you deserve that much, and so do I
I hope you know that every single fiber of my being loves you
and I hope you find someone who loves you so much more
that you will give all you have
do for her what you couldn't do for me.
Kay-Ann Jun 2014
what if we weren't just another doomed love story
what if we were actually meant to be
what if you and I were meant to be something great
we could've been but now it's late
when you left you drained every little bit of me
my world of fantasy was shattered by your reality
I thought you and I could prosper
but I guess even forever isnt forever
before you I was a roaming ghost
and you came and revived my existence
you completed my sentence but I was just a fragment to you
the stars aligned it
our fate was sealed
I don't know why you would want to leave
what we had was real
but in your heart I lived
and in your heart I died
where we invest our love
we invest our life
Kay-Ann Jun 2014
you are a ******* paradox
no one is what they seems these days
life is a such misconception and you're apart of it
I built a home in you and I regret the day I ever did that
cause all I ever was to you was a cheap motel room
I believed in you so much
you had me at a point where I would forsake the whole world if you asked me to
and then you left
i shifted all my organs around to make room for your heart so
what do you mean you don't wanna stay?
you destroyed me
and that's why you're a paradox and
love is a paradox
life is a paradox
because the thing that brought me peace started a war inside of me
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