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Apr 2020 · 862
Kate Muffins Apr 2020
To the most dominant perspectives of the world
Where do your ideas stand in the real screen?
To those affinities binding parts together
What does your purpose prove to mean?

That faith, that courage, that growth grieving inside
Hope to overcome the hurdles of daily creations
Drowning in the ocean of total hollowness
Helping each other, just pretty illusions.

I know this may not hold any meaning to some
May hold something to stand against odds,
Show me the light, break the boundaries
Of lively destruction and bring alive the thoughts.

Let me get there, Me, a tiny being of the universe
Holding on to the firm delicacy I dream
Words craving to follow up to one another
Of my insanity, I pray, I Redeem !

                                            - Kate Muffins.
This is to put forward one's actual existence in this so called world's well renowned society and the rays of light of self introspection and freedom which are hidden in the cracks of the walls of that society.

— The End —