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Jul 2017 · 266
Katelyn Jul 2017
I can't help it.
help what?
Falling in love with you,
You are my sun, moon and all my stars.
Your eyes are like a pool of water, I'm worried if I stare too long I may drown.
Your smile is so bright, even the sun turns away in jealousy.
To my baby, my love, my soulmate.
Jun 2017 · 339
Katelyn Jun 2017
She's gone.
Today she was called home.
She's now roaming the lush streets of gold in pain, no more.
I miss her, but I know she is always with me.
I love you maw-maw.
Jun 2017 · 378
Katelyn Jun 2017
You are beautiful.
You are wonderful.
Being you, makes me feel so happy.
Just by being you, this may sound sappy..
You, the only person I've ever wanted.
I love you, my love.
To my love.
May 2017 · 247
Katelyn May 2017
These emotions.
They Make me feel jubilant.
They Make me feel sad.
They Make me feel good.
They Make me feel bad.
But let's get one thing straight, when you're in love, there's no feeling like feeling above.
Dedicated to my soulmate.
Nov 2015 · 305
Katelyn Nov 2015
It* happened again,
the **** thing called a *relapse
Thanks for being clean
just a little while.
Thank You
So Very Much.
Nov 2015 · 377
Katelyn Nov 2015
She always puts on a smile,
always makes you laugh,
always there for you when you
need to chat, or rant or cry.
The simplest love is the best love,
and don't you forget it.
Nov 2015 · 368
Katelyn Nov 2015
Anxiety, really?
You again, tormenting me with all this
stress which I don't need,
life seems good, when I feel as though it isn't
struggling with my sexuality.
Thanks for being a ***** anxiety,
I can always count on you...
May 2015 · 316
Katelyn May 2015
When that blade hits the skin, it  release's
ecstasy, bliss almost,
Friends get concerned,  Don't do it, please
they beg. It's too late,
With every rip of skin, I laugh.
Then as I wash the blood away in the shower,
I can't help but cry, and look at
what helplessness and defeat I feel.
I know they're standing by me,
but I feel so far away.
Apr 2015 · 997
Meaningful Lyrics
Katelyn Apr 2015
I'm done wasting my time.
How can you live like this?

I tried to be your friend,
But you were fakin'.
After everything we've been through.
I saved you from yourself,
When you had no one else.

Now *you
walk past me like you don't know me.
* youwouldn't be alive if you didn't call me.

That night* when you had no where else to go,
You were crying on the phone,
Sick to your stomach on the floor.
That night when you had no one else to call,
Sick to your stomach on the floor,
You were calling me like, Doctor!
"Doctor! Doctor!"
You're trying to live up to these expectations.
But realize I don't expect a thing.
Just open up a little.
Cuz this ain't riddle.
Spend ever minute thinking how you've used me.

Broken friendships might be endless.
Take back the time that I said we should end this.
Maybe if we just put this behind us,
Take off these blindfolds, see that we got trust.
You walk past me like you don't know me.
Spending your nights out with all my homies.
Maybe if you just cut out your ego,
Sever the ties, you gave me a reason.

Late last night you asked me nice,
But you burned one bridge,
Double crossed me twice,
Three strikes I'm over it.

Worst. Friends. Forever.
Apr 2015 · 397
Katelyn Apr 2015
People say "Your a dumb kid, you don't even know what love is!"
Well...I beg to differ,
Love is putting the other person first,
something this generation has forgotten.
I may be young and dumb,
but I know what love is,
I know what it's like to be played,
led-on, I've been there, and believe me
I wouldn't wish that upon anyone, not even my enemies..
Love, it's not just something you tell someone
to make them feel good, you say it because,
you mean it..
Katelyn Sep 2014
This battered heart can take no more,
It's broken forever and has no hope to heal,
slowly she falls..the regret consumes her,
did you really think he loved or cared about you?
Remember the blade? ...always there..... this cycle
of tormenting emotions will never end...
Jan 2014 · 592
No Control
Katelyn Jan 2014
The rage inside,
and yet such innocent eyes...
was it a blade this time?
No, a "safety" pin..
Every slice of skin relieved the anger,
of the rage monster inside..never going back...
this IS the new me...
Jan 2014 · 418
Katelyn Jan 2014
I feel it....
It's getting closer....It can't be...
Is it true? Is this really happening?
The knife went in my chest...The damage is done...
Forever shattered...never again to be patched up....
Choking so bad my tears are made of blood....
Some would say this is the end....but, for me it's just the beginning....
Jan 2014 · 496
Katelyn Jan 2014
Sitting there she breathes,
I can do this...
That pencil sharpener had something she needed.
So, without regret she took "it" and with "it"
she did the unimaginable...
"Is this where my story ends?" she weeped....
No my dear, this is only the beginning....
Jan 2014 · 363
The Storm
Katelyn Jan 2014
The Storm
Inside all the tormenting thought's
"The Storm" as it is so called.
This long tormenting journey is near an end...
...or is it?

— The End —