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 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Its a bond that has to be earned,
but in other times it is given.
from one person to another trust
can be the key to the best friendship
someone that trusts you may want you
next to them through the good and the bad times.
so call that once best friend and
show them that you are there for them
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
i'm sorry
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
i'm sorry for being me.
i promise it'll never happen again.
but sometimes when i'm alone
i am my only friend
i know you want me to be social
but i'll say it once again
my mirror understands me
and she'll leave if i give in.
your backing me into a corner here
can you back up a bit?
i need to breath my own air
and marijuana is not it
and if that is being normal i don't wanna fit in
for everyone who says just because you're alone makes you "a loner"
"Trust in me" they say
"I would never hurt you" they say
Truth is
You can never trust them
Trust no one
Not even yourself
They say "sometimes you hurt yourself more than others do"
I think they're right
Cause you always risk yourself when you trust someone
So you hurt yourself just as much as they hurt you
So trust no one
Not even yourself
Cause you're part of the reason that you got hurt
*they are the reason too
Just something that came across my mind. Trust is something that comes across my mind a lot, it says "trust no one, not even yourself, you are to blame also" which is true, cause even though we don't know it, we're part of the reason we get hurt. Cause we trust in the wrong people. It happens to everyone.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew

Dear you,
Some days I was lying awake in a middle of night, counting the stars on the hazy sky and hope you're doing the same. I looked at the full moon, wishing you were here with me but I had a little thought that you might be looking at the same moon so it was enough for me. I was thinking about your beautiful smile, your charming eyes, your raspy voice, and I wondered how it feels to having your fingers intertwined with mine. I read so many books and knew some plenty of beautiful words but none of them could fit my feelings for you. You are the most beautiful human I've ever known, inside and outside. Wrote this letter for you just wasting my time because you would never read it but Hell, I can't think of other ways to express this incredible feeling for you, my dear. When I saw you from the very first time I straightly fell in love with your smile and the curious part of myself started getting bigger and higher. Soon, I knew your name and I remembered how happy I was to figure it out. I was having a strange feeling for you at first, and I really don't know what it's called until I learn the word "love". And by saying this, I mean the strong meaning for love because it's a strong word and people often underestimate it for their lust feelings or the romantic situations.

Dear you,
I love you for the way you are. For the way you laugh at your stupid jokes, for the way you fall asleep on the couch or even in your own suitcase (you are so precious); for the way you smile at the nice things, for your kindness to people who need help, for your humbleness, for your eyes that lighten up and darken up in a minutes, for your silly dance move and for the way you are.

I really hope it doesn't turn out to be an ordinary love letter but well, as I said, I don't have any words to truly express my love for you. Thanks for being exist and I owe my life to you because without you, I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be like this. You make me worth living and you make me feel so priceless and I can't thank you enough for that.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
I am mad
At myself

I could have
Done something
Yet I chose
Not to

I don't know
Why did I not
Do anything?

I am mad
At me, myself
And I

I chose not to act
On my beliefs and ideas
On my viewpoint
To help

I was afraid

Simpy afraid
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
If gravity is 9.8m/s², I must have been .294km in the +z direction because it only took 60 seconds for me to fall into you

—and then I hit the ground.
Going 75.9m/s or 273km/h. Physics midterm the other day.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
I never thought I could fall in love with somebody
the way I have with her.
I thought I knew what love was, but I never really did.
If you would have asked me what I thought love was three months ago, I would have said that it was hurting all the time.
That it was something that you burned up in-
Something that you find in the romance of hazy coffee houses and broken cigarettes.
Something that was unobtainable.
Now, she's made me realize, love is acceptance.
Love is making somebody love who they are.
Love is staying up until 5 o' clock in the morning just to talk.
Love is waiting.
Love is awkward.
Love is worrying about somebody, even when you know they'll be alright.
Love is a shared song that you both can cry to.
Love is a comfortable silence.
Love is wanting to be everything for somebody.
Love is a kiss that can't be felt.
Love is shirts on the floor and butterflies in our stomachs.
Love is her.
I'm still on hiatus, but I thought I should try writing again.
Not, a good time to decide that, because it's still not what it was.
Maybe I'll come back again later.
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